Ming Mei looked at the battery of the mobile phone, there was not much left, and simply turned it off.

Here only two days to have a chance to charge, can save money.

After the early search and rescue work, the search and rescue team began to search the center of the earthquake area, and search and rescue dogs and unknown tools began to take turns.

The more you go to the epicenter of the earthquake, the more serious the damage to the house, and the search and rescue mission here is not a volunteer like Mingmei who has only received basic training and explanations for a few hours can participate, volunteers like Mingmei still stay in the outer circle of the earthquake area to search for the wounded as much as possible, and the army begins to open up the road to the center.

Another day passed, and in the evening, next to the tent where Ming Mei and the others rested, there was another pile of tents.

Mingmei patted the eldest sister beside her and asked, "Big sister, who are the people in these tents?"

The eldest sister sighed: "Who else can it be, those soldiers who were injured when clearing the road today." Alas, my husband is from their search and rescue team, and I don't know what happened.

Another young woman on the side said: "Don't worry, there are currently two wounded soldiers, I inquired, there is no sacrifice." The

eldest sister breathed a sigh of relief.

Ming Mei didn't ask more, opened her mobile phone, looked at the remaining 20% of the battery, it should be enough to arrange it by herself, so she stepped on the evening sun to the place where there was a signal and sent a message to Ming Xing.

Before turning off the phone, the ghost made a mistake to log in to the private WeChat.

Most of the friends in the circle knew that she was here to provide disaster relief, and most of them sent some words of blessing.

The unread message of the escort is directly 99+.

After clicking on, the messages jumped out one by one.

[Wei Hang: Have you arrived in the disaster area? 】

【Weihang: The data review did not encounter any obstacles, right? If you have a problem, tell me that someone in my family is in charge of this piece. 【

Wei Hang: Can you send me a message when you arrive?】 】

【Weihang: Remember to reply to the message when you see it. 【

Weihang: WeChat phone, not connected】

【Weihang: I heard that you have volunteered, you must pay attention to your own safety! In addition, you are really good {rose}

] [...]

are all greetings, and the more later, the news of Weihang reveals a sense of anxiety.

Bright lips curved, and her heart was a little happy.

[Bright: Sorry, it's wrong for me not to reply to your message.] There is a queue for charging here, I can only take a turn once in two days, and I have been dealing with supplies.

It's almost seconds over there.

[Wei Hang: Not injured, right? Do you know if you protect yourself and save others? [

Bright: Hmm. {Love you yo jpg}】[

Weihang: {shy jpg}]

After chatting with Weihang, the mobile phone battery completely bottomed out.

Seeing that he still had a prompt for 30 seconds to shut down, Ming Mei helplessly sent the last sentence I ran out of battery, and the phone was completely turned off.

If Wei

Hang stood in front of Ming Mei at this time in the capital, Ming Mei would definitely not recognize him.

At this time, Wei Hang, some stubble came out of his chin, his lips were white and scary, his cheeks were thin, his eyes were full of red blood, his hair was a little messy, the whole person shrunk into a ball, and his eyes stared at the mobile phone in his hand in a trance.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Wei Hang cleared his throat and said come in.

The person who knocked on the door seemed to be frightened, and quickly opened the bedroom door, and saw that Wei Hang took the initiative to get down from the bed and sit at the dining table, and immediately burst into tears: "Little young master, you are finally willing to eat!" "

God knows, since the day after the news of the earthquake in Qingpu County spread throughout the country, their little young master began to eat or drink, curled up on the bed holding his mobile phone and did not know what he was waiting for.

The family was very worried, and in the end, the eldest young master came out and asked for something.

It turned out that their young master's girlfriend took the company's convoy to the earthquake-stricken area to support, and their young master's girlfriend went to volunteer.

Their young master has been scared for the past two days, and he has to glance at the mobile phone news every few hours, and every time he sees the news of the aftershocks in the earthquake area, he is very frightened, and frantically sends messages to the other party, but unfortunately there is no reply.

So the young master waited without eating or drinking, and had not slept for several days.

Now, the little young master is finally willing to go to the ground, and she, the personal nanny who has served the little young master since childhood, has finally put her heart down.

Wei Hang nodded excitedly: "Well, I'm hungry." The

nanny brought the porridge in her hand to Weihang tomorrow: "Little young master drink some shiitake mushroom chicken porridge first, you haven't eaten well for several days, slow down your stomach." Hearing

the nanny's voice, the rest of the Wei family also crowded into Wei Hang's room, staring at Wei Hang with relieved eyes.

Wei Hang finally received the bright news, had a great appetite, and smiled embarrassedly after drinking the porridge: "I'm sorry, mom and dad, brother, and Aunt Li, I've worried you these days." Brother

Wei Hang rubbed his brother's furry dog head and said, "What is there to apologize for, we should care about you."

Wei Hang silently accepted his brother's touch.

He knew that he was too willful these days.

But it was a matter of brightness, and Weihang could not control himself.

Wei Hang's brother opened his mouth and asked, "Why do you want to open today?" Did something happen?

Wei Hang nodded and replied with some joy: "Mingmei replied to my message!" Wei

Hang's brother looked up at his parents and looked at him, and the words "Sure enough" flashed in his eyes.

"It seems that Miss Mingmei is really a very good person," Wei Hang's mother said with a smile, "otherwise our Xiaohang would not like it so much."

Wei Hang nodded impatiently: "Yes!" Bright and great! Wei

Hang's father was a little taken aback, watching his eldest son coax his younger son to wash, so he took his wife back to the bedroom.

Wei Hang's father was a little unhappy: "Seeing our son like this, I don't know that I thought I was raising a daughter who was going to be married."

Wei Hang's mother glanced at Wei Hang's father and snorted twice: "You have the ability to say this to Xiao Hang." "

Dad Wei Hang is silent.

Wei Hang's mother saw that her son was finally happy, and she was not in a hurry, and slowly applied the mask after washing.

Wei Hang's father sighed: "Wife, my son hasn't been so worried about you, right?" You are not jealous either?

Wei Hang's mother rolled her eyes: "Please, our great Wei family head master, now is the new dragon country, the twenty-first century, I am not without a husband, why am I jealous of my son's girlfriend?"

After speaking, Wei Hang's mother continued to skin care, just protecting it, and suddenly her eyes widened: "Well, you have a surname Wei, don't you mention that I haven't reacted yet, when did you treat me like this after so many years of marriage?" The old lady went on a trip to the train and said to you, you seem to have returned one, right? Wei

Hang's father saw that his wife began to bring up the old things again, and he couldn't wait to go back and slap himself a few times when he had just spoken.

Finally coaxed his wife, Wei Hang's father lay on the bed, and as soon as he closed his eyes, his mind was all about the bracelet on Wei Hang's wrist.

The three-legged golden crow bathed in the fire, and the eyes made of scarlet gemstones.

He had seen the bracelet on a portrait from a hundred years ago.

It was a gift from a legendary female head of the Ming family to one of her husbands.

Now it appears in his son's hands.

Wei Hang's father sighed.

He is unable to prevent his stupid son from falling in love with the eldest lady of the Ming family.

I just hope that silly son of my own family doesn't fall too deeply.

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