Looking at the progress bar moving slowly, everyone held their breath.

The same voice came out in my heart: "faster, faster..."

The office was very quiet and people were praying.

This is a critical period. We have failed, suffered heavy losses, and succeeded. The crisis has been temporarily lifted.


Suddenly, the crowd cheered.

Ye Chen takes a laptop and goes directly to the eighth floor.

His mouth showed a smile: "this is just the beginning, then there is a good play to see."

Finger tapping on the keyboard, quickly into the eighth layer.

In the abandoned factory of M country, a man with a sharp mouth and a monkey cheek is staring at the computer, his fingers are tapping the keyboard, and there are two computers beside him.

"Young master Xiao, we have done it easily according to what you said. If there are such things in the future, you can just come to me. I guarantee your satisfaction."

The man in suit didn't speak, just smoked quietly.

"The seventh level has been broken. Are these data going to be destroyed?" Miller asked, looking at the man in the suit opposite.

The man shook the ash and said, "don't worry, you backup it for me first."

"Yes, master Xiao, you can rest assured that I will do things."

In the meantime, Miller has started data backup.

At the same time, his fingers hit another computer, ready to attack layer 9.

To his surprise, the eighth floor was so easy to break, and he did it without any effort.

When facing Miller's attack, Ramo didn't have any counterattack.

But ye Chen a hand, Miller's defeat, the speed ratio of the battle comes even more quickly than him.

Ye Chen once told him that he was the number one hacker in the world.

To lose to Ye Chen so tough person, Ramo is lose of heart be convinced.

In Lamo's heart, ye Chen is admired unceasingly, even has regarded him as an idol.

In the world of hackers, the strong are respected. Only this kind of strong people can get the respect and admiration of hackers.

Thinking of this, Ramo was excited and motivated.

He is very clear why Ye Chen wants to transfer the data.

Because only when the data is transferred, can the eighth level programs be destroyed without scruple.

Miller is a very conceited person, all the way through unimpeded, now already full of confidence, even a little proud.

As for the eighth level, he will surely relax his vigilance and think that the opponent's strength is too weak to compete with it.

Ye Chen is to take advantage of this, when his vigilance is weak down, he will take the opportunity to pre arranged virus, through remote implantation into Miller's computer.

In this way, ye Chen can control miller's computer remotely.

The reason why Miller is so easy to break is to leave time to be fully prepared and give the other side a powerful blow.

Lamo admires Ye Chen's practice from his heart.

He has thought that when the crisis is over, he must take ye Chen as his teacher and learn from him.

Su Qing is also relieved to see the current situation. It seems that the crisis will be lifted soon.

She looks at Ye Chen's eyes full of admiration, this kind of admiration is even like the water of the Yangtze River.

Ye Chen pulls Su Qing's cold little hands, looks at Zheng Siyuan with a serious expression and says, "manager Zheng, come with us."

Although Su Qing doesn't know why Ye Chen does it, she follows Ye Chen out.

Three people walked towards the conference room.

When they come to the conference room, ye Chen and Su Qing sit on their seats, while Zheng Siyuan, who follows them, stands there.

"Manager Zheng, please sit down." Su Qing said.

Zheng Siyuan didn't sit down. Instead, he looked at Su Qing and asked, "Mr. Su, what can I do for you? If you're not in a hurry, I'll help you first. There's still a shortage of people there."

"To destroy?" Has been silent Ye Chen suddenly opened a way.

"You're joking, Mr. Ye. How can it be? Although I'm the manager of this project, I want to work with them."

"And Ramo just came to our company, I'm afraid he's unconvinced in his heart, and has a different heart," Zheng Siyuan said with a smile.

His vision leaves from the body of leaf Chen, see to Su Qing.

Ye Chen showed an evil smile: "not necessarily, manager Zheng. How can I feel that lamobi is more loyal to the company than you?"

"Ye Dong, don't look at Ramo. He looks honest on the surface. In fact, he has some ideas in his heart. He is not willing to work here all the time."

Zheng Siyuan explained.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "how can I feel that what you said is wrong? In terms of ideas, manager Zheng has more ideas. "

"What do you mean, ye Dong?" Zheng Siyuan said with a gloomy face.

"Let me just say that manager Zheng is really smart. Otherwise, how could he have been lurking in the group for such a long time without being found out?" Ye Chen expression calm says. Su Qing's face was shocked when she heard the speech. She did not understand why Ye Chen would suddenly say such words, but also said that manager Zheng is a lurker. Ye Chen took out a U disk and handed it to Su Qing. He said with a smile, "I just copied the recording here." Su Qing took the U disk and inserted it into the computer, her eyes still looking at Zheng Siyuan. Zheng Siyuan is just like being wronged by Tianda. He looks wronged and says, "Mr. Su, you have to believe me."“ Mr. Su, you also know that I have been working in the company for so many years, and I have been working hard for the company, and how much effort I have made for this project should be clear in your heart. " Su Qing ignored Zheng Siyuan, but coldly said: "is it true or false, soon the truth will come out."“ Manager Zheng, if you are wronged, ye Dong and I will naturally give you an explanation. " Su Qing looked at Zheng Siyuan with calm expression and said. At the moment, from Zheng Siyuan's face did not see any of the same. It is the so-called know face, not know heart. Only in the presence of evidence, it is impossible to refute. Zheng Siyuan's eyes dodged, rubbed his hands, and said: "Ye Dong, President Su, the clear is from the clear, and the turbid is from the turbid." Ye Chen said with a smile: "manager Zheng, you don't have to worry. I hope you can say such words after listening to the recording." During the conversation between Ye Chen and Zheng Siyuan, Su Qing turns on the play button, and Zheng Siyuan's voice comes out“ No, the information I've got is true and there will be no problem“ Young master Xiao, this is the information you want. What's the reward you promised me“ Young master Xiao, you can rest assured that I have given the group situation to Ramo, and he knows how to do it. "“ As long as he can conquer the security system, I can easily copy all the data to you. Even if someone detects it, I have a scapegoat to blame me, and I won't be implicated at all. " www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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