Sales Li carefully drove the car into the underground garage, afraid that if he scratched something, he would not be able to sell his own pieces.

Ming Mei also glanced at her underground garage.

I can't help but sigh, money is good, the underground garage is very elegantly decorated.

Looking at the size of this underground garage, there are places to park a dozen cars.

Li sales are also secretly talking, is this the day of the rich? The private garages are bigger than your own house.

At a glance, Bright saw that the system rewarded itself with Lamborghini poison.

It looks very handsome in the picture, and it looks even more handsome in reality. Especially the layer of car wire is full of drills, it is too beautiful.

"Just park next to that car."

Ming Mei said lightly.

"Okay!" Lee Sales said.

After Li Sales stopped, he quickly got out of the car, went around to Mingmei's side, and helped Mingmei, who was wearing high heels, to get out of the car.

After Mingmei got out of the car, Li Sales handed the car keys to Mingmei, and casually glanced at the Lamborghini poison next to him, and the whole person froze.

"Lamborghini poison?"

Li Salesman's whole person was stunned.

As a car salesman, she naturally knows all kinds of luxury cars.

But Lamborghini poison, she just knew there was such a car.

I can't inquire about the specific price myself.

It's just that I once heard the manager say that Lamborghini poison can't be bought with money.

Ferrari Raphael looks expensive, but in fact, money can still buy it.

Lamborghini poison, the protagonist of Shenhaowen standard, as soon as I heard that this rich man has that rich man, looking at the rotten street, in fact, everyone in the circle knows that Lamborghini poison has long been discontinued, selling one less, and the next one will always be higher than the previous one.

Moreover, it is not something that can be bought with money.

Li sold for a while, is this a rich person?

This girl next to her is only eighteen or nine years old! A car may be money that a family will not earn for several lifetimes.

There are really people who are born at the finish line.

"Miss Ming, since I have already sent you home, I will leave first!"

While saying this, Li Sales looked at the garage that was larger than his own house, and had a headache, how to get out?

Mingmei saw the difficulty of Li Sales at a glance and said, "Come with me, I'll send you out, there is an elevator here." "

Oooh, okay."

Li Salesman left Hua Cheng Ming's residence, just as the commission for selling the car hit his card.

For more than 90 million cars, the manager can get millions with a large commission, and he can also get hundreds of thousands with a small commission.

Li Sales calculated and used these hundreds of thousands to repay the loan, and he would repay the mortgage for another year at most!

Long live Miss Ming!

At this moment, Feng Zikang called.

Li Yi cleared his throat and connected the phone: "Hey, manager, what's wrong?"

Feng Zikang said, "You sent Miss Ming back? "

Well," said Li Salesman, "Manager, do you know what car I saw in Miss Ming's private garage?"

"What car?"

"Lamborghini poison!" Li Sales said excitedly, "The night sky is blue, the stitches are all set with diamonds, it's too beautiful, right?"

Over there, Feng Zikang was silent for a while, and said a little obscurely: "It's very beautiful." "

Lamborghini poison ah....

Only people of Wang Zicong's class are eligible to buy a car, and this girl has just become an adult.

Myself as if... Not much of a possibility.

Here, Mingmei saw off Li Sales and turned around and entered the villa.

"Miss, are you back?" A nanny stepped forward and took the bright satchel and asked, "Miss, do you want to carry this bag often?"

Mingmei thought for a while and said, "Put it away for me first." The

nanny said yes, pulled out two thin almost transparent rubber gloves from the storage box attached to the cabinet on the side, put them on her hands, opened the bright satchel, took out the bright tissues, mobile phones, cards and sunglasses and placed them on the shoe cabinet, took out the protective oil to wipe the decoration of the satchel clean, and then took it to the storage room.

In the evening, the chef made clear soup chicken noodles, which were fragrant and fragrant, and it was digested after an hour of walking on the treadmill in the gym.

Seeing that it was already past nine o'clock, Mingmei lay on the bed and brushed her mobile phone.

The hot search on his noon is still hanging there, and most of the comments are rich women begging for support and the like.

Mingmei opened the fast voice software again, brushed a few live broadcasts, few live broadcast games, there are a lot of people living and singing and dancing, but there are few funny people, and most of the singing and dancing looks are not enough to make up for plastic surgery and filters.

I looked at the private message again, there was nothing nutritious, I put the game down my phone, and when I was bored, I remembered the perfect body shaping pill and detox beauty pill opened by today's newbie gift bag.

Isn't it made to eat before bedtime?

Ming Mei opened the system and took out two pills.

The pill is blue and red, and it doesn't look like a good thing. After smelling nothing, Ming Mei ate it in one bite.

Strangely, as soon as the two pills entered his mouth, they turned into a sweet juice and flowed into his throat.

It tastes strange, Ming Mei thought.

A little sleepy, after washing, I shoved myself into the bed, and as soon as my eyes were closed, I didn't know anything.

That night, Ming Mei slept exceptionally deeply.

Maybe it's that I'm tired from doing too many things this day, maybe it's a problem with the elixir, in short, Ming Mei slept deeply for ten hours.

After waking up, Ming Mei felt sore.

It's not the kind of sourness after sleeping for a long time, or the kind of sourness and softness that has just experienced a massage, and it's quite comfortable.

Ming Mei moved her body and was startled by the greasy feeling on her body.

Mingmei's eyes widened and she realized that something was wrong -

all wrong, okay?

Bright smelled the bad smell of the house, the sheets under her were greasy, and her hair was dirty.

However, she is not myopic anymore.

She originally had two or three hundred degrees of myopia, and the body that crossed over also had it, but now it is gone, and she can see everything very clearly.

There is a reasonable doubt that his binocular vision is now 5.2.

Bright looked at her body, the silk pajamas were already dirty and could not be seen, and so were the quilts and sheets.

Mingmei thought of the pill she ate yesterday.

Is this what the elixir does?

Ming Mei quickly rushed into the bathtub of the bathroom, which came with the bedroom.

Meimei took a shower and stuffed her pajamas and sheets into the small laundry room in the bedroom.

Bright blows dry her hair and stretches beautifully.

A 100-square-meter bedroom is good, with a separate bathroom, a small balcony where you can read and eat, a small laundry room, a wardrobe with two walls in the bedroom, an oversized bed, a dresser, a small office area, a small bookcase, and there is still a lot of space.

Mingmei stood in front of the full-length mirror outside the bathroom, and carefully looked at herself in the mirror -

the small blackhead on the original nose was gone, the skin was as white and tender as the shelled egg, the fat on the original waist and thighs was gone, and the skin and flesh on the body were smooth and firm, and Mingmei was addicted to touching it.

No matter how you pinch the whole body, you can't pinch a lump of excess meat, and you dare to buy any style of clothes here.

Now the brightness is the standard Victorian show model figure, one meter seven meters tall, uncovered chest, slender waist, plump and straight buttocks, and then straight and slender thighs without a little gap below.

Mingmei touched her whole body up and down, and she was moved to tears.

I was not fat in my previous life, but because I ran all over the world, the muscle lines on my body were obvious.

It is not related to the beautiful posture, but is full of wild power.

I didn't expect to have such a perfect body in this life!

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