Chapter 525 : The highest inheritance, going forward and going

“Then I can’t talk about it?” Xia Yan raised his brows and raised five feet. The figure instantly retracted back to its original state and then saw the remnant soul of the Supreme Emperor realm still attacking him continuously. His complexion became cold.


The void of Yiwuli exploded suddenly _ the surrounding area suddenly turned into a boundless dark void, _ Tailu disappeared~ disappeared.

Emperor Xinkong looked at the scene in front of him, his pupils couldn’t help but shrink-, staring at Xia Yan.

“Okay, let’s be quiet now. “Since it’s not settled, let me see what is the difference between your kind of natural-born Taidi race. ”

With both hands on his back, Xia Yan calmly said to Emperor Cangkong that Gu Jing Wubo seemed to be standing in front of him but an ordinary person. Swish~

But as soon as Xia Yan’s voice fell, she saw faint ripples appearing in several places in the void, and then several silhouette ripples walked out. “Oh?”

“It turns out that there are other people, _ but it’s been countless years. Of course there are other people who can give birth to spiritual wisdom.” Emperor Xia Yan looked at Xia Yan raising his hand and smashing a billion five miles of space. Terrorist means, even oneself can’t be so scary.

But this Sifang Little Emperor Realm can be far less simple than imagined insects. Therefore, Emperor Xunkong quickly summoned other friends of the spirit race who had guarded the inheritance of the two tongs. _”Xing Kong, this SifangEmperor Realm also wants us to take action?”

When Feihong Emperor received the news, he immediately notified other people to come, but when he saw that Xia Yan was only a small four-sided emperor, he was a little speechless and said to Cangkong Emperor. “No, he is not as simple as it seems.”

“Just now he raised his hand to break a hundred million miles of space. Even if it is small to high, he may not have it.”

Emperor Xinkong reminded Emperor Feihong, obviously making him be careful not to underestimate Xia Yan.


“How is it possible, it is impossible for the supreme to enter here at all. It seems that he is an ordinary four-square small emperor realm _ see how this emperor raises his hand to kill!,”

A trace of disdain appeared in his eyes_ Emperor Feihong sighed from Emperor Xunkong _ Then the imperial imperial state of perfection erupted in an instant. Boom~

Void Exploding_ I saw the immeasurable divine might erupt from Feihong Emperor’s body.

“Flying Rainbow Method!”

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes __ Feihong Emperor raised his hand and waved, only to see a flying rainbow appeared in his handworm. It was like crossing countless spaces and skipping time before arriving in front of Xia Yan in the blink of an eye.

! Om”

It went straight into Xia Yan’s eyebrows. _The law of Emperor Feihong is that the law of soul is only under the law of space and the law of time, Caiyuan



It can be said that the extreme of horror, Yu Quan Feihong emperor’s ban, this method dominates among the emperors, is even more terrifying understanding of Wu soul.(Read more @

After lgkk Hongdizun performed the flying rainbow method, he just looked at Xia Yan. Seeing that he was still moving after hitting his own flying rainbow technique. The pressure on his body disappeared completely without any breath, and he immediately said to Emperor Cangkong, “Cangkong

This company is what you said

He raised his hand and smashed the people in the hundreds of millions of miles of space? How could he be killed by the emperor with one blow?”_”I” Cangkong emperor frowned __ looked at Xia Yan suspiciously_intuitively told him that things were not like this Simple. “Two blows kill me?”

“are you sure?”

Suddenly a two-year faint voice came from Xia Yan’s blood, Emperor Yukong and Emperor Feihong were taken aback when they heard the words.

The other spiritual emperors also raised their brows and looked in Xia Yan’s direction, revealing a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Even if they were a race born from the Record of Remnant Souls, even if they and others faced Feihong Emperor’s Feihong Method, they were extremely careful. But Xia Yan seems to be totally fine? “How can it be possible that it didn’t cause any harm?”

Emperor Feihong looked towards Xia Yan when he saw the calm look on his handsome face. Feihong Emperor was stunned.

“Since you know the laws of the soul, then you should also look at my laws of the soul. You should be able to verify each other = next.” Xia Yan looked at Feihong Emperor Zun’s eyes and narrowed slightly. Then he smiled at Emperor Feihong and raised his hand.

“You can do anything too._Bang~

A shattering voice appeared, and the Emperor Erfei Hongzun burst into pieces instantly and became the powder of Yiwu Soul.

He didn’t even have a word, so Xia Yan’s voice was directly dealt with _ the other spiritual emperors around him looked bewildered. “It seems that his Gongfeihong method is not as powerful as mine.”

“How about you guys also try?” Ask for flowers: __

Seeing that Emperor Feihong was instantly killed by himself, Xiaozhong Xia Yan said to the other people without any fluctuations.

At the same time, Jiguang looked at Emperor Xunkong with a faint smile in his eyes, which seemed harmless to humans and animals.

“not good!”

_ “Quick escape, _ go back to the land of inheritance.” “Quickly go!”

The four powerhouses of the 9th-Rank Supreme Emperor Realm who had left gold saw Xia Yan raising their hands to obliterate Emperor Feihong in their memory.

The Ninth Stage Supreme Emperor Realm is supreme, but now it seems like an ant was killed instantly.

“Want to escape?”

“It’s so naive_”

Xia Yan looked at the Ninth-Rank Supreme Emperor Realm powerhouse _ Eyeworm who wanted to escape from a few spirit races with a trace of disdain.

Instantly use the space-time cage. Any creatures who are imprisoned in the space of thousands of miles can get out.

“What kind of evil is this_in my predecessor’s memory. The Sifang Young Emperor Realm has been easily obliterated.” “Is the outside world already so terrifying?”

Emperor Xia Kong stared blankly at Xia Yan’s killing of the four powerful emperor realm powerhouses who had escaped, and said in shock and uncertainty.



The aura of Xia Yan killed several 9th-Rank Supreme Emperor Realm powerhouses who had fled, and their strength soared again.

Emperor Xia Kong was even more shocked because Xia Yan had only the pinnacle of Tai Ancestor at the beginning, but now it is in the five-sided emperor realm. Zhan Nine is so terrifying. Unexpectedly, the talent is the same as the enchanting evildoer. What happened to the realm of these times. “Well, let’s make a decision.” _

“Take me to the place of inheritance of the Supreme Being, or will I kill you_absorb your memory and find it myself?_”

Easily Witch Killing_ and after the breakthrough, Xia Yan came to Emperor Xun Kong and said lingeringly.

“Predecessors.” _ Emperor Yukong saw Xia Yan staring at himself and immediately the spirit body trembled _ then trembled and continued: “I, I would like to lead the predecessors to the place where the Supreme Master Tairen inherited, but I hope that the adults can take it. I leave here to follow too many people.”

_ “Even if you are going for a slave, you can go on it.”

Emperor Xun Kong said respectfully. Xia Yan heard him. Mouth fish show = smile.

“it is good!”

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