At this time, a man nearly two meters tall and extremely sturdy came over, with a huge scar on his body.

And this man... was the Auror


He spoke in a cold tone, and then said in a deep voice,"You are... Wang Zha, right? I advise you not to mess with that man."

The man called Wang Zha frowned, looked at the man and said,"You...? Auror... Deep Sea King? I have seen your information on the supernatural website.……"

"But...your scar? Didn't you say you have a strong ability to recover?"

"You are not... just a show-off, right?"

He said.

He looked at the Auror with a slightly ironic look, his eyes full of disdain for him.

"Humph...all show and no substance?"

"Then give it a try!"

The Auror grinned, clenched his fists and put them on his waist. The veins on his arms popped out in an instant, and they became as tight as shark skin! Fins grew on his elbows!


He punched Wang Zha directly!

And Wang Zha seemed to feel a sense of crisis, and the green vines emerged from the ground in an instant!


The one-meter-thick vines blocked Wang Zha's way!

Wang Zha just felt relieved for a moment.


A loud noise sounded!

The vines as hard as steel were actually penetrated directly.

The fist was only a hair's breadth away from Wang Zha's cheek!

Looking at the thick fist that was so close, Wang Zha was so scared that his feet began to tremble, and he retreated step by step.

"This... this... how is it possible that it can penetrate my vines!"

Wang Zha's eyes were full of disbelief, and cold sweat kept coming out of his body!

At this moment, everyone on the field was paying attention to this scene!

But the Auror walked around the vines, slowly walked towards Wang Zha, stood in front of him and said with a heavy face:"Wang Zha, remember... although we are both super S-level, super S also have strengths and weaknesses! You... are not on the same level as me!"

"You see this scar on my body!" My body... no matter what kind of injury, I can recover easily! Even my head was broken, but there is no scar!"

He put his hand on the scar on his chest, inserted his hand into the flesh with a sound of"swish", and blood flowed out...

But he still turned his cheek slightly without changing his expression, looked at Yan Li's back, and continued in a cold voice:"Yes... there is only this scar!"

"It was... left by that man! The pain at this moment is like a brand in my soul... it cannot be erased! In my heart... that man is the strongest sword!"

"You...if you continue to attack, you will be dead."

The Auror said, he put down the hand inserted into his chest, turned his head again and looked at Wang Zha, his face was even more heavy.

Tick, tick... blood flowed from his hand.

The Auror did not want to kill Wang Zha, and it can be said that this action saved the latter.


Wang Zha swallowed his saliva and looked at the Auror's chest. In an instant, it had completely recovered!

Only the long and deep scar on his chest remained.

Seeing that Wang Zha understood, he turned around and looked at the huge coast and... the back of the man!

It would have been fine if he hadn't turned around. When he turned around, he found that the scar was connected to his back!

Wang Zha's eyes widened, and there seemed to be a hint of disbelief in his eyes!

You know, the other party just smashed through his huge steel-like vines!

This shows that the hardness of the other party's flesh can be said to be quite terrifying!


His scar is connected to his back!

In other words... Yan Li once cut the Auror's body, which was as hard as steel, into two pieces!!!

"Are you kidding me?……"

At this moment, Wang Zha realized that he almost lost his life!

He really... Why did he mess with that man?

In fact, he was very surprised when Yan Li chopped his vines into pieces just now, but he didn't think about it carefully, and he was a little impulsive.

Thinking about it now, he suddenly felt grateful to the Auror.


"Dear gods, please don't start a civil war! The Kraken is coming!"

The commander on the city wall held a trumpet in his hand and shouted loudly to the people below.


Then, a loud noise was heard under the water!

There is no doubt that this is the sound of a torpedo hitting!

Everyone's face became solemn!


The dark blue sea water rolled, as if something was about to come out of it!

"Gurgle Gurgle——!!!"

There was a loud noise!

All the extraordinary people present trembled all over!

"It's out!……"

The wolf team behind looked at the monster on the coast with their eyes stunned.

"This is impossible……"

Captain Niu even trembled all over, and said in a trembling voice,"Hey...are you kidding? This is a monster that is impossible to defeat!!!"

On the sea surface, a gray octopus nearly 100 meters tall appeared!

"Gurgle Gurgle——!!!"

The sound he made seemed to shatter everyone's eardrums!

"Damn it! This is the Kraken! It's screaming so damn loud! Hey, hey!"

"Shut up for me!——!!!!!"

The person who opened his mouth to scold was a man wearing armor and covered with lightning.

He covered his ears with one hand and pointed the other hand at the Kraken.



A terrifying lightning bolt came out from his palm, and then formed a giant dragon and hit the Kraken's head!

"Damn! And mine too! I can hear this disgusting sound inside the mecha!"

The voice came from an eight-meter-tall, pitch-black mecha.

The mecha was obviously very tall, but compared to the Kraken, it became incomparably small!

Two giant rocket launchers suddenly appeared on the shoulder armor of the mecha!

"Take his fucking shot!"

The voice from the mecha came out again.


Two rocket launchers were fired at the Thunder Dragon from behind!


A huge sound hit the gray-black head of the Kraken!

The deafening sound around also subsided for a moment.

Everyone also put their hands down from their ears.

"Fuck... finally give me some peace……"

A man wearing armor and holding a huge war hammer was halfway through his words.


A louder sound came again!

The high-level extraordinary people who came to help from the surroundings also fell down one by one under this terrifying sound.……

""Fuck the Wolves! I'm going to die before the fight even starts!"

Team Bull yelled, his face full of ferociousness, the sound was almost driving him crazy!

"Who the f*ck said it wasn't the Bulls! I'm dying too! My wives! My sons!——"

"My ancestors! Please bless me to see them!——!!!"

The wolf's eyes were bloodshot at this moment. This devilish sound seemed to have driven him crazy!

Then his eyes turned white and he fainted.

"I'm so awesome! Wolves, don't be dizzy!'re dizzy, then...then Lao Niu...I'm also...dizzy……"

The old cow also closed his eyes and fell down.(´_`」 ∠)_Team

Bull:∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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