He only heard that Ming Mei, who was in the same dormitory as the deputy class leader, had taken a break from school to start a business, and in his opinion, Ming Mei should run around for the company and be exhausted before he understood the word entrepreneurship in his mind.

Now it seems that Mingmei does not have the slightest fatigue of starting a business, but ... People look better?

Not only are people more good-looking, but their temperament is also better.

Does entrepreneurship change people so much?

The squad leader looked at the bright and beautiful face, and his heart was pounding.

The squad leader booked a large private room, and the two large tables were just enough for the whole class of twenty or so people to sit.

One table for boys, one table for girls, just right.

At this time, the people had almost arrived and were chatting together.

As Ming Mei stepped into the private room, the private room was quiet for a moment.

"Bright, here!" Ma Mingyue waved her hand and called Mingmei over.

With Ma Mingyue's shout, the private room resumed the liveliness just now.

After the class leader sat down, the boy on the side squeezed his eyebrows at him.

"How about the class leader, did you find that our class is the most beautiful or bright?"

Hearing the boy's joking words, the class leader recalled his bright face again, his face turned a little red, and he nervously hammered the boy: "Don't joke!"

It's just that there is a little more hope in his eyes, and he cautiously looks at the bright and smiling with his roommate on the side.

What if, at all, is that possible?

Bright and good-looking, it looks like the value is not low....

If you can fall in love with her, you won't lose anything.

The class leader here is thinking about how to contact Mingmei, and Mingmei over there has already chatted with her roommate and a few girls who have said a few words.

A girl with short hair asked Mingmei curiously: "Mingmei, how are you starting a business?" The

scene was quiet for a while, and Ming Mei noticed that not only the girls at this table, but also the boys next to him also looked over.

Mingmei smiled: "It's very good, the business has been rolled out." "

The short-haired girl thought she already had a business? That's great, so he praised, "That's great!" Bright you are so good! I also thought about starting a business, but now I don't even have a clue.

A girl with twisted braids on the side spoke: "Mingmei, do you have any secrets or ideas?" Can you tell us about it? I inquired, except for the seniors who interned in the senior year, most of our remaining three classes of going out to start a business failed, and came back to study, and the counselor said that you started a good business.

Speaking of this, the braided girl lowered her voice and carefully gave Ming Mei a look: "Did you see the yellow-haired boy over there?" He is the senior who went to start a business two years older than us, lost money, came back and re-read.

Ming Mei suddenly realized, no wonder she just entered the door and saw a stranger, she thought that the boy usually had a weak sense of existence in the class, so she didn't remember, the relationship is an old senior!

At this time, Xu Xiaoning snorted lowly, leaned his chin on Mingmei's shoulder and whispered to Mingmei: "I tell you, this senior is very annoying, every now and then is what I have two years more experience than you, every now and then is how I have started a business, our class has been commented by him, it seems that he has brains." The

short-haired girl nodded approvingly: "As soon as the class goes to sleep, when the group is grouped, I have to come to our group, grab the subject homework on weekdays, and when it is the turn to do it, others don't know where to run, and when I hand in the homework, I criticize our homework one by one, and he still copies ours, I really don't know how to have the face to do this kind of thing."

Mingmei thought to herself, no wonder this senior didn't seem to fit into the boys' group.

The people arrived and began to serve.

There is no tendency to inflammation, and there is no way to look down on anyone, after all, they are all a group of sophomores, and the only thing worth showing off seems to be the only test results.

There was a conversation at the party, most of the topics were the exams that had just ended, a boy said that he had no review results before the exam, and all subjects were just passed, and other students, including Mingmei, showed envious and jealous eyes.

Ming Mei has also taken the exam, although she has some memories of her previous life, but before the exam, she has to turn over the book once or twice to ensure excellent results, like this kind of floating low in the air without doing anything... Bright can only say that some people are born with their own gold fingers.

Occasionally, one or two talk about Mingmei, and most of them are curious about the mental journey in the process of Mingmei's entrepreneurship, and Mingmei will smile back and pick some simple ones to talk about.

Those who are interested in entrepreneurship will listen to it, and those who are not interested in entrepreneurship and brightness will lower their voices and whisper their own whispers.

Bright sighed, this may be a rare party of these students who simply eat well just for their own happiness, once they step into the society, all kinds of party dinners have been given other concepts.

Perhaps in the eyes of some people, this face is really a bit wasteful - not only the owner of the defeated system in the class, but also a few classmates whose conditions are really not bad, and there are more or less several companies in the family, and some hearts begin to climb relationships at this time.

But that's what makes these students so cute.

In the eyes of most students at this stage, a good family background is far less than an interesting soul.

The food here is not top for people who are accustomed to eating mountain and sea delicacies, but it is also delicious, the surrounding environment is good, and there is no need to think about whether to make friends or refuse someone, so Mingmei also eats quite happily, and occasionally communicates a few words with others.

However, at this moment, a discordant voice appeared -

"She? How can her entrepreneurial performance be better than mine? Now the environment is not good, and in two years she will have to run back to rebuild it in ashes! As

soon as the words fell, the audience became quiet.

Ming Mei looked over a little strangely.

It was the senior who failed to start a business.

Is he talking about me?

Is he provoking me?

Bright is quite looking forward to it.

To be honest, since Ming Mei entered the circle at the top of the magic capital, combined with some novels I read in my previous life, I have fantasized about a lot of face-punching plots.

As a result, after really contacting and understanding this circle, Mingmei was quite disappointed - like the kind of people who come up to see you joke and disdain you without investigating anything, there are, but there are not many, and all the families with some families will not let such members participate in the banquet at all.

Don't these upper-class people look down on others? No, they are more proud than anyone.

It's just that they won't show it.

Therefore, Mingmei has really not been provoked by such an upright provocation.

Therefore, there is some anticipation in my heart.

Ma Mingyue, who was sitting next to Mingmei, tilted her head in some doubt.

What's going on? Why is Ming Mei so happy all of a sudden?

Ma Mingyue's second monk was puzzled.

The senior originally taught people to talk about the current environment to the two boys next to him, but after seeing Mingmei, a hint of pride flashed on his face, and he said in a tone of a person who came over: "Mingmei, the old senior gives you an opinion, do you want to listen to it?"

Ming Mei shook her head: "Thank you senior, I don't want to hear it, I don't think the experience of a startup loser who has nothing to do with my industry will help me in any way." "

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