After a fierce scream, the Kraken slowly stopped.

On its gray-black bald head, it slowly opened its two red eyes and looked down at everyone, staring at everyone like a demon.

Its tentacles were buried under the dark blue sea, but it was not difficult to see from the roots of the tentacles... It had a total of ten huge tentacles!

" Damn it! Finally he stopped yelling. This black-skinned guy is really awesome when he yells!"

Zhang Kuang, wearing heavy armor and holding a giant war hammer, said with a long breath.

Wang Zha, who was standing beside him, walked out from the vines.

He held his dizzy forehead, took a breath and said,"Huh... Even if it's wrapped, it still makes me feel dizzy. The penetration of this magic sound is really strong."

And the first one to recover was undoubtedly Auror, after all, his own recovery ability is extremely strong.

However... there is another person who was not even hurt!

That is Yan Li, who stood at the forefront of the crowd!

He is also the only one among the super S-level present who is both S-level and a martial arts master!

But... he is a dual-cultivator of Tianwu! His overall level is above super S-level!!

There is no need to say more about his powerful strength!

The sword heart is the sword heart of the holy way.

The so-called sword heart of the holy way is the way to kill demons and unify the world.

Therefore, he is respected by the world as"King Xuanyuan"!

He is a rare monster among the Chinese sword masters, and an extremely terrifying existence!

Although he is still S-level at this time, anyone who knows him a little will respectfully call him"Super S-level".

He is wrapped in"qi" all over his body, so the sound waves naturally cannot hurt him at all.

He looked at the Kraken with an arrogant look, but he did not move at all!

He can be said to be the one who reacted the least among all the people present.

"Hey, Lian Ye, Liu Xie, your attacks don't seem to have caused them any harm!"

The Auror's body has begun to"transform into a shark", and his skin has gradually become shiny and tight, like steel!

His teeth are also extremely sharp, fins have grown on his arms, and gills have grown on both sides of his neck!

He grinned, and then said,"Fighting in the water is my strong point."

""Hey, hey! You guys attack from above, I’ll attack from below!" As soon as the words fell, whoosh!

He rushed straight to the coast, and then with a splash, he dived into the sea!

The Auror swam underwater naturally like a shark!

""Hahaha! Then I can't show weakness!"

Zhang Kuang grinned, his eyes full of excitement, and then he looked at the huge Kraken and said,"Blackie... come and try to take my hammer!"

As he said that, he picked up the war hammer and turned to the Kraken in front of him that was like a huge black"octopus"!



He rushed towards the Kraken at a very fast speed!

His speed can be said to be quite fast, even comparable to some dark realm warriors!

But you have to know... he is dragging such an 800-ton war hammer! And he himself is not a warrior!

Obviously, the war hammer is his ability, and only he can lift this war hammer!

Coupled with the mechanical armor on his body, it can enhance speed, it is simply perfect!

"Black egg! Go to hell!——!!"

Zhang Kuang picked up the 800-ton warhammer and smashed it straight into Kraken's forehead!

""Zhang Kuang, be careful!!!"

The Auror's voice came from under the sea.

But... it was too late!

A pitch-black giant octopus's arm stretched out from the bottom of the sea.

He tightly wrapped Zhang Kuang's body and his proud war hammer in his tentacles.

"Ah ah ah ah ah——!!!!"

Zhang Kuang screamed.


His body, armor, and hammer were twisted and deformed by the octopus tentacles, and then rolled into a ball...

Then there was no sound...

It was not difficult to see that the strength of Kraken's tentacles was extremely terrifying, even Super S-level could be easily killed by it!

And Zhang Kuang was like a toy in its tentacles... He was kneaded to death!


Kraken threw this strange sphere into the sea below, and the scarlet blood spread instantly.……

"Hey... are you... are you kidding me! He's a super S-class!"

Wang Zha's eyes widened, he was really dumbfounded by this scene.

Although the tentacles of the Kraken were huge, they were extremely flexible!

It was easy to crush that arrogant man to death!

Not only Wang Zha, but many other people were also stunned by this scene.


The Auror flew out from the bottom of the sea like a ghost and suddenly appeared on the coast.

However, at this moment his right arm and right leg had disappeared out of thin air!

Scarlet blood kept dripping like a spring, and he stood upright on one foot, like a"Golden Rooster Standing on One Leg"."

"Holy shit! This… this is so fucking cruel!"

"Auror... what happened to you down there?"

Lian Ye was stunned. He didn't expect that Auror, who was a super S-level warrior who could exert extremely strong power under the sea, would be beaten like this.

At this time, Auror's body was slowly recovering. Because of his healing ability that broke through the limit, white mist even came out of his body.

But... he couldn't regenerate his broken limbs.

"call……"The Auror gasped heavily, then gritted his teeth and looked at the Kraken in horror. His eyes revealed an undisguised fear, his body trembled uncontrollably, and he stammered,"That guy... is simply a monster!"

" the bottom of the sea, hundreds of tentacles emerged from its mouth!"

"If I hadn't broken one arm and one leg, I wouldn't have been able to get up here! Damn it!"

The Auror's words also terrified everyone!

"More than just ten tentacles!���Hundreds of them!!!"

Wang Zha's face was dazed.

He had never expected that the Auror who had just suppressed him...had been forced to break his arm and escape by other monsters in just five minutes!!!

Wang Zha was also filled with fear. This kind of monster was really...suppressing them, a group of super S-level monsters!

""Hey! Auror, are you okay?"

A man's voice came from the huge mecha, and the man inside was Liu Xie!

Auror stretched out his left hand, touched his lost right arm, and suddenly an excited smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha——!!!"

The Auror's eyes widened, and he stretched out his only left hand. He suddenly laughed crazily, and then continued,"Seventh level!!!"

"Is this the power of the seventh level... the supreme god realm!!!"

Then, a long, thin black tentacle grew out of the wound on his arm... It was just like a small tentacles of the Kraken!

The tentacles emerged from the wound of the Auror and slowly swung towards the side of the Auror.

"Hey...Auror, don't you feel anything?"

Lian Ye stared at the scene blankly, and suddenly swallowed and asked


The Auror tilted his head, seemingly not noticing anything wrong with his arm, and then asked in confusion,"What are you talking about?"……"


Before he could finish his words, the tentacle attached to the Auror's broken arm quickly appeared behind his head and pierced his head directly from behind! Zizi...



PS: Please give me tips and urge me to update!

If I can watch the ads three times a day, I can earn 30 cents! If there are 100 readers, I will earn 30 yuan!

I had more than 2,000 readers yesterday, why am I earning 10 yuan a day instead of 600, and gifts only account for 1.3 yuan! I am crying!

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