Manager Feng of the 4S store in the manager's office glanced at the time while swiping the mobile game.

Ah, another salted fish day has passed.

Manager Feng is a rich second generation.

Although it is definitely not as good as the top batch, their family's property in this place of the magic capital is enough for him to spend a lifetime.

It is not the eldest son who needs to inherit the family business, so it is enough for the elders in the family to buy him more than a dozen buildings for him to wait for rent collection, and there are no other requirements for him except for what should not be stained.

So after graduating from college, he came to the 4S shop opened by his relatives, and sat and waited for rent collection every month.

Anyway, the place of the 4S store is also his family's, and the relatives' requirements for Manager Feng are just not to add to the chaos.

Playing with the phone well, suddenly, someone knocked on the door of the manager's office.

Manager Feng was as if he was suddenly caught playing with his mobile phone in class, and put the mobile phone lock screen in his pocket, and immediately reacted that he was already working, so he coughed twice to hide his embarrassment, and asked the door: "Who is it?"

"Manager, I'm very sorry to disturb you at this time, I'm sales Xiao Li, I have something to find you."

Manager Feng remembered the tall woman, so he said, "Xiao Li, the door is unlocked, come in!"

Sales Li walked in and said with some hesitation: "Manager Feng, I encountered a matter here that I can't handle myself, so I want to ask you to come forward."

Manager Feng raised his eyelids and asked, "What's going on?"

Li Sales said: "That's right, Manager Feng, there is a young lady who saw the Ferrari Rafael downstairs, I quoted a price of more than 50 million to the young lady, and the young lady still said that she wanted to buy it, I can't decide this matter, so I came to you."

Manager Feng paused, raised his head and asked, "You didn't set the price at 50 million, did you?"

Li Sales quickly shook his head: "No, no, manager, I'm talking about the price at least 50 million or more."

Manager Feng breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and took care of his suit, confirmed that he looked like a dog, and walked out of the office: "Then it's okay, I'll talk." Manager

Feng walked down the stairs and saw Ming Mei sitting in the rest area drinking tea.

Manager Feng glanced at the bright face, and then glanced at the bright dress, and his face blushed strangely.

...... Mom, I'm in love.

Mingmei sat in the rest area, and just after taking two sips of tea, she heard footsteps.

Bright looked up and saw a young man about 30 years old.

The appearance is very handsome, no worse than Xu Mu in the morning.

There was something strange to look at her eyes.

Mingmei didn't think much about it, and took her gaze back again.

Manager Feng stepped forward: "Hello this young lady, do you want to buy Raphael?" Said

and held out his hand.

Mingmei got up, held Manager Feng's hand with her fingertips, and shook it gently: "Hello manager." Indeed, I wanted to buy Raphael. I fell in love with him at a glance.

Manager Feng smiled and let go of his bright hand and said, "Then this young lady, can you tell me your name?" "

My name is Mingmei. Sunny and shining. Manager

Feng, thinking that it was a good name, smiled even deeper on his face: "Miss Ming, are you sure you want to buy this Raphael?"

Ming Mei nodded and said, "Yes." Trouble tell me his price.

Manager Feng said: "If you really want to take it, 94 million." Must be paid in one lump sum. "

Actually, this car is what Manager Feng's relative plans to keep for himself.

Each Ferrari Raphael is limited in purchase and has its own label.

The number of this car is 111, which is more special, and Manager Feng's relative took a lot of effort to get it.

The price is set at 94 million, and no one will change it.

I just think that after a while, if no one wants it, I can open it myself with peace of mind.

After all, although Raphael said that there were few, the second-hand was at most sixty or seventy million, and more than 90 million was really over the standard. And it has to be paid in one lump sum.

Therefore, the top management of their entire 4S store did not plan to sell this car, but planned to keep the reputation and wait for the boss to open it.

After a period of time at the Modu Auto Show, their 4S shop also plans to take this car to participate.

Directly kill on the field.

Who knew that today such a little girl ran out and wanted to buy Raphael.

Manager Feng looked at the bright face, and his heart beat a little fast.

If you can't afford it, there is nothing, if you can afford it, this is a rich second generation whose strength is not much different from their own, or even more powerful than their own family.

Can he pursue her?

Manager Feng thought.

Ming Mei glanced at the loser funds she exchanged, and the money seemed to be a little insufficient.

Quickly poked the system.

[Didi - detected that the host encounters a favorite car, but the money is not enough, how can this work? As the host of the loser system, you will one day encounter the problem of not having enough money? Isn't this embarrassing me fat? Hit the money! Give me the money!

Mingmei almost laughed.

The phone vibrated slightly, Ming Mei took it out to see, and sure enough, a hundred million loser funds arrived.

"94 million?" Bright said, "Swipe the card, I want it." "

It's about to arrive at 940 points, hehe.

Manager Feng was surprised for a moment when he heard this, and he was slightly disappointed in his heart.

This girl can take out nearly 100 million without care, which only shows that the family lineage may be higher than herself.

How can he be repaired, will he Feng Shao also worry one day because his family lineage is not as good as others?

But Manager Feng quickly showed a smile on his face and said, "Okay, Miss Ming, this will swipe the card for you." After

that, he turned around and went to get the POS machine.

Bright card insertion, enter the password, all in one go.

Manager Feng saw that the money had arrived, with a smile on his face: "Please Miss Ming come with me, and I will handle the procedures for you." Do you need to take a photo to commemorate it?

Ming Mei shook her head and said, "No need, just help me go through the formalities, I just drove home." "

It may be the reason for the cost of the money, in less than half an hour, all the documents were processed, Manager Feng used a blue file bag to pack all the documents after Li Yingyi took it with both hands and handed it to Ming Mei: "Miss Ming, all the documents are here, including insurance and warranty cards, please put them away." Congratulations, this Ferrari Rafael is yours from now on. Ming

Mei took it in a good mood, just opened the car door, but stopped awkwardly.

"That," Ming Mei turned her gaze to Li Sales, "Can you drive?" Li

Sales replied a little inexplicably, I will.

Bright smile, a little embarrassed: "Then can you trouble you to drive me home?" I just turned 18 last month and don't have a driver's license yet.

Li Salesman's eyes widened and he looked Ming up and down.

Indeed, the girl in front of me has just come of age.

Do you have the ability to consume tens of millions of cars just as adults?

Li Salesman felt a little sour in his heart, but thinking of the commission he would get, he immediately became happy.

"Okay, Miss Ming, please wait, I'll go change into a pair of flat shoes."

Li Ying turned around and ran back to the lounge.

When passing by Manager Feng, he stopped: "Manager, manager, I want to leave early!"

Manager Feng's eyes widened: "Then you tell me that it's a little bad?"

Li Yiyi smiled proudly: "Miss Ming doesn't have a driver's license yet, let me send her home!"

Manager Feng was stunned for a moment, and let me send her back the sentence on her lips.

"Slow down on the road."

Manager Feng finally held out such a sentence.

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