Aisha pretends to be dizzy. In fact, many people can see it.

In fact, many girls in the studio feel that if they are faced with such a handsome guy, they will not wake up.

"I don't think so. It must be the girl who didn't wake up."

"Yes, there is no need."

"You girls really go too far, they will guess who will make fun of life."

Many of the boys in the studio defended Elsa.

For a while.

There was a fight in the studio.

Boys think that Aisha is really poisoned.

But the girls thought that Aisha had been awake for a long time.

In order to solve this problem, boys and girls are quarreling with each other.

The direction of the whole live broadcast is biased.

It should be ye Chen's key to save the girl, but now it turns out that the girl really faints.

Ye Chen is also a little confused.

He used a lot of strength, but he didn't wake up.

It doesn't make sense.

Ye Chen raised his head and looked at Aisha who was still unconscious.

He reached out and put his hand on Elsa's nose.

Aisha has breathing, and the breathing rate is very fast, very rough.

Is this a heartbeat?

Ye Chen found that Aisha's heart beat faster than ordinary people's.

What's the situation.

According to the truth, this breathing rate, this girl should wake up.

Is it because I have inhaled too much poisonous gas and my head is still not awake.

In a word, ye Chen is sure that Aisha must be awake.

So he listened.

Now he just waits for 120 to come.

After all, it's very tiring to do artificial respiration all the time.

He stood up and felt really dizzy.

Elsa was just enjoying herself.

Suddenly found that the feeling of enjoyment disappeared.

What's going on?

"Little brother, why don't you do artificial respiration?"

"Is he not willing to do artificial respiration?"

"Don't stop, brother. I have to enjoy it."

Ye Chen stops, and Aisha is very lost.

In order to better observe Ye Chen, Aisha had to open her eyes.

See ye Chen in one side, love Sha is stunned.

God, this little brother is really handsome.

It's too stylish.

Just now, although it's hard to pretend to be dizzy, it's really worth carrying.

This handsome guy, don't blame me for pretending to be dizzy. You are so handsome.

Aisha's mouth glided a smile, very happy in the heart.

The studio was dead.

Because Elsa forgot she was on the air.

And her little action was clearly seen by the audience.

Actually, this little sister is really pretending to be dizzy.

"Oh, my God, the little foreign sister just opened her eyes, and she even laughed with pride."

"That's too much. He cheated us all."

"I was just defending for my little sister, but I was used to the routine."

"I feel like I've been hit 100 times as hard in my heart."

The innocent men in the studio were crying.

Why, why can you do whatever you want if you are handsome.

Such a good thing, why not me?

At this time, those little girls are proud.

"Let's say that girl is pretending, don't you believe it?"

"It's a slap on the face."

"I'll tell you. People have been awake for a long time, but you don't believe it."

"You boys are so naive that we girls don't know what to do."

"This time I know why the girl doesn't want to wake up. This girl must be because the boy is so handsome and greedy for the boy's body."

"Oh, if only I were that girl, I could be kissed by this handsome man for so long.

"Well, why not me? I'm really sour."

In the studio, the girls wailed.

They all envy the foreign girl.

At this time, ye Chen's mobile phone suddenly rings.

"Hello, sir, you just reported 120. Our ambulance has arrived at the gate of the community. Can you tell me the location?"

The voice of the nurse's little sister came from the mobile phone.

"Well, I'll take this little sister with me now."

Ye Chen hung up.

He got up, picked up Elsa and went out.

The decoration of Aisha's house is very special. There is a glass partition on the opposite side.

May be too anxious, ye Chen did not notice, directly hit the glass partition. Bang! Elsa hit her head hard on the glass. Originally, Aisha pretended to be dizzy, but this collision made her dizzy directly. Elsa is going to cry to death. I am greedy little brother's body, how can I really be knocked dizzy. But I don't want to faint yet. Although she didn't want to faint, Aisha felt dark and fainted. Ye Chen is embarrassed. I'm just in a hurry. I'm not careful when I walk. He found that there was a glass door in front of him. Sister, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you. Don't blame me. Although Ye Chen is very embarrassed, but also very glad. Fortunately, the sister fainted. Otherwise, my sister would be depressed to death. Ye Chen doesn't know. In fact, Aisha is just awake“ Ha ha, I'm so happy. My sister is really knocked unconscious. "“ This is the end of pretending to be sick and greedy for a man's body. "“ This retribution comes too unprepared, my just injured heart suddenly feels very comfortable“ This time, the little sister really fainted“ It's killing me to see this operation for the first time. "“ I'm so happy about this In the live broadcast room, those netizens are almost laughing. This scene is really funny. This foreign girl just pretended to be dizzy, but I didn't expect to be dizzy this time. There is a saying that if you don't sit, you won't die. Huge contrast, let all netizens laugh crazy“ Ha ha, this little brother is so cute. "“ This one has to be rewarded. "“ Ha ha, I find this little brother is really cute. "“ It has to be rewarded. " Netizens in the studio began to reward Ye Chen. Ye Chen has never dreamed that such Sao operation has won so many rewards. Ye Chen walks out of the community with Aisha in her arms. Sure enough, there is an ambulance at the gate of the community. Ye Chen gives Aisha to the nurse directly. The nurse pushed Elsa into the ambulance. Looking at the ambulance whistling away, ye Chen took a long breath. Oh, I'm so loving. This time, another girl was saved. For rescuing the wounded, ye Chen thinks that this is what he should do. After all, if you own a system, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. At this time, ye Chen remembered that he was still live. He said to the audience in front of the screen: Thank you old fellow for watching my live broadcast. I'm ready to broadcast. Ye Chen a smile, immediately let those girls in front of the screen are fascinated“ Handsome guy, I'm just broadcasting it for a while. I haven't seen enough of it yet. "“ I'm willing to give you a reward. "“ The handsome little brother, let me have a look again. " Ye Chen has something else to do. Of course, it won't continue to be broadcast live“ Audience 888, see you next time. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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