Ming Mei bought a mountain bike from the previous 4S store and took the second batch of supplies on the road.

The first batch of supplies has been officially received by Qingpu County in Hehe Province, and the first batch of logistics personnel are already on their way back.

The second batch of supplies consisted of 150 15-ton vans, driven by 300 employees in turn, except for the most basic fast food products, bedding, family planning supplies, medical supplies, and pure water, and the two middle vehicles were filled with communication equipment.

There are walkie-talkies, maritime satellite phones, Wi-Fi, self-service power generation signal stations and so on.

This is something that was obtained through Lei Zijian.

Lei Zijian's father is the chairman of the rice group, and rice has always been far ahead in China in terms of electronic communication equipment, so this time I heard that Mei was going to disaster relief, and he didn't donate two cars of equipment for a penny.

After nearly 20 hours of travel, Ming Mei finally arrived at the toll booth at the entrance of Ha Province.

I was about to get out of the car, but I saw that the passage ahead became a permission.

Ming Mei stopped the car, lowered the window, and a staff member with a smile bowed slightly to Ming Mei: "Hello, is there something wrong?"

Ming Mei pointed to the passage that allowed passage: "No inspection and tolls?"

The staff replied with a smile: "Please rest assured that all disaster relief vehicles that pass through the logistics from today can pass directly at any station in Ha Province without any inspection and tolls."

Ming Mei nodded and said thank you.

The staff smiled with emotion: "It is the people of our river province who should thank you for these earthquake relief companies."

Ming Mei took the disaster relief vehicle of communication logistics all the way to the outside of Qingpu County unimpeded.

From here, the car can't get in.

As soon as Ming Mei got out of the car, she saw Ming Xing walking towards her with a few middle-aged men and women with some dirt on their bodies.

"Boss, these are the leadership groups of River Province and Qingpu County, and they want to thank you personally."

The county magistrate of Qingpu County glanced at the girl in front of him.

Yes, the owner of the logistics is not a man and woman in his 30s who looks like an elite person imagined by the county governor, or even very young and beautiful.

At such an age, he can have such a net worth and such awareness, and the magistrate of Qingpu County sighed with emotion.

"Hello Boss Ming," the county magistrate of Qingpu County held Mingmei's hand with both hands: "I am the magistrate of Qingpu County in Hexian Province, my surname is Liu, our side is very grateful for the help of Passage Logistics to Qingpu County, thank you, thank you!"

After speaking, the magistrate of Qingpu County found that the dust on his hands had not been washed, and the girl's white and tender fingers were held by himself, and he was suddenly a little embarrassed.

Mingmei didn't mind shaking back at all: "The county magistrate has passed the award, one side has difficulties and supports from all sides, and we, the sons and daughters of the Dragon Kingdom, are united and will definitely be able to overcome this disaster." The

county magistrate smiled wistfully: "Yes, yes, you are right."

He looked at the girl in front of him.

The girl wore a black-gray sweatshirt, the color that was the most dirt-resistant, no makeup, no grease, a simple high ponytail, no accessories, and only a sports watch on her wrist. Wearing a pair of black labor protection shoes, the legs of the trousers are tightly tied.

The county magistrate was touched that this dress was for disaster relief, not for appearance.

With the bright stop, the employees passing through the logistics also parked the car in turn, and the uniform clothing of the employees was a black and blue rescue suit suit, with silver reflective strips on it, rainproof, fire and shock absorption, convenient for movement without friction.

It has the logo of the Black Knight and Passage Logistics.

Mingmei watched the county magistrate's thoughts fly to the materials, so she didn't say much: "County magistrate, I know that there are not enough people now, so I won't bother you."

After hearing this, Mayor Liu did not say any hypocritical diplomatic rhetoric, but just said thank you in a deep voice, and then directed others to carry disaster relief materials with one hand.

Ming Mei stayed in a makeshift hotel in Hexian Province, near Qingpu County — in fact, a tented place to rest for earthquake relief workers.

In the afternoon, a second group of relief troops arrived, followed by the media.

Ming Mei looked at the media and found that they were all official media, and there was no private media mixed in.

Ming Mei saw that there were not enough people, so she simply went to the side to receive an armband of an earthquake relief volunteer, opened the system mall keyword to search for the word medical, exchanged the basic medical knowledge of outdoor activities, changed into a rescue suit and joined the search and rescue team.

There is nothing wrong with the clothing of the search and rescue team, waterproof, fireproof and shock absorption, but the shoes of the search and rescue team are basically ordinary flood and rain boots, which are difficult for people who are not used to it.

During the lunch break, Mingmei drove to a place with a signal and contacted Huang Xue.

Huang Xue directly indicated that she would come to Qingpu County with disaster relief kits.

After speaking, Mingmei returned to the disaster relief position, soaked a bowl of instant noodles in freshly boiled hot water, ate and drank the soup after a few bites, and followed the new team to the disaster area.

The vice governor of He Province, who had been busy all morning, also came here, just in time to see the bright back leave the disaster relief position and go to the disaster area.

The vice governor breathed a sigh: "It's really a talented person!" As soon as I came all the way, there were many young girls and young men in their teens and twenties. Many young people now have a great sense of enlightenment.

The secretary of the river province also crossed his waist to rest and sighed: "Every day on the Internet, I watch this generation ruin that generation, in fact, no generation is ruined, they are all good children." "

I heard that the top two big bosses came, and the county magistrate Liu ran with one shallow foot and one shallow foot.

At this time, the vice governor and secretary would not be entangled in what etiquette was not polite, and the vice governor directly waved his hand: "County Chief Liu, let's not say more about those superfluous words, tell me how the situation is now?"

County Magistrate Liu wiped the sweat on his forehead: "Report to the governor, three waves of aftershocks have passed, according to experts, there are at most two waves of aftershocks, disaster relief materials are also arriving one after another, and disaster relief materials and volunteers from all walks of life are also coming one after another."

The vice governor nodded: "That's fine." By the way, I heard that there is a logistics disaster relief material that accounts for half of all the materials this time, is it true?

County Magistrate Liu nodded: "It's true, Governor, I took someone to check it several times, and everything that should have been sent was sent, and the passage logistics did not cheat in terms of disaster relief materials."

The vice governor nodded in satisfaction.

In the evening, the secretary of the vice governor helped the vice governor back to the tent.

Taking a sip of hot water, the secretary hesitantly asked: "Governor, what do you think about the passage logistics?" With so many supplies, what benefit can they get from us?

The vice governor sighed: "It's still not certain, how many materials they come, we will receive how much, let's see what they think later."

Mingmei, who had been tired for a day, also returned to the tent she had allocated, and Mingmei breathed a sigh of relief as soon as she took off her disaster relief suit.

There are four people in one tent, and the remaining three people should be in other disaster relief teams.

The disaster relief suit is to protect the body, but it is also uncomfortable to wear for a day.

But Ming Mei didn't say much, everyone involved in the disaster relief came over like this, she couldn't be an exception, and she didn't want to be an exception.

After eating a pack of instant noodles and walking out of the tent, Mingmei saw many people coming out to move their bodies.

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