Just now, the girl next to him was so imposing that he was suddenly shocked and couldn't say anything against it, and when he reacted, he had already agreed.

However, such a beautiful girl, even if she becomes one of her harems, it should be worth it, right?

An Mingyu thought with a red face.

At the same time

, Ming's Security Company

stood at the railing above the training camp, looking at the first generation of trainees.

A security company cannot be supported by only dozens of bodyguards exchanged by the system.

These dozens of bodyguards can cope with the preliminary work, and when the scale starts, they can't cope with it, and they need to start recruiting.

There are many martial arts schools in Hong Kong City, and the students recruited by Shuyuan are mainly veterans and graduates of martial arts schools.

Their security company has grown in size.

Now the thing to do is....

Shu Yuan's eyes were cold.

It's about clearing some obstacles.

Hong Kong City,

Wang Security Group Wang Peng is now the general manager of Wang Security Group.

When he was young, he was one of the altar masters of the Red Knife Society, the biggest shadow in Hong Kong City.

With the advent of the new century, the shadow Red Knife Club, which has been separated from Hong Kong City for nearly a hundred years, has also changed its appearance with the new boss, and the members put down their knives and guns one by one, picked up regular police sticks, and became employees of the Wang Security Group from the original members of the Red Knife Club.

Now, in addition to the older generation of Hong Kong City still remembering the Red Knife Society of the past, the younger generation now only regards the Red Knife Society as a quaint tale like a quaint boy, and does not know that Wang's Security, one of the two major security groups in Hong Kong City, was once the shadow of the city.

Wang Peng walked to the chairman's office, and after reporting on the work during this period, he pretended to mention it inadvertently: "Boss, what is the origin of that Ming?" Our resource blockade doesn't seem to work.

Wang Qiu, who used to be the boss of the Red Knife Society, and now the chairman of the Wang Security Group, glanced at him coldly: "How many times have you said it, call me the chairman, don't call the big brother."

After teaching his former younger brother as usual, Wang Qiu snorted coldly: "Zuo is just one of those few in the inland capital, can't afford to provoke, can't we still hide?"

Wang Peng was about to say something, but the door of the chairman's office, which had been closed, was suddenly violently opened.

"Oh, Chairman Wang is really a powerful consciousness." A woman's soft voice said slowly, and with the sound of footsteps, a woman with short hair walked in.

Wang Qiu and Wang Peng's eyes widened.

"Ming Han of the Ming Clan?" Wang Qiu subconsciously held the pocket handcang hidden under the arm of the chair, and a stiff smile appeared on his face: "Ms. Ming is planning to have a late-night snack most of the night?"

Ming Han covered his mouth and smiled reservedly: "Oh, Chairman Wang can really laugh." People want to lose weight, how can they eat late-night snacks so late?

As the two spoke, the group of customized bodyguards poured out from behind Ming Han in a uniform step, and five people on the left and right stood in the chairman's office.

Wang Qiu's heart was cold, knowing that most of the security system in the building had been abandoned.

Wang Peng sneered: "Then I don't know what Ms. Ming plans to do when she comes to our Wang family most of the night?" Ming

Han smiled, the little girl lightly stepped on the dance steps in the office like a tiptoe and turned twice, and said in a playful tone: "There is only one thing that people come here, that is, to clear all the stumbling blocks that stand in front of the Ming family~"

Wang Qiu's eyes sharpened, and he instantly raised his hand - however, he is old, whether it is equipment or speed power, he is not as good as Ming Han from the system.

After one night, the chairman of Wang Security Group and several managers dismissed Wang Security Security's security force, sold the group building, and fled abroad.

The buildings and some resources retained by Wang Shi'an were taken over by Ming's security.

The Zhang's Security Group, which was originally known as the two major security groups in Hong Kong City with the Wang Security Group, not only did not get a piece of the pie, but was also bitten off a piece of meat by Ming Han in the process of meddling, and it was clear in his heart that this newly emerged Ming Security was probably not simple.

Mingmei didn't care about this, during this time, An Mingyu's hand was slowly recovering, Wei Hang was not there, she didn't have the heart to do something that she didn't have, and she learned one more foreign language every day in addition to practicing the piano.

After a few more days, the escort returned.

Seeing An Mingyu at home, Wei Hang was still a little uncomfortable even though he had already prepared in his heart.

At night, Wei Hang's face was pink and leaned in Mingmei's arms, hugging Mingmei's waist as if he was sleeping deeply.

When Ming Mei was also confused and about to fall asleep, he vaguely heard Wei Hang seem to say something.

Ming Mei did not delve into it and soon fell asleep.

A few days later, Mingmei received an invitation to the Modu Auto Show.

Wei Hang went back to the capital, I don't know what I'm doing, Ming Mei doesn't care about his personal affairs, An Mingyu's injury is almost healed, Ming Mei didn't take him out, he drove to the car show alone.

The auto show is divided into outreach and inreach, outreach can be described as a sea of people, as long as it is a person, you can participate in the exhibition when you arrive, but the inshow requires an invitation.

Ming Mei took the invitation into the introspection.

The inside and outside are relatively basic luxury car brands, and what Maserati Ferrari brand sports cars are here.

Further inside, there are some models that are not common on the market.

What Bugatti Veyron Kella, McLaren P1....

Suddenly, Ming Mei stopped in front of a car.

This is an orange-yellow two-seater sports car.

Just then, the system clicked.

[Dingdong ~ understand the car emperor module is online again~ The car that appears in front of the host is the Apollo Helios, which produces fifty vehicles a year, has a length of 4.46 meters, a width of nearly 2 meters, and a height of 1.24 meters. With 650 horsepower, it can accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in 3 seconds and from 0 to 200 km/h in 9 seconds.

Apollo Sun God? What a great name.

At this moment, a man's voice next to him was also introducing the car.

"The old irons take a look, this is dozens of luxury cars every year, Apollo Helio, I'll go, this body curve is too beautiful, the color is also fantastic, right?" That what Hermes orange is much more beautiful! Ming

Mei turned her head to see a tall man who was holding up his mobile phone to broadcast live.

Can it still be broadcast live here?

Ming Mei glanced at the venue, there was more than one live broadcast, and no one stopped it, let alone "no live broadcast photography" and so on.

Oh, that's fine.

Ming Mei didn't care about the man who was live broadcasting, but waved his hand and called the salesman: "Is this Apollo Sun God for sale?" "

At this kind of car show, some cars are sold, and some cars are purely 4S shops or a certain boss released for exhibition in order to enhance popularity, and they are not sold at all.

The salesman bowed slightly to Mingmei: "Hello this young lady, the price of this Apollo Sun God is 27 million yuan, and it only accepts a one-time payment on the spot."

Ming Mei nodded and took out the card from her pocket: "I want it." The

salesman was stunned for a moment, then took out the card machine pinned to his waist, and the expression on his face became more respectful: "Okay, this will swipe the card for you." Will you drive back by yourself, or will we send you back? In

less than two minutes, a luxury car of nearly 30 million yuan was sold.

Both the men in the live broadcast and the people in the live broadcast room were stunned.

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