At this time, the owner of a hotel in Kyoto

was not together, watching the report of this rescue and disaster relief.

In particular, there is no logo of the vehicle passing through logistics in the background of the reporter.

Dayun's boss sighed: "How can this be said."

The other boss shook his head: "Can't say." Whether people want to put on a show or whatever, suspending all operations to support disaster relief is a shocking act. In the past two days, the circle was stunned, and there were originally a few plans to mean that they were allocating resources in the past two days, for fear of being taken out as a comparison.

Dayun's boss drank saliva, also a little helpless.

"Moreover, now all public opinion about Passage Logistics is officially released, and the official website of Passage Logistics has not said anything except for the closure of the order entrance, which has led to no negative public opinion at all in Passage Logistics in the past two days, all positive public opinion, it is obvious that the above shot."

Tongyuan's boss was also helpless: "No way, who let the passage logistics react almost immediately this time to support, we also heard when we were calculating the interests that the bosses had already arrived in the disaster area." Can't compare, can't compare. Okay, everyone, don't sigh, the person who should be out, the force that should be contributed, don't let people take it out for comparison. "

Early the next morning, Ming Mei got up early and went to the search and rescue team after eating.

Only to be shouted out halfway through with a communicator.

It was the magistrate of Liu County.

Beside County Magistrate Liu stood two serious-looking people.

"Boss Ming, are you going to the search and rescue team?"

County Magistrate Liu looked at the search and rescue suit on Mingmei's body in surprise.

The vice governor and secretary on the side were surprised by the youth of the logistics boss.

Mingmei nodded: "I can't stand and do nothing, so I went to register a volunteer."

County Magistrate Liu sighed with some emotion and introduced Mingmei: "Boss Ming, this is the vice governor of our River Province, this is our secretary, your company has made an important contribution to this disaster relief this time, and the vice governor and secretary said to thank you personally."

The vice governor stretched out a hand and shook hands with Ming Mei: "Boss Ming is really a hero out of a young man, he became a boss of the passage logistics at a young age, and he came to be a volunteer, which is really emotional."

Ming Mei smiled modestly: "I just did what a citizen of the Dragon Kingdom should do."

The vice governor smiled and said, "Your fourth batch of supplies has arrived, and I thank you for your help on behalf of the people in the disaster area." After

a few pleasantries, Ming Mei took her leave and left.

Looking at the girl's back in a search and rescue suit, the vice governor muttered.

In the evening, the secretary in the vice governor's tent

asked while sorting out today's information: "Governor, did you go to see the boss of the logistics today?" Did that boss mention something?

The vice governor shook his head: "No, she didn't mention anything." The

secretary felt strange: "Is it true that the passage logistics is only for disaster relief?" With so much money, there is such a kind boss in this world? The

vice governor said: "They did everything and did it, we have to write it down and report it, instead of trying to get entangled here about why people did it." The

secretary looked like he had learned.

I slept just in the night, suddenly the alarm sounded, Ming Mei woke up all of a sudden, felt some tremors on the ground, followed the sound of the horn outside the door, put on his shoes, put on his clothes, and ran out of the tent.

Fourth aftershock.

Fortunately, the vibration is minimal.

At noon the next day, Ming Mei ran to the camp outside during the break to relieve her body aches.

The bed was so hard that it wasn't just bright, everyone else was moving their bodies.

It's just that no one shouts bitterness, no one shouts tiredness.

At this moment, there was a noise in the distance.

Ming Mei turned her head to see a medium-sized truck parked in the open space on the side.

After that, a car stopped next to the van, and a man dressed as a spirit boy walked down.

The man is about twenty or thirty years old, has a tough guy smell, and does not know what to do.

A few people came down behind the car, set up the microphone of the microphone, the lighting of the light - Mingmei knows, this is the Internet celebrity is coming.

Mingmei doesn't care, there are also some Internet celebrities in the past two days, but they are all well-known big Internet celebrities, sent more than a dozen cars of things to take two photos and left, neither affecting the rescue nor lying about the materials, so Ming Mei feels that it is nothing to take two photos like this situation.

However, this team of characters did not put down things and take pictures like the previous Internet celebrities, but set up lighting equipment and turned on the live broadcast.

Here is the outer circle of disaster relief, there is a signal, and it is not weak.

Listening to what the Internet celebrities said, the brothers paid attention, and the staff carrying disaster relief materials on the side did not know whether to step forward or not.

In this way, the Internet celebrity broadcast live for more than ten minutes, always saying that the people inside were too miserable that he wanted to be a volunteer, and said that he sold all his wealth to support the disaster area, and said that the rescue team had gone in... Bright face darkened. She saw that this was coming to rub the flow.

Listen to what the man said thank you for the spaceship of the big brother, Ming Mei will know that this must be a fast Internet celebrity.

Mingmei directly opened the Kuaiyin platform, searched for Qingpu County by keyword, and crossed down, which was the man's live broadcast room.

Mingmei remembered the live broadcast room number, opened the background, found her private customer service, and sent her the live broadcast room number.

"Shut down this person's account." Bright said.

The customer service on the opposite side who was on standby 24 hours a day replied: "Dear King, can I ask you the reason for your ban?" "

Kuaiyin King is not eligible to block someone's account, but he can report it to the backstage, as long as it is verified, it will be blocked.

Mingmei directly took a photo of the scene and sent it over: "You don't seal him, it's you who will react above in two days."

The other side was silent for about a minute, and then replied: "Thank you for the feedback from the respected King users, we have forcibly closed the live broadcast room to ban the anchor's account, and collected evidence of the anchor's bottomless popularity, and will ban the anchor on all platforms, please rest assured." In the current national crisis, we will not allow such villains to be active. Not

long after the customer service's words were sent, the live broadcast Internet celebrity exclaimed: "What's going on?" Why was my live room blocked?

After a while, there was another scream: "What's going on? How did my account get blocked? I managed to accumulate 400,000 followers!

Mingmei was relieved and continued to participate in the search and rescue work.

After another two days, according to the county magistrate Liu, the Kuaiyin platform also sent its own disaster relief materials, and began to verify with the Qingpu County party the fact that the Kuaiyin Internet celebrities donated the actual number of materials, as long as the relevant videos or articles were sent, the Kuaiyin platform will be verified, and once it is found that false reports are concealed and malicious traffic is directly banned.

Ming Mei opened the fast sound platform, and this notification also jumped out.

There are quite a few comments below.

"It's long overdue!"

"Well done!"

"Internet celebrities without a bottom line should be banned!"

"The country is in trouble, and you still want to rub disaster traffic? It's time to send these bottomless Internet celebrities to the earthquake center for disaster relief! Exchange our people's soldiers back! "


Mingmei thought to herself, the supervision of live broadcasting in this world is still quite strong.

That's good.

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