Ming Mei reacted and took a closer look at the drone.

It looks quite expensive, but the model is a model that can be bought on the market, there is noise, it is not easy to hide, it should be just an ordinary paparazzi, not a more dangerous character.

"You should know how to deal with it." Ming Mei said this, turned around and calmed Wei Hang, who was frightened to wake up when he heard the sound of Cangxiang.

Here, Mingmei drove home, and a paparazzi in a van over there pawned to check the instruments in his hand: "I'm going, what was it just now?" What knocked out our UAVs? Is it a warehouse?

Another paparazzi: "Don't you run into something else, right?" It's not the first time we secretly photographed Wang Zicong, is he going to use the warehouse?

The paparazzi made a bitter face: "I see that Wang Zicong and a girl are quite close, I secretly photographed the girl, thinking that it was a new girlfriend or something, who knew that the bodyguard next to the girl raised his hand is a warehouse!"

Another paparazzi was shocked: "Why are you so daring?" How many of the people in Wang Zicong's circle can we shoot at will? How dare you shoot casually? Tens of thousands of instruments were destroyed!

The paparazzi who secretly photographed said with a bitter face: "I'm not looking for a big news!" The

other paparazzi was about to say something when a chuckle came from next to him.

"It's you two."

An ordinary female voice said.

The two paparazzi looked over, it was a round-faced woman, with an ordinary appearance and a tall figure.

Then there's a sandbag-sized fist from far and near, and then the two paparazzi don't know anything.

The two paparazzi woke up in a detention center, where the police informed them that they would be detained for three months on suspicion of voyeurism.

Seeing that the two of them were stunned, an expressionless policeman walked into the detention center: "You two, come with me to sign and take pictures."

A paparazzi said with a bitter face: "No, my lord policeman, I just want to take a picture, do I need to be detained?" And that person has a barn, alas!

Another paparazzi quickly covered his mouth: "Lord police, Lord police, we admit punishment, we admit punishment, three months, we must reflect well!"

The policeman glanced coldly at the complaining paparazzi: "Ms. Ming has a legal holding qualification certificate."

A word made both of them quiet.

Not long after the first paparazzi entered the industry, his mind was full of creating a big news that became a hit in the paparazzi world, and at this time, he just thought that his reputation would be ruined by secretly photographing others in prison.

The other paparazzi is an old man who has been in the industry for many years, and at this moment he knows that it is good that his colleagues did not photograph anything important, otherwise it would not be as simple as detention for three months.

The day after Ming Mei returned home, she received gifts from other families.

Most of them are some brand-name jewelry and antiques and the like, in short, the three words are highlighted, expensive and beautiful.


Ming Mei took out one of the gift boxes and opened it.

It is a handmade gemstone brooch.

It can be seen that the person who made this gift has done it countless times, and the gemstone brooch is very good-looking, and there is no rough place.

The person who gave the gift was Zhao Chen.

Ming Mei was stunned for a moment, and finally found this person from her mind.

My own former bed partner....

Ming Mei did not see that Wei Hang was standing at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor.

Wei Hang took a deep breath, walked down slowly, and gently sat next to Mingmei.


Wei Hang shouted.

Mingmei snorted, hugged him and kissed: "What's wrong, baby?"

Wei Hang looked at the brooch in Mingmei's hand: "Is this sent by Zhao Chen?"

Mingmei smiled a little: "You got it?

Wei Hang hung his head and nodded, looking pitiful.

Mingmei's heart softened for no reason.

Wei Hang slowly spoke: "If you really like him... I don't mind the two of you..." At

the end, the voice of the escort became quieter and quieter.

Ming Mei chuckled, raised her hand and rubbed Wei Hang's head.


"Just be by my side, don't think about these things too much."

Bright said.

Wei Hang snorted sullenly.

After another two days, Ming Mei leaned on the sofa and played with her mobile phone, and Ming Su sent a message that the preliminary acquisition had been completed.

Bright sent an ok past.

At the same time, Fenghua Games Company.

In the conference room, Ming Su was wearing a white women's suit, leaning back, sitting on the largest chair in the conference room, looking at the senior management of Fenghua Game Company with unclear looks on both sides, revealing a shallow smile: "Why don't you guys talk?" The

boss of Yuan Fenghua Game Company smiled stiffly: "President Ming, we are waiting for your orders."

Ming Su's smile became brighter: "I have nothing to order." Just one point, the plot of "Fancy Man" is redone from beginning to end.

The head of the studio in charge of the "Fancy Man" game on the side frowned and spoke: "Mr. Ming, at present, "Fancy Man" is the most money-grabbing game in our company, if it is redone, is the cost problem..."

Before the words were finished, Ming Su raised his hand to stop him from continuing: "Maybe I didn't explain it before." I'll say one last time. I only bought Fenghua Games for one thing, that is, to make our young lady play games more fun, as for whether to earn money or not..." Ming Su smiled disdainfully: "You guys don't look at this little bit of moon flow, we still can't look at it." The

person in charge of Fenghua Game and Trick Man were silent, and the two looked at each other, with fawning smiles on their faces at the same time.

"Yes, Mr. Ming, everything is as you order."

A few days later, Fenghua Game Company issued a new notice:

from now on, Fenghua Game Company changed its name to Ming's Game Company, and the plot of its largest game IP "Fancy Man" was reset.

Subsequently, a statement was issued that the account that had been recharged in the game before would not be destroyed, but would be returned to the game account according to the record, whether it was withdrawn or recharged in other games under Ming's.

The reset plot also lacks some slots in the original game, such as the female protagonist always makes inexplicable work mistakes, and then attracts other male protagonists to help, such as other supporting roles other than the male protagonist are always inexplicably hostile to the female protagonist and so on.

In addition to the original otome game style, the heroine in the new plot appears to be more independent and self-reliant, and has brains.

Many gamers are clamoring for a good change.

Here, the Modu brand supermarket, which began construction last year, was officially completed and listed.

The Modu brand supermarket is the same as his name, it is full of various luxury brands, and there are no slightly more affordable brands.

Another gold cave.

Sales were very good in the first week of the trial operation, and Ming Mei and Huang Xue planned to play.

Mingmei did not want to be visited like a monkey, so she directly called the person in charge of the brand supermarket.

At the previous banquet, the person in charge of the brand supermarket handed her a business card.

When the call passed, the person in charge of the brand supermarket said that it would stop operating for one morning to let Mingmei and Huang Xue have enough shopping.

Bright opened her own Raphael, next to Huang Xue, and the two came to the brand supermarket wearing casual dresses with similar styles.

As soon as I parked the car from the parking lot and walked into the passage, I saw a few girls come out disappointed.

"It's a pity," said a girl with short hair, "why didn't you think to check the official website when you came?"

Another girl sighed: "Who would have thought that the brand supermarket would not operate in the morning today?" Bai came for a trip.

Another girl comforted: "Okay, okay, we'll come back in the afternoon!"

A few girls saw the bright two approaching, and opened their mouths to remind: "Two Jimei, the brand supermarket is not operating this morning, don't go, save more trips." "

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