Ming Mei said this, but others did not dare to listen to it.

The director beckoned the others to continue shooting, and the assistant director squatted next to Mingmei, explaining the script and characters to Mingmei one by one, listening with interest, and matching these characters with the people present.

Suddenly, Mingmei's eyes froze.

Is that An Mingyu?

An Mingyu was squatting in the camera at this time to listen to the director's speech, ignoring Zhang Pengfei's anxiety behind him.

First of all, male number three, a male character like white moonlight in the audience, the actor of male number three is not bad.

After being mentioned by his own agent openly and secretly, the male number three smiled lightly, revealing a soft smile, a bit like the popular little milk dog.

"Miss Ming, this is the Taizhou red mention sent by the sponsor, you try it!"

The male No. 3 has a tender face, but his figure is really not tender, and the pure cotton V-neck sports T-shirt can just show the chest muscles of the male No. 3 during the process of bending over the male No. 3.

Looking at this scale, it is no worse than the male number one!

Bright is very face-to-face to roll up a washed red tip one by one and put it in her mouth.

It should be put in ice water, ice is sweet, very relieved of heat.

The male number two is not to be outdone, he does not have the muscles of the male one and the male three, but he has a good face and is very good at dressing himself, and after the male number three left, he also stepped forward to send cold mineral water to Mingmei.

Unfortunately, Mingmei did not glance at his face.

Following the bright eyes, the male number two found that she was observing An Mingyu.

The male number two felt a little unpleasant in his heart, seeing that the deputy director was already giving him a look, he could only deflated his mouth and left.

It's just that when the male number two passed by An Mingyu, he accidentally saw a few nails next to the camera.

For a time, evil began in the heart.

As if inadvertently, the male number two touched An Mingyu when passing by.

An Mingyu did not squat steadily, and subconsciously supported the ground with his palm - just pressed on those nails.

In an instant, the blood flowed.

The field attendant on the side exclaimed, and quickly picked up An Mingyu, and the male number two quickly turned around to help people in surprise as if he had just discovered this matter.

An Mingyu only felt that his hands hurt terribly, and the doctor arranged on the set to prevent the actors from having accidents also came in handy this time.

Bright came forward: "What's wrong?" The

executive director on the side spoke: "Miss Ming, it's not a big deal, Xiao An didn't squat and accidentally pressed his hand on the nail, there is an arrangement doctor on the shooting site, there should be no problem." Right, Doctor? "

The male number two is very satisfied with the performance of the executive director.

The male number two is very sure that there is no camera in this villa, and the action just now is estimated to be seen only by this executive director.

But this executive director was stuffed in by his agency and would not oppose him, so he was relieved to frame An Mingyu.

The doctor replied while dealing with the injury on An Mingyu's hand: "Please rest assured Miss Ming and the director, the injury on An Mingyu's hand is not a penetrating injury, nor does it hurt an important place, but just scratches some texture, and it will be good to rest for two days, and it will not affect life."

An Mingyu heard that it didn't hurt the important place, so he relaxed his heart and carefully recalled what happened just now.

No, it's definitely not that he didn't squat steadily just now, it's definitely that someone touched him on purpose!

Who is it? An Mingyu couldn't figure it out.

Mingmei heard that An Mingyu's hand was fine, so she breathed a sigh of relief, straightened up, and called the manager.

The general manager of the investment company immediately trotted over.

"Miss Ming, what are your orders?"

"Manager, kick out this male number two and everyone who is stuffed in the company behind him, and find an actor again." I'll make up for the extra money. She


The male number two was stunned for a moment, and asked incredulously: "Why?" Miss Ming..." Before

the male number two finished speaking, Ming Mei sneered.

"Hurt the same crew for no reason, do you guess how long it will take me to send you in if you don't take the initiative to roll?"

When the male number two heard this, his face immediately turned ashen, and he endured all kinds of gazes around him, and whispered that I will go and pack my things.

The executive director's face was also not good, but he did not dare to say anything more or do, and went to pack up his things.

Mingmei smiled lightly at An Mingyu, who had a trance-like expression.

"Long time no see, Master Xiao An."

"Is your carving craft still as good as before?"

An Mingyu was in a trance until he was helped by the agent to the bathroom to clean up the blood stains.

Agent Zhang Pengfei carefully helped An Mingyu deal with the blood stains while looking at An Mingyu with unseen eyes: "Xiao An, before my brother spoke heavily, my brother apologized to you, my brother never expected it, it turns out that you have long known Miss Ming!"

An Mingyu finally found a fragment from his mind.

Oh, it turns out that the beautiful girl who bought my hairpin that day is this Miss Ming!

Zhang Pengfei asked gossiping while dealing with the blood stains: "Xiao An, how did you meet this Miss Ming?"

An Mingyu said in a trance: "I used to set up a stall in a jade market to sell hairpins I made with my own hands, and this Miss Ming and Wang Zicong bought my hairpin..."

Zhang Pengfei sighed twice: "It turns out that Miss Ming is the rich second generation of Wang Zicong's class?" No wonder. After

dealing with the wound on his hand, because Mingmei spoke, the general manager directly fed back the matter to Ma Zhiyue.

Ma Zhiyue directly called Mingmei's side, the male number two and his company were kicked out, and the excess share Mingmei directly filled the capital chain, of course, if you make money, the dividend also belongs to Mingmei.

In less than a few hours, Ma Zhiyue sent a new contract, and Mingmei signed it directly.

Seeing that it was evening, An Mingyu was placed by the director to sit next to Mingmei in the name of recuperating his injuries, and he was somewhat embarrassed at this time.

"How did you come up with the idea of being a star?"

Ming Mei asked with a smile.

An Mingyu's eyes were round and big, and when she heard Ming Mei ask like this, her eyes widened: "That, Miss Ming, I met a scout before and was interested in this industry, so I came to be a star."

Ming Mei nodded: "This line is good."

Mingmei turned her head to look at An Mingyu.

Suddenly spoke.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

An Mingyu shook his head stunned.

Mingmei smiled, raised her hand, and brushed a strand of hair on the side of An Mingyu's ear behind her ear.

"Now on, you're one of my boyfriends. Say yes if you agree, say no if you disagree, and I'll give you the opportunity to choose.

An Mingyu's eyes widened, the woman's slender wrist was next to his ear, and the faint tea fragrance on his wrist seemed to float into his nose - Armani's jade dragon tea fragrance, which came with it when buying a bag, Mingmei liked this smell very much, and I used it today.

"I agree."

An Mingyu heard himself say this.

The night was also a little dark, and Mingmei saw that this stage had been filmed, and directly called the director over: "Today I invite everyone to eat supper, you can order it casually, and it will be credited to my account." The

villa cheered.

After everyone finished eating supper, Mingmei pulled An Mingyu into the car, and said to the general manager and director who came out: "Give An Mingyu three days of injury leave." The

two naturally agreed.

Sitting in the car, An Mingyu reacted to what he had promised.

He became the boyfriend of the girl next to him.

Remembering the "one of my boyfriends" that Ming Mei said, An Mingyu's face turned red.

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