Ming Mei asked again: "Then what type of play or role do you want to play?"

An Mingyu thought for a while: "I prefer the kind of historical power scheme."

Mingmei smiled after hearing this: "With your current acting skills, don't touch historical power schemes."

An Mingyu obediently snorted, and hung his head a little disappointed.

Since he entered the industry, the company has arranged teachers for him.

But the teacher did not teach him how to act and how to improve his own ability as he imagined, but taught him how to answer when he had media interviews, what kind of personality to establish, how to take selfies, so that people could not see the traces of artificiality and did not reveal their shortcomings...

An Mingyu was a little disappointed, but it was a pity that he had already signed the contract.

Mingmei took An Mingyu's hand to play: "But don't worry, I've found you a professional acting teacher to train your acting skills."

An Mingyu's eyes lit up.

Bright said, "You will go to class from tomorrow."

An Mingyu was first excited, and then a little hesitant: "But, Miss Ming, what about my play?"

Ming Mei laughed: "What can I do?" Remake. "

This play was originally invested by Ma Zhiyue and adapted from a well-known suspense novel.

The director is a well-known director in the industry, very strong, and he brings a whole team with him. The male number two and the male number three have a lot of traffic, and there are two powerful actors who are male and female number one.

It sounds good, but there are actually many problems:

first of all, this suspense novel is very well-known, and fans of the original remake of the novel are very much looking forward to it.

But the problem is that if you want to show some attractive places in the novel, money cannot be less, so the director went to the company of male number two and male number three to invest.

Since you want to invest, you must have a strong man, so the two traffic stars who do not have much acting skills in male number two and male number three were stuffed in.

The director not only wants to give these two traffic stars a coffee seat, but is afraid that these two traffic stars will not be able to show the charm of the characters, so he can only change the script overnight, superimposing some of the highlights of the original work belonging to male number two and male number three on the two acting schools of male number one and female number one, male number two and male number three from the original excellent role that promotes the plot into a dragging vase.

The director feels that his method is really fantastic, and his play must be a big hit.

Since Mingmei planned to invest in this drama, Ma Zhiyue let go, and he changed from the original owner to the person waiting to get dividends, and the owner became Mingmei.

So the director told Mingmei about his mental journey to change the script.

Bright full subway, elderly, mobile phone jpg.

She really wants to shake the director's neck collar and ask him, do you really think your method is good?

Why does this book catch fire?

Because both decent and villain, from the protagonist to a passer-by are very successful, it can attract a large number of fans in this era when paper books are no longer popular.

Each character has the charm of each character, not just the tool person who drives the plot.

Such a novel with full character image, remade into the protagonist king with a bunch of bronze reckless, the positive role in addition to Weiguangzheng is a vase, the negative character is unified brainless and brainless, it is strange that the remake can look good.

When the traffic of the novel itself and the traffic of the actors are consumed, I'm afraid there will be overwhelming scolding, right?

She invested in this drama not only for An Mingyu, but also for her own money.

So Ming Mei waved her big hand, the man and the woman stayed, the other actors were all dismissed, and the severance pay came out from Ming Mei.

Then Ming Mei asked the director to choose the actor according to the setting of the novel character itself, even if the actor is an unknown eighteen-line runner, as long as it fits the role.

Mingmei directly signed a contract with the director, so that the director did not have to consider the ratings despite filming according to the novel.

Anyway, the shooting cost is the loser fund of the system, and the money earned is all bright for her.

It is equivalent to zero cost, and if someone looks at it, it can be earned.

The director immediately burst into tears of excitement.

How many years, how many years has he not met such a good investor!

For a person like a director, free play is always better than propositional composition.

So the director changed the script according to the novel overnight, and took the assistant director all over the world to find actors.

Taking this opportunity, Mingmei directly bought a small entertainment company, got An Mingyu's signing into her own company, and lost it to Ming Su, a game company in the game.

An Mingyu's original company was originally a little reluctant to release people, but Mingmei made a call to Li Qinqin (No. 7 Courtyard of Wangfu Hutong).

The current entertainment industry is dominated by three major companies, two of which have the figure of the Li family in the No. 7 courtyard of Wangfu Hutong.

Li Qinqin called the boss of An Mingyu's original company again, and within a few hours, the boss personally took the contract to a small entertainment company that Mingmei bought, and since then, An Mingyu has become an artist under Mingshi Entertainment.

It's just that An Mingyu hasn't paid much attention to the news in the past two days, so he doesn't know about it.

After another two days, Mingmei received news from Mingxing.

Passage logistics has radiated to a small half of the dragon country, and more than a dozen batches of students have successfully graduated to join the industry, and even if the three links and one reach are united, they cannot stop the pace of passage logistics.

After the official launch of Black Knight Software, it became the third largest takeaway software after a certain blue and a certain yellow, and was affectionately called Xiaohei by users.

The development of the security company is also good, the orders are non-stop, the game company's current main game is "Fancy Man", compared with the previous Fancy Man, two ratings one by one.

I am very satisfied with the current business development.

In the afternoon, the class group that was pinned by the bright message and clicked on the message Do Not Disturb showed that someone was Aither her.

Bright click in.

[Squad leader: Then it's decided, let's get together this weekend.] @明媚 Bright, we have a class dinner this weekend, do you want to come?

Mingmei thought that she hadn't seen the Ma Mingyue sisters for a long time, so she replied with a good one.

[Squad leader: Okay, okay, the address is xxxx, we are AA. ]

Bright replied with a hmm.

The white wolf An An came out of his room, jumped on the sofa, and put his furry head on his bright legs.

Mingmei touched An An's head, thinking that it was time to take An An to repair her hair.

Soon it was the weekend.

Bright drove the Maserati sports car to the door of the agreed hotel.

Stopped the car, and as soon as she got out of the car, she heard someone next to her hesitantly shout her name.

Ming Mei looked over, it was the squad leader of their class.

"Long time no see, squad leader." Bright smiled and greeted.

"Ah, that, long time no see!" The squad leader looked at the bright car and replied with some stammering.

His eyes couldn't stop glancing back and forth between his bright face and the sports car.

Ming Mei smiled at the squad leader, turned and walked into the hotel.

The squad leader also hurried to follow, and spoke: "Bright, that sports car... Is it yours?

Ming Mei nodded: "Yes, it's mine." The

class leader remembered the Koenigsegg parked in the girls' dormitory and swallowed.

My good girl, what is the origin of brightness? Which rich second generation just bought two multi-million sports cars last year, and this year replaced a multi-million sports car?

His family also has some small money, and he has also contacted the rich second generation, and he has never seen anyone change cars so sharply.

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