Chapter 524 : Nine Stage Great Emperor, Cangkong Emperor

The figure once again rushed towards Xia Yan and the coercive void of the Supreme Emperor realm emerged __ To the death of the Dragon of the King Cannibalism-they did not have any fear or timidity, because they were just a Cannibalism.

“I don’t have time to waste it with you.” “Get it done as soon as possible, lest the most powerful ones go out.”

Xia Yan has broken through the Little Emperor Realm_ systematic blessing. Can already face the highest realm. So there is no need to consume it here.


The Wuzhang figure appeared out of thin air_ Xia Yan turned into a Wuzhang giant. Looking down at the remnant soul of the Supreme Emperor Realm who is inferior to the ants.

Divine light in the eyes = flashing. Suddenly, Pi Mie Tianhuo enveloped Wuzhang’s true body like a walking blazing sun. Started rampage without any scruples.

Boom boom boom

The terrible sound continued to spread thousands of miles, Xia Yan looked at the horizon in the sky without any waves. Started to move towards the center of the continent.

The remnant soul of the Supreme Emperor Realm below Pi fought desperately towards Xia Yan. For every step, at least a hundred remnants of the Supreme Emperor Realm came over_After only a dozen steps, Xia Yan didn’t know how many remnants of the Supreme Emperor Realm died. The aura on his body has improved a little. “How many Supreme Emperors have died here, it is so terrifying.”

“The great emperor who has fallen for so many years is really terrifying. If the ordinary Taidi realm enters here, I am afraid that there will be death and life!” Xia Yan’s eyes flashed_Inheritance Jungle is indeed a good place, but he found that this good place should be. It is a good place for myself. For Wang Bie’s Supreme Emperor Realm powerhouse, it is simply hell. Even as the Supreme Emperor facing the endless remnants of the Supreme Emperor Realm, there is only one way to fall. Also like this. The speciality of this place has caused more and more remnants of the Supreme Emperor Realm to remain. Wuzhang figure walked for nearly six hours and finally Xia Yan came to the center of Tailu. The euglena is imprinted in the endless sea, I don’t know how laborious it is, but Xia Yan looks around, there is no such thing as land. Obviously, the center of this Tailu is an ocean, and perhaps the remnants of the Taidi Realm are constantly attacking him.

And Xia Yan’s momentum at the moment has been raised to the small square> the terrifying emperor realm is only six hours in the two dangerous little emperor realm. Qi San Chong Road kills a seventh-Rank Remnant Soul, and a second-Rank Remnant Soul Spirit’s strength increases very quickly. ”


“It’s a pity that these high-level remnants are so few”


Xia Yan felt the terrible air cushion on her body.(Read more @

Degree, if you are asking for a few more high-rank remnants, it would be crooked.

It’s a pity that too many are just the remnants of the soul that just entered the emperor realm, too, because the cultivation base has been lost after the fall.

Reminisce for a while_ Xia Yan looked at the eyes of the sea eye worm in front of Xue Xue’s eyes flashing.

With a step, when I was about to step into the Taihai Sea, suddenly a shocking weather rose in the sea. ,

Wuzhang Tailang rushed directly to Di, Xia Yan came straight. It seems to be overwhelming the world = cut.


“This breath.”

Xia Yan raised his brows, he felt a breath of the 9th-Rank Supreme Emperor Realm, _ obviously already at the peak.

Moreover, the second-grade Remnant Soul Spirit he had encountered earlier had already possessed the sagacity _ it was able to speak.

Then the breath of the Ninth Stage Supreme Emperor Realm_ also said that it is likely to have a complete spiritual intelligence.

“Wu Zhang Tailang wants to kill me?” “Is it too underestimated?” He said lightly. Xia Yan’s four-square little emperor realm air cushion rises _ the immortal jade on his body is more (cb) turbulent _ Suddenly Xia Yan’s index finger lifts _ Wanzhang Tailang follows: = the finger stays still and the feeling of choppy is even more turbulent Disappearing seems to be frozen.

“This space manipulation?

Somewhere in the void, a Ninth-Rank Supreme Emperor Realm Remnant Soul_ Spirit body extremely condensed the flesh and blood remnant soul spirit that had been born in shock. Based on the memories of the remnant soul, he understood that this method can only produce such an effect with time control and spatial control. The law of time is more difficult than the law of space, and few people understand it. So he subconsciously thought it was spatial manipulation.

Take control of the huge waves_ Xia Yan stands tall. His face was extremely calm_ then flicked with his fingers. ,


Accompanied by the blasting sound of the giant _ 10,000 inches of huge waves instantly bounced, Xia Yan released the space control, and the huge waves disappeared directly. “S_”

The Record of Remnant Souls of the Ninth Stage Supreme Emperor Realm was shocked again. This momentum does not look as good as his own human race, and its combat power is so terrifying __ comparable to the supreme

“Come out!”

Xia Yan raised his hand to solve the five-zhang giant wave _ Suddenly Fang Xue said flatly toward the spirit of the remnant soul of the Ninth Stage Supreme Emperor Realm.

“You found me?” The spirit of the Ninth Stage Supreme Emperor Realm’s Remnant Soul was taken aback when he heard Xia Yan’s words. Then he raised his brows and the figure appeared empty: _”Little friend, persuade you to leave this place immediately, I can control the Record of Remnant Souls and not attack you!_” “You should know why I came.” But I didn’t expect Taidi Remnant Soul to be true It was really scary to be able to give birth to spiritual wisdom and also cultivate to the Ninth-Rank Great Emperor Realm. “Looking at the person in front of him lightly._ Xia Yan didn’t expect that the guess would really come true_ although the Ninth-Rank Grand Emperor in front of him is no different from the Human Race

But this person looks more ethereal than the human race, and the foundation seems more terrifying, like a born Emperor.

“My name: Emperor Cangkong!” “Occasionally because of good luck, a new spiritual intelligence was born. If the little friend comes from peeping the inheritance. Please come back.” The emperor Kunkong frowned when he heard Xia Yan’s words. Telling him about inheritance, it is impossible for Xia Yan to take it for them to advance to the highest level in the future.

“The supreme heritage is not that everyone of you has the opportunity to have it. Listen to your tone. It seems to have been, it has been set by default?” To the emperor Wang Yukong __ Xia Yan just said indifferently without any thoughts of retreat.

In the Supreme Inheritance, he must get _ even if he is Emperor Xiakong, he will also be Xia Yan’s target.

“Hmph~ I have waited for countless years to guard the Supreme Inheritance, just to wait for it to be opened, so that it has been a long time since the opening of the Inheritance;

“If you come, you threaten to pass it on. Do you think I will hand it down so easily?”

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