Hearing these recordings, Su Qing's face became more and more gloomy. She looked ugly and asked Zheng Siyuan, "manager Zheng, what else do you have to say now?"

Zheng Siyuan's face turned pale as a sheet of paper and faltered: "Mr. Su, this is someone deliberately trying to frame me. Now the technology is so advanced that the voice can be synthesized. This is not what I said at all."

"As long as you are willing to spend money, anyone's voice can be synthesized. You can't just judge me by one voice, can you?"

As he spoke, Zheng Siyuan looked aggrieved, as if he had been wronged.

Ye Chen sighed, shook his head and said, "of course, it can't be just the sound. There's another video here."

Su Qing expression angry, click the mouse, will ye Chen said that video open.

As soon as the video was opened, Zheng Siyuan knelt down with a plop.

"Mr. Ye Dong, Mr. Su, I'm wrong. I really know I'm wrong. Please give me another chance."

Zheng Siyuan saw the familiar picture from the video. He knew that he could not refute it in front of the facts, and now he had to ask for forgiveness.

Ye Chen looked at Su Qing, expressionless, said: "Xiaoqing, you look at the processing."

Although Ye Chen is the boss of the company, Su Qing has always been in charge of the company. This matter should be handled by Su Qing.

Su Qing did not expect that Zheng Siyuan would do such a thing.

She took a deep breath and said, "manager Zheng, in consideration of your previous contribution to the company, I will give you a sum of money to let you leave the company. Of course, I will make up a reason for you so that you will not leave in a hurry.

"If your behavior doesn't have a serious impact on the company, I can let bygones be bygones. I hope you don't take detours in the future."

Zheng Siyuan heard the speech, but also Leng in the same place, he never dreamed that things would be exposed.

Without waiting for Zheng Siyuan to speak, Su Qing said coldly, "if you dare to reveal any secrets of the company, I promise you will be punished as you should be. I'm afraid you'll have to spend the rest of your life in prison."

Zheng Siyuan bit his back teeth and said, "thank you, Mr. Su, for giving me a chance to change my mind."

At the same time, he looked at Ye Chen with venom in his eyes and said, "thank Ye Dong for letting me go."

"You're welcome."

Ye Chen got up and walked to Zheng Siyuan, patted him on the shoulder and said, "be a good man in the future, and don't do such things again. After all, it's against the law to disclose the company's secrets."

Zheng Siyuan nodded, his expression was a little ugly. He bent down to look at Su Qing and said, "thank you, Mr. Ye. I'm gone."

Then he turned and left the room.

When he walked out of the meeting room, a vicious expression flashed in his eyes: "Ye Chen, Su Qing, you wait for me, we are not finished with this matter."

At the moment, he just wanted to be a devil out of hell, giving people a kind of gloomy and terrifying feeling.

In the conference room, Su Qing's face showed a disappointed expression.

Ye Chen walks to her side, hugs her in the bosom, but two people keep such posture all the time.

After a while, Su Qing looked up at Ye Chen and asked, "when did you know this?"

Ye Chen light way: "is just now."

"Do you remember the expression of fear on Zheng Siyuan's face when he knew my identity?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

Su Qing recalled the previous picture, just as ye Chen said, Zheng Siyuan's expression is very unnatural, and it is obvious that it is the kind of hard to cover up.

She felt a little tired. She didn't expect to not only manage the company, but also prevent insiders.

Su Qing sighed: "Ye Chen, if it wasn't for you, I would never have dreamed that the old employees of the company would betray the company, and I was really good to manager Zheng." I didn't treat him badly. I really don't understand why he did it. "

As she said, Su Qing could not find out the reason why Zheng Siyuan betrayed her.

Ye Chen light way: "I think, all this should be because of me."

"Why is it because of you?"

"You think, as the manager of the technology department, he has always been superior, and even feels that no one can surpass him. When the company encountered a crisis, he didn't solve it immediately. On the contrary, I solved it as soon as I came. People like them are most afraid of being hit. He is professional and I am non professional, which obviously hit him in the face." Ye Chen for Su Qing analysis.

"In fact, all this is just revenge for me. After all, I am the boss of the company. If the company secrets are leaked out, I will lose a lot."

Ye Chen tells Su Qing what he thinks in his heart, which is also a simple and clear reason why Zheng Siyuan becomes like this.

Su Qing had no choice but to shake her head, although she was very sorry to lose such a skilled talent as Zheng Siyuan.

But after all, if such a person continues to stay in the company, it is tantamount to raising a tiger.

"By the way, ye Chen, how did you negotiate with that Miller?" Su Qing suddenly thought of what asked.

The security system didn't continue to be attacked. Su Qing certainly knew that it was the other party who stopped.

But just still attack so fierce, why Ye Chen a hand, the other party recognized counsels.

Su Qing still doesn't know why.

Ye Chen looks at Su Qing and says with a smile: "do you want to know so much?"

Su Qing's eyes showed an expression of longing and nodded.

"There must be a reward."

Ye Chen just said, Su Qing raised a small face, in Ye Chen's cheek gently kiss.

This one pro, unexpectedly let leaf Chen all have some mistake not to prevent.

He didn't expect that this little girl should become so active, looking at Su Qing's blushing pretty face, ye Chen's heart burst of funny.

Ye Chen touched a cheek and nodded contentedly.

Su Qing blushed and said, "now you've got the reward, can you say it?"

Ye Chen sat down again and explained, "don't you want to know who the employer is?"

"Who is it?"

"But I'm not sure about that. You need to ask yourself."

"By the way, we're done. It's the reward, three million."

Su Qing Leng: "what reward, what three million?"

"Of course, Miller agreed to join our company. You paid him."

Su Qing expression surprised, said: "Ye Chen, you mean just you and Miller talked, he is willing to join our company?"

Su Qing recalled that ye Chen used this method to deal with Lamo, and now even the world-class hacker Miller has been recovered by Ye Chen, and agreed to join their company.

Looking at the man in front of her, Su Qing even thinks that ye Chen is the killer of hackers.

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