Wei Hang looked at Mingmei, his eyes were a little red, and he put his arm around Mingmei and buried his head in Mingmei's shoulder.

"Bright, I miss you so much!" Wei Hang said sullenly.

Mingmei stretched out her hand around Wei Hang's waist, turned her head and kissed him on the side of his face: "I miss you too, well."

After a lingering kiss between the two, Mingmei went back to the follow-up work.

Wei Hang sat obediently on the side with Mingmei.

Ming Mei resumed the piano lessons, Bai Lang came to teach for two hours every day, and then Ming Mei ran the system space for ten hours, which can be described as rapid progress, which made Bai Lang praise.

Wei Hang sat on the side with his head in his hands, and looked at the girl playing the piano without blinking.

In this way, the days came to August.

News came from Mingxing that the business of passing logistics officially expanded to Flower City.

As the news came, the system clicked.

[Dingdong ~ Congratulations to the host for winning the honorary title "Emerging Glory", winning the prize [100-foot mega yacht] one, please click the host to confirm the claim, and name it]

yacht? Well, now that the sun is hot, isn't the yacht a summer leisure artifact?

Click Confirm claim.

What's your name?

Might as well call it "Leo".

It just so happens that the body's birthday is Leo's tail, August 10th, next weekend.

That's when the birthday party is held on the yacht, just right.

[Dingdong ~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining the yacht [Leo], the yacht will be in the magic port three hours later, with the yacht butler x1, yacht staff x6, please set by the host. It has been approved by the Modu International Shipping Center, and the purchase, tax information and various licenses have been stored in the bedroom safe of [Leo], click xxAPP to view the electronic version. Please go to Modu Port within 3 days to pick it up. After

clicking the confirm button, a pinching interface jumps out.

Ming Mei sets the gender of the yacht steward to female, all the values are full, the yacht staff value and gender are randomly assigned, Ming Mei cannot be assigned.

The yacht butler named Mingyu.

After clicking confirm, open the phone, and sure enough, there is an additional number named Mingyu on the address book, and there is also an additional friend in the private WeChat.

Ming Mei looked at the time and waited patiently until three hours later.

Three hours just arrived, and a message was received on my bright phone.

【Riva after-sales service reminds you that your customized yacht [Leo] has arrived at the public port of Modu Port, and the yacht will be berthed for three days, please be ready to receive it. Wei

Hang said two days ago that he would prepare a birthday gift for her, and returned to Kyoto.

Ming Mei was idle and bored alone, so he drove Raphael to the port of Mordo.

Modu Port is divided into two types of ports, one is a commercial transportation port to support commercial exchanges, and the other is a public port for ships on both sides of the strait.

For many people, ships are a means of transportation that many people will never have the opportunity to take in their lifetime, not to mention private steamships and yachts, so many anchors who smell business opportunities will come here to shoot videos, which can attract a lot of traffic.

Live streaming is not allowed here, so it can only be made into videos to attract traffic.

Lao Wang is a tigerfish platform game anchor with tens of millions of fans under his hands.

In the past two days, he could not broadcast live due to physical reasons, so he followed his friends to the public port to see the scenery.

There are many large and small Internet celebrities here who took videos and saw him come to say hello.

Lao Wang stood at the port railing, looking at the distant scenery.

Suddenly, the appearance of a freighter attracted the attention of many large and small Internet celebrities.

"Brother Wang," a small anchor on the side asked curiously, "Isn't this a public harbor?" How can there be a freighter here? "

Lao Wang is a big anchor, and he has more or less contact with the world of rich people, so he naturally sees that this is not an ordinary freighter.

"Gee, you don't understand this, do you?" Lao Wang explained: "This type of freighter, at a glance, is a freighter specializing in transporting private yachts, looking at this size, the yacht is at least 80 feet or more, I don't know which rich man?" Sure

enough, the freighter had just arrived at the port, the warehouse door opened, and the mechanical frame carried a large yacht into the water.

Many Internet celebrities took photos and videos, and Lao Wang also looked left and right, hoping to see the rich man who bought the yacht.

When Ming Mei drove to the port, he saw a yacht parked in the port.

The yacht is silver-white as a whole, with fine silver-white patterns under the sunlight, and its appearance is extremely high.

The main deck is arranged as a small dance floor, the deck extends into an open-air bar, the deck can accommodate nearly 100 people with a panoramic view, and the main cabin has enough space to provide three meals for forty guests, enough bright enough for Wang Zicong and his party to hold a small party.

The main cabin sleeps 20 people, the outdoor space is covered for sunbathing, and the bottom deck is equipped with a lifechamber and jet ski.

According to the information provided by the system, the yacht comes from the Italian Riva brand.

Founded in 1842, Riva Yachts is one of the oldest, most legendary and most expensive yacht brands in the world, recognized as the "Rolls-Royce" of yachts.

As soon as Ming Mei stopped the car, an employee wearing Riva overalls trotted over, a tall male employee raised a parasol, four employees stood left and right in front of the car door, and a female employee stepped forward to pull the car door.

Ming Mei got off the car, and the male employee kept holding the parasol high, not letting a little sunlight shine on Ming Mei's face.

Closing the door, except for the umbrella staff, the remaining five employees bowed to Mingmei in unison: "Dear distinguished guests, please accept your yacht."

Bright nodded and stepped onto the deck.

Not far away, several Internet celebrities took this scene into view.

Internet celebrity Lao Wang carefully recalled this woman in his mind, and deeply imprinted her bright appearance in his mind.

He must remember this woman, and he must not offend when he encounters it in the future.

He is not far away or close, and he can't see what mystery is in Mingmei's dress, and he doesn't know whether Mingmei is a big lady or a little lover raised by a big guy, but no matter what kind of person it is, it is not someone he can provoke.

At this time, a small Internet celebrity on the side said sourly while shooting: "Oh, which big guy is so forced, and he has equipped the little lover with a yacht." "

As soon as I opened my mouth, the yin and yang strange qi did not slip away.

A female Internet celebrity on the side rolled her eyes while filming a video: "Cold knowledge, rich people also have daughters." The

little Internet celebrity snorted unconvinced: "How do you know it's your daughter?" The

female Internet celebrity glanced at him: "Then how do you know that it is a little lover?" People with dirty hearts look dirty in everything. The

two mixed several pairs of mouths, and neither of them convinced the other.

Lao Wang also picked up his mobile phone and took a few small videos, intending to edit them a little later.

They will also post videos when they can't live broadcast live, all for traffic and to maintain popularity.

Many passers-by also followed to take videos, without exception, after a few hours, these people's video review failed.

Ordinary people are nothing more than following the trend to show off that they have seen a yacht, how to cut the video can not be reviewed, scolding the platform for two sentences and forgetting about this matter.

Lao Wang's video was also censored.

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