Ye Chen continued to deliver the express on an electric tricycle.

When the mobile phone rings, ye Chen takes a look and it turns out to be Su Qing.

"Ye Chen, come to the company quickly." Su Qing said nervously.

"What happened?" Ye Chen asks in a hurry.

Su Qing has always been a calm and steady person, must be a very difficult thing happened, that's why I let her like this.

Yida group.

In the face of a computer system crash, Zheng Siyuan and his team, all have no way.

Although some technical means have been adopted, they are still helpless, which is really a headache. The most important thing is that they don't even know who the intruder is.

Zheng Siyuan's team is one of the best in China, but even they can't help it.

A smiling face appeared on every computer of the group, as if laughing at Yida group.

"President Su, we've tried our best. We really can't help it." One of the programmers sighed.

Su Qing bit her lips and frowned, deliberately keeping herself calm.

The company wants to research and develop shadow shield, and the preliminary work is progressing very smoothly, but this situation suddenly happened today.

This makes Su Qing feel at a loss, system programmers are at a loss.

She is also in a hurry, but she should keep calm in front of these employees.

If this problem is not solved, shadow shield cannot be successfully developed. The only person who can think of is Ye Chen.

What's more, ye Chen is the boss of Yida group, and the group should let the boss know when such a thing happened.

Su Qing's mobile phone rings and looks at a wechat.

"Qing'er, how did you think about what I said before?"

Su Qing looks at the above content with disgust, and even wants to delete her.

But soon there was another wechat: "if you are with me, I believe we can monopolize China with our ability."

Su Qing see the above content, more disgusted, she directly click the delete key.

After a while, there was another wechat.

"Qing'er, you have to think clearly. As long as you agree to accompany me for one night, I can help you through this difficulty."

"Of course, you and I know you must want to find someone else, but I have to tell you that only I can help you. I know Ramo in M country."

Su Qing now finally knows who intruded into the group's system, that is, Lamo of M country.

And she also knows that the messenger behind is Xiao Kai.

In order to force her to submit, Xiao Kai really did everything he could, and even colluded with hackers from m country.

"M country hacker Ramo." Su Qing repeated this sentence.

Smell speech, Zheng Siyuan seems to have heard some terrible news, eyes stare big.

Su Qing doesn't know who Ramo is, but Zheng Siyuan does.

That's the number two hacker in the world.

No wonder he led those programmers are unable to crack, the original is such a famous hacker operation.

In fact, before today, Ramo still ranked first, but in the afternoon, he killed an unknown hacker and let him slide from the first position to the second.

Of course, Ramo is not willing to be surpassed in this way. It's not impossible for him to sit in the first place again.

One is to constantly refresh the results, the second is to play PK with the person who ranks first, as long as you beat that person, he can return to the throne.

Ramo has enough self-confidence, he thinks he can beat the man named Ye Chen.

But the only problem now is that I can't meet this person at all.

Xiao Kai called him to help, just through this opportunity to brush results, can help friends and help themselves, why not?

The target of Lamo's invasion is Yida group.

Xiao Kai has been pursuing Su Qing, but Su Qing is indifferent to him. Except for the two people who have some intersection in business, Su Qing will not come out in the rest of the time, no matter how Xiao Kai crosses her.

It doesn't help to use both soft and hard, so Xiao Kai thinks of this cruel move, that is to pretend to lend a helping hand to Su Qing when she is in trouble to help her through.Of course, all this is conditional, that is to get Su Qing.

Ramo's invasion was very fast, and it took only three minutes to complete.

Although the programmers of Yida group tried their best to resist under the leadership of Zheng Siyuan, they still failed.

"President Su, we are really sorry for failing to live up to your expectations." Zheng Siyuan sighed.

He took what he had learned all his life, but he was still unable to crack Ramo's attack.

The main opponent I met this time is really too strong. After all, it is the second in the hacker list in the world.

However, he is convinced to lose to such a person.

In order to make the group through the crisis and make the R & D of yingdun go smoothly, Su Qing even wants to agree to Xiao Kai's request.

After all, without Ye Chen, there would be no Su Qing now. It was Ye Chen who gave her the stage to show her talents.

Su Qing has been thinking about how to repay Ye Chen's kindness. Now ye Chen's company is in crisis, and as long as she nods, she can help the company through the sadness.

Although she knows that this decision undoubtedly makes her jump into the pit of fire, Su Qing has no regrets.

After receiving Su Qing's call, ye Chen quickly rides an electric car to Yida group.

Su Qinggang wants to promise Xiao Kai, but he sees the man in express clothes coming from a distance.

See ye Chen appear, Su Qing did not press the send key.

"Xiaoqing, what happened?" Ye Chen looks at the Su Qing of facial expression ugliness to ask a way.

"The company's system has been hacked." Su Qing tells the truth.

"Ye Chen, I just want to let you know this matter. Don't worry, I will handle it well." Su Qing sees that ye Chen doesn't speak and says in a hurry.

After all, she is in charge of the company now. She is responsible for everything that appears. Su Qing is not the kind of person who shirks responsibility.

"What can you do as a girl? I'll take care of this. You can go to the office and have a rest." Ye Chen distressed looking at Su Qing said.

I haven't seen him for several days. He feels that Su Qing has lost weight. He can't help but feel a little distressed.

Since he is already in the company, it is reasonable for him to handle the matter.

As a man, whether in love or at work should be responsible, should not let the women around so tired, this is Ye Chen thought.

"Get out of the way. Let me try." The leaf Chen face has no facial expression to say.

As ye Chen wearing Express clothing, Zheng Siyuan did not recognize this is the boss of the group.

Although feel some doubts, but see the dialogue between Ye Chen and Su Qing, also know two people are very familiar with.

Zheng Siyuan quickly gets up and gives the computer in front of him to Ye Chen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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