(This book has said from the beginning that it is a beautiful man, the more CP, the better, never said that there is no CP, and then there is a low score for me because of the reverse harem, the fourth love, not no CP, etc., don't blame me for scolding

) (how is the fourth love with you, can't stand the fourth love so much romance to look at yourself, change the number to give me a low score

) (Neck bib: from today the heart is like water)

Bright did a set of gymnastics, jumping around in the clearing, No one is embarrassed or strange, because that's what most people do here.

Just after doing the exercise, she moved her body, felt less sore, Mingmei stretched out again and decided to go back to the tent.

As soon as I turned around, I heard someone shout a flattery in surprise.

Mingmei turned her head and saw that it was Sister Ma Mingyue.

Sister Ma Mingyue wore the same disaster relief suit, and stumbled over with one foot deep and one shallow foot: "Mingmei, it's really you!"

Ming Mei also showed the same surprised eyes: "Why are you two here?"

Xu Xiaoning spoke: "My mother's hometown is here, my relatives are also here, my parents are very worried about my relatives here, so we followed the volunteer team of the school to volunteer here."

Ma Mingyue nodded: "Why are you here?" Didn't you start a company?

Ming Mei explained: "My company sent disaster relief materials this time, so I followed me to volunteer."

Ma Mingyue wiped the sweat on her neck: "So it is." My sister and I are from tent seven, how about you?

Ming Mei pointed behind him: "You are opposite, number 17."

The three exchanged pleasantries for a while, agreed to go to the same disaster relief team tomorrow morning, and then went back to their tents.

After Ming Xiao returned to the tent, the other three also arrived, changing clothes, and eating.

Seeing that Mingmei came in, an eldest sister greeted warmly: "Girl, have you eaten?" I'm hot water, do you want instant noodles?

Mingmei also replied with a smile: "Thank you, big sister, I ate it, and I went out for a spin before coming back."

The other eldest sister asked equally enthusiastically: "Girl, how old is it?" Still in school, right? Why did you come to volunteer alone? "

Generally, students participating in disaster relief events will organize special volunteer teams, led by teachers with relevant experience or relevant knowledge, and have their own teams, a tent is known to each other, like this kind of tent does not know each other, generally to volunteer themselves.

Ming Mei said while pouring water to rinse her feet: "Big sister, I am 19 this year, I am taking a break from school to start a business, and there is nothing wrong, and I will come over to volunteer when something big happens here." "

The eldest sister thought to herself, if you don't study well at a young age, what kind of business will you create? Whose boss is not busy, you still have free time to volunteer, the company should not be good, right?

But after thinking about it, it is their own business for the little girl to take a break from school and start a business, and people come here as volunteers with a passion for blood, is it not good to say this yourself?

So the exhortations and preaching that came to his lips changed.

"Nineteen, oh, now young people are really amazing, I dare not go far alone at the age of nineteen. People, it's really stronger from generation to generation.

Mingmei smiled and asked rhetorically: "Those three eldest sisters, why did you come to volunteer?"

The eldest sister who greeted first smiled: "I am a housewife, the child graduated two years after graduation to live by myself, I have nothing to do, always want to do something meaningful, this is not, see that there are volunteers, drive here." Although I am older and they dare not let me into the disaster area, it is still okay for me to boil water for you outside and sort out your internal affairs!

The second eldest sister patted the dust on her thigh: "My husband is from the search and rescue team, so I came to volunteer." The

third eldest sister had been in a daze, listening to the bright greeting before she smiled bitterly: "I am from Qingpu County..."

Hearing this, the three of Ming Mei were silent and tacitly changed the topic.

One night passed, and the next day arrived quickly.

Mingmei got up and washed simply, changed into a rescue suit, went out to join the Ma Mingyue sisters, joined a disaster relief team, and went to the disaster area.

It was almost noon, and Ming Mei successfully dug up two people in the morning, full of a sense of accomplishment.

However, seeing the victims of other disasters whose deaths had been confirmed, Mingmei felt a little uncomfortable.

Human life is such a fragile thing.

In the afternoon, when Ming Mei followed the group, she saw two other people.

It was Huang Xue and Wang Zicong.

Mingmei greeted in surprise: "Why are you two here?" Huang

Xue brushed her hair, and only then did Ming Mei react and cut her long shoulder-length hair into short ear-length hair.

"Our family donated a lot of materials, and I personally brought the convoy over," Wang Zicong said: "Who still has the mind to have fun when such a big thing happens in the country, Lao Huang and I will come over, and we can help a little."

Huang Xue nodded on the side.

Ming Mei asked, "You plan to volunteer too?" Wang

Zicong and Huang Xue nodded together.

Mingmei was very happy: "That's great, come to our team together."

Wang Zicong shook his head: "Lao Huang and you are a team, I organized a search and rescue team alone." I am with you, against your public opinion. "

Bright reaction, Wang Zicong has always been full of gossip, the label given to him by the world is cynical, if Wang Zicong joins their search and rescue team, there will definitely be rumors that Wang Zicong brought the rich second generation to gild, even if the official rumors are refuted, there must be public opinion against them.

The most important thing on the Internet is the keyboard man.

Huang Xue walked next to Mingmei: "Stop chatting, hurry up and work!" Lao Wang himself led a team, so he won't go with us, you take me to register as a volunteer.

Mingmei nodded and pulled Huang Xue away.

Wang Zicong also turned around to organize his own team.

His personality outside has influenced many things and many people's perceptions of him, but it has also made him eat a lot of dividends, so Wang Zicong knows that even if he dedicates more to this disaster relief, some people will say that he sells his reputation and goldens his reputation or something.

But he didn't care in the slightest.

He just needs to let his heart get by.

After Mingmei took Huang Xue to register, she went to join Ma Mingyue and others for an afternoon search and rescue.

In the afternoon, Mingmei rescued a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man carries millions of watches on his wrist, and he is worth a lot at a glance. However, this time the leg was smashed too badly, and if you want to save your life, you can only amputate.

Listening to the middle-aged man's wail, Mingmei sighed.

In the face of disaster, everyone is equal.

During the day, the search and rescue team composed of volunteers and military personnel is searched and rescued, and at night, the search and rescue team composed of volunteers with relevant experience and knowledge and the search and rescue team composed of military personnel are searched and rescued.

Ming Mei swiped her mobile phone, almost out of battery, there was no place to charge, let alone the Internet, Ming Mei did not have any thoughts, read two chapters of downloaded e-books, and listened to the sometimes messy footsteps outside the tent.

The bed was not very comfortable, it was noisy outside, the tent was not soundproof, but bright and tired after a day, I could fall asleep if I wanted to.

Before falling asleep in a daze, listening to the sound outside the tent, the exclamation of the voice means that another person has been rescued....

There is also the sound of soldiers shouting slogans, the sound of moving things, and the soldiers who searched and rescued at night deliberately relaxed their steps when passing by the tents....

There was another cheer, and the voice was that another person had been rescued.

Bright fell asleep completely.

At the same time, more rescue materials and volunteers arrived at the place.

Passing through logistics, batches and truckloads of materials have attracted the attention of many media.

Almost every article in the official media has a vehicle for communication logistics as a background.

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