"Well, the company's crisis has been lifted. Please inform the financial department to deal with it as soon as possible." Ye Chen looks at Su Qing to say.

"Ye Chen, we already have Lamo. Why invite Miller into the company again?" Su Qing expression doubts to ask a way.

"Many people, many helpers? And this kind of talent is rare. It can be used by us, and it will certainly be of great help to the development of the company in the future. " Ye Chen explained.

"But ye Chen, what about Ramo? If he knew we had recruited another hacker, he would have an idea. " Su Qing hesitated.

"Manager Zheng has left the company. I'm going to let Ramo take over his position. I feel that this man is loyal and loyal." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"What about Miller? What position are you going to give him? " Su Qing asks again.

She still does not understand now, why already had Ramo, and ye Chen still wants to recruit Miller to come to the company again.

"He doesn't need any position at all. He is responsible for the R & D of yingdun with Ramo. And I think Ramo is still young after all. It's good to have a helper." Ye Chen said.

"How is it possible for Miller, a world-class hacker, to help Lamo?" Su Qing couldn't believe her eyes.

She even felt that ye Chen was joking, and a bad idea suddenly appeared in her heart, that is, whether Lamo will become the second Zheng Siyuan because of Miller's arrival.

Ye Chen saw Su Qing's worries and comforted him: "don't worry. I'm sure they will cooperate happily. What you are worried about won't happen."

"Well, Xiaoqing, you believe me, if there is any attack and damage to the company's security system, Miller will be the first person to solve the crisis."

"If the company's system is damaged again, won't you come forward? And it's you who've done it both times. " Su Qing a face don't understand a way.

"My real job is not to solve these problems, but to deliver express." Ye Chen scratched his head and said.

Since ye Chen said so, Su Qing is not good to say anything more.

"Well, Xiaoqing, the company's affairs have been solved. I don't think it's too early. Let me take you home." Ye Chen patted Su Qing's small head and said.

It was dark outside when they walked out of the building.

Su Qing's stomach suddenly purred. Because of the company's problems, she was worried and didn't take care of the meal. She had been trying to find a solution with the technicians.

Now the whole person relaxed down, the stomach also unconsciously felt hungry.

"Come on, let's get something to eat first." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Su Qing cleverly nodded, and then sat on the car.

Ye Chen drives to a restaurant and stops at the door.

Two people went into the restaurant, but fortunately they didn't have to wait for a seat, so they found a seat to sit down.

Waiting for food, Su Qing looks at Ye Chen in surprise and asks, "Ye Chen, how can you be so powerful?"

Now Su Qing's eyes to Ye Chen are full of admiration. Whenever the company encounters an emergency, it can be solved as soon as ye Chen comes out.

"I've got a lot more to offer." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Su Qing agreed to nod, from her and ye Chen contact this period of time, ye Chen really gave her too much surprise.

Soon, the dishes came up.

Two people began to move, probably because of hunger, a table of food was soon eaten up.

Ye Chen satisfied patted belly, smile to see to Su Qing asked: "Xiaoqing, you eat full?"

"I'm so full. I have to start losing weight again this week." Su Qing said with a frown.

Ye Chen looks at the girl in front of her. She's funny. She can't keep her mouth shut, and she's shouting to lose weight. It's really interesting.

Suddenly, the telephone rings and ye Chen takes a look at Su Wanyi's phone.

He quickly connected, thinking that what's the matter with this girl looking for him so late?

"Wanyi, what's the matter?" Ye Chen asked.

"Ye Chen, I don't feel well. Will you come and accompany me?" On the phone, Su Wanyi's voice was weak.

"Well, wait for me at home." Ye Chen didn't care to ask Su Wanyi why. He hung up the phone and ran outside.

In Ye Chen's impression, Su Wanyi is a strong girl. She seldom asks Ye Chen to accompany her. It must be because she is very uncomfortable and lonely at home. That's why she thinks of Ye Chen.

But as soon as he runs out, ye Chen feels that something is wrong. It seems that Su Qing is still with him, and he promises to send Su Qing home.

Looking at the girl walking out slowly behind, ye Chen scratched her head and said with embarrassment: "Xiaoqing, I have something to do. I'm afraid I can't send you."

"Ye Chen, is she Wanyi?" Su Qing looks at Ye Chen to ask a way.

"Well, she's not feeling very well. She wants me to go with her." Ye Chen tells the truth.

I do not know why, Su Qing's heart suddenly a pain, expression some sad.

"Xiaoqing, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong? " Ye Chen asks in a hurry.

"No Su Qing shook her head and got on the bus.

Originally, ye Chen thought that after Su Qing heard the content of the phone, she would not let him send it.

But who knows this girl, actually got into the car.

This, ye Chen can have some embarrassment, always can't let other people girl get off, so also appear some not quite suitable.

But now Su Wanyi is waiting for him at home. Thinking of her weak voice, ye Chen feels distressed and wants to fly to Su Wanyi.

Helpless, ye Chen had to start the car, obediently send Su Qing home.

Along the way, they were silent.

Su Qing's heart is very painful, and even has a feeling that she can't breathe.

Seeing ye Chen's worried expression, she feels jealous. She even thinks it would be nice to meet Ye Chen before Su Wanyi.

Su Qing is very clear, in Ye Chen's heart only Su Wanyi's position, other women simply can't compare with her.

Laiken drove for a while and came to a community.

Will stop at the door, ye Chen looking at Su Qing said: "Xiaoqing, arrived, you get off quickly, today busy all day, you also have an early rest."

Originally in the restaurant, Su Qing already wanted to invite Ye Chen to sit upstairs.

But a phone call from Su Wanyi disrupted all her plans. She couldn't help feeling angry.

"OK, you should be safe on the way and drive slowly." Su Qing forced a smile on her face.

Ye Chen nodded and started the car to leave.

Looking at the rear lights of the car, Su Qing's expression became a little disappointed.

Su Qing likes Ye Chen, but for such a long time, she seldom bothers him, except for the company.

Today, she wanted to take advantage of the company, let Ye Chen accompany her, but did not expect that Su Wanyi's phone has changed everything.

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