Seeing that the time is at the end of August, it is also the most poisonous time of the sun.

Mingmei looked at the 50,000 points in her background and showed a satisfied smile.

It's time to get a security company.

I always have to go abroad, and the supervision of domestic warehouses is extremely strict, and it is not necessary to go abroad.

Just with these few bodyguards exchanged in the system, it is not enough to protect yourself abroad.

She needed a large team of bodyguards.

The location of the security company should be done well, and it must be able to meet the training and life of employees.

In the interior of the Dragon Kingdom, there are many restrictions on security companies, except for the earliest few security companies, most of the security companies that are now mentioned can only provide stars with a service to intercept fans, and it is already good to have a little effort, which is not the result that Ming Mei wants.

Therefore, Mingmei turned her attention to Hong Kong City, Aocheng and Taizhou.

However, Mingmei does not plan to go in person, but opens the system, chooses to customize the bodyguard interface, pulls all the data to the full, customizes two top bodyguards, a man and a woman, named Shuyuan and Minghan, and takes the 20 bodyguards of the same specification and funds that appeared in the system to Hong Kong City, Macao City Taizhou.

There were more than 10,000 points left, and Mingmei did not intend to exchange for other things, so he closed the system mall.

At the beginning of September, the security company was successfully registered in Hong Kong City.

Mingmei no longer pays attention to this matter.

Some time ago, Ma Zhiyue contacted Mingmei and asked Mingmei to borrow Villa A1 in Galaxy Washington to shoot TV series.

Of course, money is given at market prices.

Mingmei agreed.

It just so happens that these days are idle and boring, and Wei Hang also has some things to return to the capital, and Mingmei plans to go to Galaxy Washington to see the shooting scene.

At the same time, the director of Galaxy Washington

looked at the information on the mobile phone, brushed up and stood up and scanned the villa, the valuables in the villa have long been taken away by the villa owner, and there are some fakes that look expensive, and now the villa has just finished filming some work garbage on the ground, and the rest are fine, so the director clapped his hands, and the eyes of all the actors and scene staff in the villa looked over.

"Everyone clean up the site, the owner of the villa will come and see the house."

So the crowd took action.

An Mingyu heard the director's arrangement, and also followed the other actors in the crew to remove their makeup and clean up.

At this time, An Mingyu's agent came over.

An Mingyu was originally doing carving work for his father, who knew that an accident was seen by scouts and entered the company as a star.

However, the star industry does not have a good-looking face, it depends more on strength and luck, and whether the resources at the top will be tilted towards you.

An Mingyu is not short of money, being a star just thinks it's fun, there are not many fans, the traffic is not high and does not care, just be happy.

But An Mingyu's agent Zhang Pengfei was not happy.

Zhang Pengfei has been in the industry for many years, and he brought up a lot of small fresh meat with one hand, and originally saw An Mingyu's unpolished face that was stunning enough, so he had to die and snatched An Mingyu from other agents.

An Mingyu such a look, casually arrange a few big bosses to have a meal, let the big bosses rub a little oil, what kind of top resources do not have?

And An Mingyu was born with a good face without plastic surgery, and has a high education, and a good voice, as long as there are resources, it is the next top class!

He Zhang Pengfei has been in the industry for so many years, although the traffic is small and fresh meat has come out a lot, but there is really no top stream.

If An Mingyu can become the top, then his status in the industry will rise to another level.

However, Zhang Pengfei is a person with pursuits, and he is not willing to let anyone take advantage of his artist.

Zhang Pengfei looked at the little message found on his mobile phone and pulled An Mingyu into the bathroom.

"What for? Brother Zhang? An Mingyu asked.

Zhang Pengfei whispered: "Xiao An, I have already inquired clearly, it is a young young lady Qianjin who will come here in a while, do you seize the opportunity, do you hear?"

An Mingyu was stunned for a moment: "What opportunity?"

Zhang Pengfei hated iron but not steel: "What chance do you say?" A chance to become the top!

An Mingyu reacted: "Brother Zhang, are you going to arrange for me to be unspoken?"

Zhang Pengfei rolled his eyes: "Are you stupid or not?" The other party is a young lady, not an aunt, let alone a male boss, who takes advantage of whom? I have inquired, this young lady even our top boss is respectful to others, if you can make this young lady happy, what kind of resources can't be obtained? Seeing

what An Mingyu still wanted to say, Zhang Pengfei was impatient: "Okay, okay, you remember, seize the opportunity!"

With that, he pushed open the door and walked out.

An Mingyu looked at his face in the mirror and poked with some chagrin.

He is not short of money, filming is just to be happy, and he will stay away from others for a while, can Brother Zhang still press himself to Miss Qianjin?

An Mingyu made up his mind and turned around and went out.

Listening to the footsteps walking away, a person came out from behind the bathroom wall.

It is the male number two of this play.

The male number two looked at the mirror and looked at his face that was not lost to An Mingyu, and smiled proudly.

Miss Qianjin, top resources, haha, and this good thing!

The male number one of this play is an old drama bone of the acting school muscles, his male number two character is just a beautiful vase, just now An Mingyu played the male number four, an equally beautiful vase, just to set off the strength of the male number one.

Now little girls like small fresh meat like themselves, the male number one is definitely not his opponent, An Mingyu is good-looking, but he is still too immature.

How many little girls on the Internet are obsessed with themselves, just a young lady, they can definitely win it!

Top resource, here I come!

The male number two walked to the side confidently, intending to put on some makeup for himself.

The butler drove Mingmei to the outside of the villa, and the general manager and director of the entertainment company were already waiting.

The general manager trotted forward with a parasol to block the scorching sunlight for Mingmei: "Miss Ming, you have worked hard to come here, come into the house, the air conditioner in the house is on."

Ming Mei snorted and followed the general manager into the house.

The director did not dare to breathe on the side.

This general manager is the most majestic on weekdays, but today it is rare to have such a dogleg look!

However, this also proves that this Miss Ming's identity is not simple.

At the same time, the male actors in the villa and even a few extremely beautiful actresses have received more or less news from their own agents or companies.

If you can do it, leave a good impression in front of this Miss Ming, and if you can't do it, at least don't make a bad deal.

In the entire villa, except for An Mingyu, the rest are old people who have been in the industry for several years, and most of them know in their hearts that the owner of the villa is definitely not an ordinary rich person.

So they all looked at the door with a little expectation.

The general manager of the company that invested in this drama took a parasol in one hand and made a guide with the other, and led a woman into the villa: "Miss Ming, welcome to the crew."

Ming Mei nodded, and the assistant director immediately moved a chair to the entrance of the living room, and Ming Mei sat down.

"Don't worry about me," Ming Mei lifted one leg and took out her mobile phone: "I'll come to see a fresh, you guys take yours." "

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