It was already halfway through the night, and Mingmei and the others had already played hi.

In the last half hour of the day on the 10th, Ming Mei pinched and cut the cake.

Wang Zicong was interested, and directly turned over the bar to adjust the cocktail.

"Can't you see it," Ming Mei took a sip of the sweet wine in the cup and said, "Lao Wang still has this ability?"

Wang Zicong smiled and did not speak.

Huang Xue laughed: "Hahahahaha, do you know Bright?" Lao Wang learned a lot of handsome things when he was a child! Huang

Xue told Mingmei in Wang Zicong's helpless smile about the stupid things that Wang Zicong had done when he was a child.

Mingmei smiled and trembled, looking at Wei Hang on the side.

Huang Xue's pole dancing boyfriend came over with two glasses of wine, and half-squatted in front of Ming Mei and Huang Xue: "Miss Ming, Sister Xue, Wang Shao's good wine and coffee cappuccino, two taste ~"

Between the movements of squatting down, the beautiful career line of the pole dancer was revealed.

The bright two took the wine glass and took a sip.

The taste is very layered, it seems that Wang Zicong's bartending strength is not shallow!

Bright thought.

The alarm in the early morning of the yacht sounded, the deck board warehouse was extended, and several staff members who had been staying in the back kitchen walked out, and various musical instruments were moved out, and it was lively for a while.

Wang Zicong took out his mobile phone and took a selfie, confirmed that others had not entered the country, and posted it on Weibo with the text "Happy birthday to you".

The group did not sleep until after two o'clock in the morning.

Bright and Navy naturally sleep in one room.

Before going to sleep, Mingmei saw the gifts on the low table on the side, and remembered that Wei Hang had also sent something.

Finding Wei Hang's gift box from the pile of gifts, Mingmei smiled lightly at Wei Hang, who had changed into pajamas on the side: "May I ask my dear boyfriend, can I see my gift now?"

Wei Hang nodded with a light smile.

Ming Mei took out a pen knife to open the gift box and open the lid.

It's a pair of chains.

Bright feels familiar.

Wei Hang slowly spoke: "This bracelet is one of the jewelry worn by Queen Juliana of the Netherlands when she ascended the throne. I only found the bracelet, not the crown, sorry.

Ming Mei smiled: "Thank you, I like it very much." "

Should I say that I am worthy of being the sister-in-law of a century-old family in the capital? In terms of value alone, this bracelet is worth more than all gifts today.

Queen Juliana is one of the most important queens in Dutch history, and during her reign, she worked hard to develop the economy, making the Netherlands one of the richest countries in Europe, and was deeply embraced and loved by the Dutch people.

This bracelet, both in appearance and meaning, is very good.

Mingmei put two bracelets on one wrist, got up and pushed Wei Hang down on the bed, bowed his head and kissed it.

A good night's sleep.

The earliest from the next day was bright.

When Ming Mei got up, Wei Hang was still sleeping deeply.

The deck had been cleaned up, and Ming Mei leaned on the railing with bare feet on the board, feeling the touch of the water splashing on her calves from time to time, and the sun was warm.

"Nice view." Lei Zijian stretched out and walked out, and Wang Zicong followed him with a sleepy look.

At this moment, the sky and the sea are reflected together, and the white birds in the distance fly by in flocks, which is very beautiful.

Wang Zicong stretched, took out his mobile phone to take a picture of the scenery, and posted on Weibo.

At this time, there were already tens of thousands of replies.

Wang Zicong ignored the reply and closed his mobile phone.

The Ma brothers and sisters also came out, and after a few people said hello, Ma Yao lowered her head and played with her mobile phone.

Suddenly, Ma Yao cursed a dirty word.

Mingmei looked over: "What's wrong Lao Ma?" So angry?

Ma Yao looked angry: "What broken things, bright, you must not touch the new plot of the trick man!" It's disgusting! "

Fancy Man is a particularly popular otome game in the past two years, and Mingmei was taken into the pit by Ma Yao and charged a lot of money.

Bright and inexplicable: "What's wrong with the new plot?" "

I heard that the new plot was updated two days ago, and Ming Mei was preparing for the yacht, and she didn't have time to play.

Ma Yao still looked very angry: "The number four person who can be raided actually has a fiancée!"

"Impossible, right?" Mingmei's eyes widened: "Isn't this an otome game?"

Ma Yao sighed weakly: "Go to Guanbo to see it yourself!"

Mingmei quickly took out her mobile phone and flipped to Weibo, and just opened it, she saw that the news that #Fancy Man and Male Protagonist has a fiancée# was on the hot search.

There are also a few hot searches behind.

#Wang Zicong appeared on a mysterious yacht to celebrate his friend's birthday

##Pickpocket who Wang Zicong might celebrate his birthday for#

Mingmei did not care about the last two hot searches, and directly clicked into the first one.

Sure enough, the gamers are already scolding crazy.

"The Fancy Man is officially sick, right? Otome game do you give the male protagonist a whole fiancée? "

Otome Game≠ domineering president Xiaobaihua

" "The fiancée's personality is still on the same level as the male protagonist, beautiful, versatile, and economically minded, and single-minded to the male protagonist, the male protagonist is blind to what point to choose an ordinary white-collar female protagonist?"

"Does this count as character collapse..."

This male protagonist is the most active one among all the playable characters, the one with the most tricks, the female protagonist is already his "most beloved woman", I decided to go to the finale of this male protagonist, and as a result, you tell me that this male protagonist is still looking for a girlfriend outside with his fiancée? Take the heroine as three?

"Spicy chicken plot, I hate mistress the most in real life, I didn't expect that I could still experience the feeling of being a three."


Ming Mei frowned and turned off the comment.

What kind of stuff?

Otome game, can you raid the male protagonist and let the female protagonist be a junior?

Really outrageous.

Bright and angry.

There have been a few otome games this year, and it is rare to have a good fun, and the result is such a garbage plot.

Just as he was angry, a big light bulb suddenly lit up on Mingmei's head.

Who am I? I'm a loser system!

I have so much money, why don't I make my own games?

So Ming Mei directly sent a message to Ming Qi's wife, Ming Su.

Acquired the mobile game "Fancy Man" and the company behind it.

Big deal, do it yourself!

The news spread, and the originally dull eyes of a middle-aged woman with a kind face who had been staying in the kitchen of No. 2 Courtyard suddenly had a light in her dull eyes.

The woman raised her head, slowly revealed a smile, and walked out of the kitchen.

The yacht slowly returned home, and the port could be vaguely seen, and everyone stretched out to pack up their things and prepare to go home.

The yacht will be moored in the harbor, and the monthly stay fee is hundreds of thousands, that is, dozens of points a month.

Mingyu notified the port in advance and spent money to empty the crowd in the port, and the port was empty at this time.

Mingmei got off the yacht, and the butler drove with bodyguards to pick up Mingmei.

After seeing off the rest of the people, Wei Hang just yawned and got into the car, but the housekeeper suddenly stepped forward and covered Mingmei with his body, trapping Mingmei in the triangle between the car door and the housekeeper, and the bodyguard took out the warehouse on his waist (anti-red mark, everyone understands what word) turned around and raised his hand, bang, and a drone landed.

After confirming that there was no danger, the butler turned around with a cold face and gave a bodyguard a look.

The bodyguard nodded and turned to leave.

The housekeeper turned his face again and bowed to Mingmei: "I'm sorry, miss, it's my fault, I didn't notice this drone." "

It seems that it is time to return to the warehouse to load a scanning function tonight, the housekeeper thought silently.

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