All entertainment media platforms across the country have a "red list".

All executives of entertainment and media-related companies must firmly remember the names on the red list and the owners of the names.

The characters who appear on the red list, whether it is Weibo, Tieba , Xiaohongshu, or Kuaiyin, Zhihu, Tigerfish, when these platforms review the news related to the characters on the red list, all rumors will be deleted, and the first time without rumors is notified, and they will be published or deleted according to their wishes.

The general manager of the Kuaiyin platform remembers that the owner of this king's title called Bright is on the red list.

He will not entangle who Mingmei is, nor will he investigate the bottom line, he only knows one thing, that is, he must not let such unfavorable remarks on this kind of big guy appear on his platform.

Ms. Wang waited for several hours not only without waiting for the support of fans, but also waiting for the ban.

The reason is "spreading rumors, breaking the law and committing crimes".

Ms. Wang was stunned, and after confirming that her Kuaiyin account was really blocked, she immediately switched to Weibo.

Gang Yang wrote a large paragraph of the introduction to the war, clicked send, but displayed "Hello user, you have been officially banned and cannot post Weibo".

Ms. Wang fell back in anger and turned to other forums, only to find that all her accounts had been blocked.

As Lenovo registered a new account, it also showed that the ID card bound to the mobile phone had been officially blocked.

At this moment, Ms. Wang is called every day should not be, and the earth is not working.

At the same time, Wu Hongxing, the military command office of Qingpu County after the disaster

, was sitting in the tent of the command office at this time to process documents.

At this moment, a secretary opened the tent and walked in, respectfully placing the information in his hand on Wu Hongxing's table.

"Chief Wu, this is the donation information for the passage of logistics."

"Donation information? What donation? To whom? Wu Hongxing picked up the information and glanced at it.

"Commander Wu, Passage Logistics has donated 500 million yuan to the relief organization we set up for wounded soldiers! Already hit our account!

The secretary said excitedly.

Wu Hongxing was stunned for a moment, and quickly read the information carefully.

After reading it, Wu Hongxing put down the information and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Great," Wu Hongxing said excitedly, "With these 500 million, we no longer have to run around for a little charity money!" The

secretary's face also showed a happy look.

After the secretary left, the smile on Wu Hongxing's face gradually faded.

Wu Hongxing made a phone call and told the truth about the matter.

On the other side is still the thick voice: "Another hundreds of millions of materials, another 500 million cash donations, what does communication logistics want to do?" Just to do charity?

After speaking, the other party may have felt that his speech was ridiculous, and laughed lowly twice.

He is in charge of this part of the Dragon Kingdom's commerce.

Even the most patriotic businessman cannot donate these things without the slightest selfishness.

"Sir," Wu Hongxing remembered what the vice governor of He Province had said to him, and spoke: "The boss of the logistics is now working as a volunteer in the disaster area. There

was silence on the other side.

The two spoke again, and Wu Hongxing hung up the phone.

The big guy on the opposite side turned over the information of the passage logistics, and his eyes stayed on the names of Mingmei, Mingxing, and Mingxing.

"The Ming family... After all these years, are you still the same as you were then? The

big guy sighed and called out to the assistant.

The big guy's personal assistant quietly walked in and stood at the table.

"Did Pass Logistics also submit the application for the purchase qualification of the new special transport truck launched by the military department?"

The assistant quietly replied yes.

The big guy sighed: "Give them approval." "

The new special transport truck launched by the military department can greatly reduce transportation costs.

It can be said that which company applies first, which company will lead the next change in the logistics industry.

Originally, I thought of pressing it and leaving this place to the more qualified three-way and one-reach, but the passage logistics has done things to this step, if he still refuses to pass on the grounds that "Ming's return to the mind is not clear", many of the people who were secretly funded and helped by Ming's are still alive, they will not stop.

These old guys are all thieves, they may not help the people of the Ming clan on the surface, but their existence also deters those who want to prevent the return of the Ming clan.

The flowers bloom in two, one on each table.

A week later, the first round of preliminary search and rescue was completely over.

The alive ones are basically dug up, and the rest ....

Ming Mei sighed.

The most basic casualty results were also counted, looking at the hundreds of thousands of data reported on the news, Ming Mei rubbed her somewhat sore eye sockets.

Human life is sometimes so easy to take away.

These living beings may be eating and drinking happily one moment, and the next moment they will no longer be able to breathe the air of the world.

After the first wave of data came out, the whole country observed a moment of silence.

Ming Mei drove with the convoy all the way from Hexiang to Modu, all the billboards on the highway were replaced with mourning boards, drove into Modu, and even many shops were closed.

The world-class city of the magic capital can actually taste a wisp of depression at this time.

Bright and clear, not only the magic capital, at this moment, the whole country is like this.

Turn on the phone, all apps are grayed out.

Back at the famous residence in Hwaseong, Ming Mei soaked in the jacuzzi and washed her body fiercely, and finally wrapped in pajamas and lay on the bed, inexplicably missing Weihang.

In the evening news broadcast, the anchor announced the number of casualties of the earthquake with a sad face.

Bright watched silently.

A week later, the Charity Foundation for Supporting the Reconstruction of the Disaster-stricken Area initiated by Mingmei, Wang Zicong and Huang Xue was announced, with the initial funds of 500 million yuan taken out by Mingmei and 300 million yuan made up by Wang Zicong and Huang Xue.

Because of these three people taking the lead, Ma Zhiyue, Ma Yao, Lei Zijian, Qin Feng and others immediately followed, and those rich second-generation people also smelled the wind and emptied their wallets.

The first initial fund of the charitable foundation to support the reconstruction of disaster-stricken areas was 1.5 billion yuan.

Mingmei handed over the donation list to the charity association for verification, and after the verification was passed, the first batch of funds to fund post-disaster reconstruction reached Qingpu County, which is undergoing the second round of search and rescue and cleaning.

In order to prevent someone from embezzling charitable funds, the movement of funds was handed over to Ming Xing to watch the whole process.

Ming Mei did not donate this charitable foundation to the public, so except for a specific level, this charitable foundation did not have the slightest heat in the ordinary residents' layer.

Of course, Bright does not need him to be hot.

A few days later, Ming Mei received a courier.

It is a charity pioneer medal awarded by the Dragon Kingdom Charity Association.

Bright clicked on the newly established charity foundation member exchange group, and sure enough, each person had one.

It's like the little red flower in kindergarten.

Ming Mei thought of this metaphor, burst out laughing, took a picture of the Charity Pioneer Medal, and then asked the butler to put the medal away.

It's more or less something to show off.

Passage Logistics and Black Knight intend to resume normal work in the past two days, and begin the second batch of recruitment for the society.

Ming Mei stretched out and lay lazily on the sofa.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Bright one jumped up and shouted that I would open the door.

The housekeeper, who had already walked to the door, stopped, bowed to Mingmei, and turned to leave.

Bright open the door.

Sure enough, it was the escort.

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