For beauty's request, ye Chen is not good to refuse.

"OK, I'll give it to you later." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye. I won't disturb your meal." Anna turned and left.

"Brother ye, OK, you can play the piano. It's really hidden." Wang XiaoCong was also shocked by Ye Chen's piano skills.

Ye Chen said modestly: "generally."

He wants to have this powerful system, now he can be said to be proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Several people talked about the meeting again. Ye Chen looked at Wang XiaoCong and said with a smile, "thank you for Cong's hospitality. I have to send the express, so I'll leave first."

Ye Chen thinks that it's better to send express instead of wasting time here. Maybe he can get some rewards from the system.

"Brother ye, you're welcome. Hurry to do your work. We'll talk about it another day." Wang XiaoCong said with a smile.

Then he continued: "brother ye, you are so rich that you still send express every day. I really admire you."

"Brother Cong, you are serious. I just want to experience life. Isn't idleness also idleness?" After ye Chen finished speaking, he walked towards the door.

Originally, Xiao Ya saw that ye Chen's attitude towards herself had changed, and she wanted to ask Ye Chen to go shopping after dinner, but she didn't expect that they were anxious to leave.

"Brother Ye Chen, I want you to go out with me in the afternoon?" See ye Chen want to go, Xiao Ya pouts a mouth to say.

"Xiao Ya, another day." Ye Chen said euphemistically.

He is also afraid that Xiao Yagang has misunderstood what he said and wants to explain it to the girl.

But ye Chen feels that the more explanation, the more unclear it is.

"Xiaoya, you and brother ye are not at the same level at all. People think about how to make money. You want to play all day long." Wang XiaoCong laughs.

"Cut, don't you also say me." Xiao Ya sprinkles all her unhappiness on Wang XiaoCong.

"Good men don't fight women." Wang XiaoCong shrugged and said.

Ye Chen looked at this pair of happy enemies helplessly shook his head, and then walked out of the restaurant.

Ye Chen came to the express point, took the express, and then began to work.

He rode an electric tricycle and came to the door of haoledi KTV, because the address on the express was written here.

Ye Chen frowned, thinking who would send express to KTV, it must be the staff here.

He dialed the number above and got through.

"Miss Zhao? I'm a courier. Here's your courier. " Ye Chen said.

"Please go to Room 608. I'll be right here." At the other end of the conversation, a girl said politely.

Hearing the girl's words, ye Chen denies the idea. It seems that it was bought by a customer who came to KTV to sing.

No time to think so much, ye Chen according to the girl said came to 608 door, knock a few doors, but no one inside.

He guessed that it was because the house was noisy and nobody heard it.

Helpless, ye Chen had to dial that number again: "Miss Zhao, I have been at the door, just knocked on the door, you did not hear."

"Oh, I'm really sorry. There's too much noise in the room. I just didn't hear it. I'll open the door."

The girl said apologetically, and then she opened the door.

Seeing this handsome express boy, the girl was also stunned: "Ye Chen, it's you. You don't work in a foreign company. How can you send express instead?"

The girl looks at Ye Chen full of doubts.

"Zhao Huihui, I didn't expect it to be you. I said how can I be so familiar with the sound just now?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"I quit my job long ago. It's more free to send express." Ye Chen facial expression nature says.

"Oh, well, if you have anything to ask me at any time, don't you already have my phone?" Zhao Huihui said.

Zhao Huihui and ye Chen are in the same university. With their beauty and proud figure, they are one of the school flowers in the hearts of the students. Of course, they are also ye Chen's pursuers.

"OK, by the way, remember to give me a five-star review." Ye Chen says impolitely.

For ordinary customers, ye Chen certainly can not say that, but the old students are not the same.

"Well, ye Chen, would you like to play with us?" Zhao Huihui thought about it and said.After so many years, since Ye Chen is more handsome than she was in college, she sees that ye Chen is just an express boy. Zhao Huihui doesn't have a trace of disdain in her heart. She just feels that it's a pity for a talented person like Ye Chen to deliver delivery.

Let Ye Chen contact her, is to help Ye Chen find a decent job.

"No, you can play. I have to send the express." Ye Chen directly refuses a way.

"All right." Zhao Huihui reluctantly looks at Ye Chen's back.

Once upon a time, the scenes of the university campus appear in front of us again.

Zhao Huihui thinks that the reason why Ye Chen refuses her is that she is embarrassed to meet her college classmates.

After all, during her college years, ye Chen was handsome and talented. However, in Zhao Huihui's eyes, she felt that ye Chen was one of these students who didn't mix well. She couldn't help feeling sorry.

Ye Chen is not high cold, mainly because of his precious time, there are many express delivery to send, after all, most of the room are girls.

Ye Chengang a KTV door, the brain suddenly sounded the system's prompt sound.

[Ding! Congratulations on the host's five-star praise and reward for super hackers!]

Ye Chen's mind instantly appeared countless codes, just like a beating spirit.

Oh, my God! He was also a little stunned.

You should know that even if a computer programmer works hard for several years, he will not be able to reach the level he is now.

This skill is equivalent to that ye Chen is already the strongest programmer.

The person who suddenly appeared on the list of hackers also shocked the whole hacker circle. The most important thing is that the name of "Ye Chen" is at the top of the list.

The higher the ranking on this list, the stronger the hacker technology.

And ye Chen this anonymous, unexpectedly ranked first.

Everyone is guessing who ye Chen is, and suddenly he was born.

Hackers from all over the world are investigating Ye Chen's identity and background.

But the sad discovery, in addition to know that this person is from China, the other all know nothing.

In this way, it adds a mysterious veil to Ye Chen.

Since having the strongest hacking skills, ye Chen has no fun looking at his mobile phone. He can even see the program at a glance.

Even in his eyes, he can find the loopholes in those programs.

It's like a beauty in front of you. With that hazy feeling, it will attract men.

If you see through all of them, it will be meaningless.

Now he is not very interested in mobile phones, and even feels a little bored. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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