Here, Manager Feng watched Ferrari Rafael leave, silently took out his mobile phone and made a call.


A rough male voice over there said.

"Brother-in-law," Manager Feng said slowly, "you have the money to buy that 'Pagani Wind Son'. "

Huh?" Manager Feng's uncle over there was inexplicable, "Your grandfather is willing to give me money?"

Manager Feng said slowly, "Please don't dream." The

people over there were even more confused: "Then where do I get the money?"

"I sold your Raphael."

Manager Feng released a blast news.

There was silence for a moment, and then he spoke: "... Ferrari Raphael?

"How else?" Manager Feng asked rhetorically.

“...... Wang Zicong came to our store? Manager

Feng's uncle thought about it, and only thought that such a character would suddenly come to their shop to buy this car.

"No," Manager Feng said, "it's a young girl, just turned 18. The

voice over there suddenly rose: "You won't send my car out for the sake of picking up a girl, will you?"

Manager Feng rolled his eyes: "I only spend money on the wife of the paper man." 94 million, not a penny sold. "

There was a long silence over there.

“...... Zikang," the person over there suddenly said, his voice was indescribably strange: "Uncle really wants to buy the son of Pagani Feng, but uncle can save enough money for two years, and he doesn't need you to sell your body..."

Feng Zikang hurriedly stopped the other party from speaking, "People who fancy it themselves, they immediately bought it in full!" The

person over there returned to his normal shape, but he was still a little puzzled: "Bought it on the spot?" Is the other party's surname Ren or Zong?

"The surname is Ming, the bright Ming."

"Ming?" Feng Zikang's uncle thought about it carefully, and was puzzled: "Do we all have a wealthy family with this surname?"

"I don't know," Feng Zikang rolled his eyes, "I sold it anyway." The money is estimated to be in your card, you see for yourself ha. After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Feng Zikang's uncle also hung up the phone and glanced at his bank card.

Previously, Ferrari Rafael was his favorite car.

Until he met the son of the wind in Pagani.

Instant empathy, farewell love.

Of course, there are still a lot of feelings for Raphael, the car he got back with his own hands, and Raphael seems to be his original match.

However, he has a true love in his heart, White Moonlight.

That's the Hennessy Viper.

So, he managed to get Ferrari Rafael, hoping that Ferrari Rafael would bring him value and save enough money to buy Hennessy Viper.

However, he finally got back the Ferrari Rafael from abroad, only to learn by chance that a Pagani Wind Son was about to be produced in China.

Compared to Ferrari Rafael, the son of the Pagani wind can bring him more benefits.

So he could only say sorry to Ferrari Rafael.

With 94 million in hand, he can buy the son of the Pagani wind!


Taking the Son of the Wind of Pagani to the car show, he earned enough money to marry the Hennessy Viper Eight Sedan back.

Double fun.

Feng Zikang hung up the phone and sighed, his mind was always bright.

He thought about it and called a number.

There were two rings over there, and they picked up.

"Hello?" A handsome voice sounded.

It is Feng Zikang's older brother, Feng Zi'an.

He is also the future heir of the Feng family.

"What's wrong? Zikang? A shallow smile appeared over there and asked, "How do you have time to call your brother?"

Feng Zikang ignored his brother's ridicule, hesitated, and asked, "Brother, can I ask you something?" Feng

Zi'an over there heard his brother's somewhat low voice, a little worried, and asked, "What's wrong Zikang?" If you have something, you say, your brother will help anyone he can.

Feng Zikang organized the language and said, "Brother, I may have met true love." Feng

Zi'an over there was silent for a moment.

His younger brother is still very clear, every day in the office to play games, interact with his two-dimensional wives, three-dimensional beautiful women have also arranged a lot of blind dates, but they can't look at any of them.

What's wrong this time?

“...... Are you finally going to let me help buy that cheating mobile game?

Feng Zi'an had to suspect that his brother had not smoked his favorite wife again.

"No," Feng Zikang said, "it's a girl!" Girl! The girl who came to our store today to buy a car. I fell in love at first sight.

Over there, Feng Zi'an was overjoyed: "This is a good thing!" Have you ever asked people for contact information?

Feng Zikang was silent for a moment and said, "That little girl is only 18.

Feng Zi'an was also silent.

"But I can wait for her! She should be a freshman this year, I accompany her from freshman year to college graduation, accompany her to graduate school or even Ph.D., how good is this? I'm only seven years older than her. Even if we get married ten years later, I'm 35 and she's 28.

Feng Zi'an thought about it, he will probably get married under the arrangement of the family in a few years, younger brother, when to get married is not such an important matter, so he said: "If you really have this mind, it is also very good." But what are you looking for your brother for? Buying a mobile game company?

Feng Zikang then remembered what he was looking for his brother for, and the nameless fire of "I am willing to wait for her for ten years" that had just been ignited was immediately extinguished, and Feng Zikang said listlessly: "Brother, I want to ask you to help me investigate her family lineage, don't go too far, just know what family the other party is." After

speaking, he said that Mingmei bought 94 million Ferrari Rafael in the store today.

Feng Zi'an hesitated and said, "Zikang, you must be mentally prepared!" This girl may not be a simple person.

Feng Zikang slumped his shoulders and said, "I know!" You help me check it, if the family lineage is similar, I will chase it!

"And what if it's much worse?" Feng Zi'an asked.

"Then when I had a beautiful dream!" Feng Zikang said.

People of his class know best the importance of door-to-door.

Just like the national husband Wang Zicong, Wang Zicong has had so many girlfriends, and there are always a few who regard themselves as Wang Zicong's future wives, but no one in their circle buys it.

Because they all know that it is impossible.

If Wang Zicong has an older brother, it's okay, it's a pity, Boss Yida has a son, the heir of Tie Tie.

Even if Wang Zicong is not the heir, it is impossible to marry an Internet celebrity.

The girl was the same.

A family that can let a newly grown daughter control the cash flow of 100 million yuan, there is only one requirement for the daughter to choose a marriage partner, and the door is right.

Nothing else.

Over there, Feng Zikang is still sad, and here, Manager Li has already driven Mingmei on the road.

Is this what a top-of-the-line sports car feels like? Manager Li thought while carefully touching the steering wheel.

This exquisite interior, this top-of-the-line touch, and the smiling beauty next to it...

No wonder so many men like luxury cars with beautiful women, it turns out that this feels so cool!

At this time, Manager Li really wanted to open the skylight.

One word, cool.

Manager Li drove all the way to the front of Villa C1 of Huacheng Famous Mansion.

"A little further to the left," Bright said, "our garage is there." "

Oooh, okay!"

Manager Li obediently drove the car into the underground warehouse.

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