Ye Chen just broadcast, the mobile phone rings.

After a look, it turned out to be Su Qing.

"Xiaoqing, what happened?" Ye Chen asked.

At this point in time, Su Qing called him. Something must have happened to the company.

"Ye Chen, there's something wrong with the company. Come here as soon as possible." Su Qing said anxiously on the phone.

Su Qing has always been a steady person. Now something serious must have happened to the company.

Ye Chen dare not have a moment delay, riding an electric car to express point, and then driving his car toward the company.

See ye Chen back, store manager Li Dafu is also a little surprised: "Ye Chen, what happened?"

"Manager Li, please send these express for me. If I have something to do, I'll go first." After ye Chen finishes saying this, starts the sports car to leave.

Like a stray arrow, Leiken rushed forward. Li Dafu could only see the rear light.

Ye Chen said that Li Dafu was not angry. After all, ye Chen is the boss.

He can only do so, this afternoon Li Dafu will ye Chen did not send the express all sent out.

Ye Chen stops his car at the company's downstairs and runs quickly towards the building.

When I come to the president's office, I see Su Qing's brow locked. Zheng Siyuan is opposite her, and there are many technicians standing beside her. Of course, this also includes Ramo, a world-class hacker attracted by Ye Chen.

Seeing the scene in front of him, ye Chen asked, "Xiaoqing, what happened?"

"Yechen, I'm sorry, there's something wrong with the system." Su Qing said with shame.

Zheng Siyuan also said: "Dong Ye, I don't know where another hacker is coming from, constantly attacking our security system. Now we can't hold on any longer. If we go on like this, the system will be broken, the trade secrets will be leaked, and our company will suffer a heavy loss."

"How far is it now?" Ye Chen asked.

"That hacker has broken through the sixth layer of our security system. If the system defense continues to fail," he said Zheng Siyuan said helplessly.

Ye Chen hears speech, frowned, can achieve this kind of situation, that hacker is also unusual, can say is the world-class hacker.

I don't know why, after seeing ye Chen come, Su Qing's nervous mood has been relieved, she seems to see the Savior.

Even in Su Qing's heart, as long as there is Ye Chen in this matter will be able to solve.

And last time, ye Chen beat the hacker named Lamo?

Su Qing believes that this time is no exception, so she doesn't speak any more, just quietly watching Ye Chen how to deal with and solve.

"Can you hold on?" Ye Chen asked.

Now the other side has broken the sixth layer of security defense, and has no intention to stop, and is attacking the seventh layer with great momentum.

"Mora, can you hold on and fight back?" Ye Chen looking at is full of sweat, is trying to defend Lamo, asked.

In fact, Ramo is his hacker name, and the real name of this person is actually Mora.

Ramo expression dignified, clenched teeth, said: "I can't hold on, the strength and level of the other side is obviously above me."

Smell speech, Su Qing is also stare big eyes.

Ramo is one of the top hackers in the hacker list, but he is even stronger than him. What a terrible existence it will be.

Ye Chen frowned and asked: "can you trace each other?"

Ramo sighed and shook his head: "the other side is far above me, so I can't capture his information."

"Strange! Why do world-class hackers want to fight against Yida group's opponents, and ye Chen has no enemies outside? Why would anyone fight against him? " Ye Chen has some doubts in his heart.

"Ye Chen, I don't understand why the world-class hackers attack our security system, and we have nothing to do with them?" Su Qing said the question in her heart.

"I think someone must have paid for it."

These hackers are all money oriented, as long as someone is willing to pay.

After all, there is a saying that money can make the devil push the mill, which is true at all.

Su Qing expression indignant way: "that is who in the end is behind trick?"

"The R & D of shadow shield is coming to an end. Once this R & D project is successful, it will take the lead in the country. In the future, Internet related industries will give priority to our group."

"The success of this project will bring huge profits to the group."

Su Qing although angry, but it is very calm, can't help but let Ye Chen more sure not to choose the wrong person.

The group originally belongs to Ye Chen, but he asks Su Qing to work day and night for his own selfish desire.

Ye Chen feels that it's time for him to do something. Su Qing can't solve it, so it's up to him to deal with it.

"We give up the seventh layer and start the eighth layer." Ye Chen thought for a moment and gave orders. Wen Yan, Lamo and Zheng Siyuan were also surprised and said, "Dong Ye, if you give up the seventh tier, it means that a considerable part of customer information will be leaked." Ye Chen didn't hesitate. He said firmly: "hurry up, do as I say, don't delay for a moment, any loss will be borne by me." Zheng Siyuan knows that he can't persuade Ye Chen, so he can only place his hope on Su Qing“ President Su, it's really improper to do so. " Su Qing immediately said, "just do what ye Dong said." Seeing Su Qing also standing at Ye Chen's side, Zheng Siyuan gritted his teeth and said, "give up the seventh layer and start the eighth layer of defense." Just for a moment, all the technicians quit the defense work of the seventh layer, and the operation program quickly opened the eighth layer. After ye Chen saw the action of the crowd, he gave orders again and said: "copy all the data to the bottom 12 layers as soon as possible."“ However, the twelfth layer is not perfect, it's just the testing stage, and there are many mistakes in it. " After hearing this instruction, Zheng Siyuan was also startled. You should know that the 12th layer security defense is not perfect. If it is not operated properly, it is likely that all data will be lost“ Do as I say. " Ye Chen said. Without waiting for Zheng Siyuan to react, Lamo and other technicians all copied the data and then transmitted it to the 12th layer as ye Chen said. Ye Chen looks at the attack speed of the other side and the situation that the technical personnel copies, staring at the present situation. Although the expression on the face is calm, but the heart is still a little nervous, and even the heart is beating constantly. It's a critical moment. It's about who's faster. Looking at the data bar walking slowly, everyone held their breath, even the room was quiet. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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