Pulling Xu Mu to play a few games, Mingmei stretched out and walked from the front hall to the bedroom.

Along the way, there are many bottles and jars, and several long-necked vases are arranged with flowers, which are carefully taken care of at a glance, very beautiful, and pleasing to the eye.

These bottles and jars are bright and tinkle every time they pick up a system.

Walking to the bedroom, Ming Mei recalled that from the front hall to the bedroom, she saw several cultural relics with a history of thousands of years.

The cultural relics placed in the museum are brightly used for flower arrangement.

Is this the happiness of the rich? Loved, loved.

After returning from the walk, Ming Mei sat at the desk in the study, intending to sort out all her gains since she came to this world.

Let's start with the house.

The real estate in Mingmei's hands includes Villa C1 in Huacheng Residence, Garden Villa A1 in Galaxy Huafu, No. 2 Courtyard of Wangfu Hutong, and No. 143 Nanyuanmen Street, which the system has just rewarded, as well as Fengcheng Yanta District Senior Apartment, and countless staff apartments under her hand.

Besides, the car has a Lamborghini poison with a blue night sky, which is rewarded by the system, and the silver-white Lamborghini poison sent by Wang Zicong. One Ferrari Rafael, two Koenigsegg 033, one night sky blue, one silver gray.

Two nanny cars Toyota Alpha, three Bentleys used by housekeepers and nannies in the garage, one Maserati sports car bought temporarily, and the car I bought casually in the underground casino before I didn't know where to throw it, anyway, it was hundreds of thousands, and Ming Mei didn't look for it.

The orange-yellow Apollo Sun God bought at the auto show, as well as the black Pagani Wind Son, and a modified Red Flag car carried by the second courtyard.

The companies under his command include Pass Logistics, Ming's Games, Ming's Entertainment Company, Ming's Security, Black Knight Takeaway, Ming's Private Restaurant, and Mingkang Law Firm.

Some small and large fragmentary assets, including a Boeing BBJ3 business jet, that is, a bright private jet, with Beijing A88888 license plates and Beijing A00002 license plates, a Riva brand yacht Leo, and a private horse farm covering an area of 60 acres, as well as dozens of acres of tea gardens for birthday gifts and a winery.

The most important thing, of course, is people.

Gold manager Ming Xing, gold assistant Ming Xing, housekeeper and nanny driver and cook in the villa, as well as Ming Qi from the second courtyard, and his wife Ming Su, Ming Yu who manages the yacht, and Ming Yuan Ming Han of the security company.

Finally, I just got it today, Ming Xuan, the housekeeper of No. 143 Residence, and Ming Yang, the general manager of Ming's private house cuisine.

Bright calculated, I think it's not bad, a little bit of a family.

It's also late, rest! The day after tomorrow, I will go to the Antique Tasting Association.

Sunshine is a good sleep, but some people can't sleep.

"Boss Ming," a middle-aged man called Ming Yang with a sad face: "Why do you suddenly have to close the door for a week?" Did something happen? What do you tell me, I'll try to help you solve it, can you not open the door?" My old man loves to eat your dishes! "

The middle-aged man is going to die of worry.

His father, the former mayor of Fengcheng, since he had stomach surgery in the early years, he could only eat rice made by Ming's private dishes, and the other restaurants did not touch a mouthful, and his father could not eat much no matter how good the cook he invited in.

Although Ming's private house dishes are expensive, their family still consumes them, so his father's three meals a day come from Ming's private dishes.

However, Ming's private cuisine is different from other restaurants, they are good at craftsmanship, only accept reservations within three days at most, do not make a table, do not do takeaway, if you do not dine-in, you can only go to pick up takeaway in person, do not accept private invitations, he can only hire people to buy meals for his father every day.

But seeing that his father's health is getting better and better, he has nothing to say.

Unless force majeure, Ming's private dishes will not be closed even during the New Year and festivals at the rest of the time, and this time they will be closed for a week!

What can this do to his daddy?

His dad eats other family's meals for a day or two, but if he eats for a week, I'm afraid his dad won't be able to eat it!

So, the middle-aged man made a phone call to the mobile phone of the general manager of Ming's private restaurant.

Over there, Ming Yang spoke with a slight apology: "I'm really sorry, sir, it's just that our boss came to Fengcheng, and from today until the boss left, Ming's private dishes only serve the boss alone." The

middle-aged man was startled.

Isn't the owner of Ming's private restaurant Ming Yang?

He thought so, and asked so.

Ming Yang smiled slightly: "I'm sorry, I'm just a small general manager of Ming's private restaurant." The

middle-aged man was very embarrassed, and Mingyang thought for a while and said, "Wait a minute, I'll ask our boss."

Ming Yang told Ming Mei the cause and effect of the matter, and Ming Mei asked him to set aside a few cooks to continue to open the door, and did not have to close the door for her alone.

After receiving the news that Ming's private restaurant would not close, the middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief, but he was curious about the real owner of Ming's private restaurant.

The next day, the time on the invitation came up.

Bright and simple dressed up, wore a taupe pink dress and got into the car where the association came to pick up people.

The first day of the exhibition was for celebrities and rich people, so there were many media waiting to shoot.

In order to unify management, all those who come to participate in the first day of the exhibition are picked up and dropped off by the association.

The car stopped in front of the red carpet, and the butler got out of the car first, then opened the door and stretched out his arm to bow slightly.

Ming Mei stepped on high heels and held the butler's arm to get out of the car.

The moment I got out of the car, I remembered the sound of the camera.

Ming Mei glanced at the scene, and then slowly walked into the exhibition venue under the guidance of the organizer, and signed the agreement of 1 million donations before entering the venue.

The donation of 1 million is used to protect the association's cultural relics, equivalent to the entrance fee.

After entering the exhibition hall, Kang Qiang, president of the association, walked towards Mingmei and stretched out a hand: "Oh, this is Miss Ming who passes through logistics, right?"

Mingmei stretched out a hand: "Hello President Kang."

Kang Qiang held Mingmei's hand with both hands: "Hello, hello, Miss Ming, the association welcomes your arrival!" After

the cold noise, the two handed over their business cards, and then Kang Qiang personally took the bright to visit the exhibits.

"Miss Ming, you see, this is the authentic work of "Climbing the Stairs and Looking at the Moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival" created by the calligrapher Mi Fu of the Song Dynasty, and it is us..."

Kang Qiang explained to Ming Mei endlessly.

Bright listened carefully.

There are already many people on the side who have begun to quietly explore Mingmei's identity, hearing the keywords through logistics and No. 2 courtyard, these people are more or less clear about Mingmei's identity, so they give their eyes to the female companions and daughters around them, and signal these people to step forward and say two words to people.

After performing at yesterday's opening ceremony, Zhao Qiaoling attended the exhibition today as the female companion of the owner of a construction company.

Seeing Kang Qiang and Mingmei standing there, the boss of the construction company quickly signaled to Zhao Qiaoling: "Qiaoling, did you see the girl next to President Kang?"

Zhao Qiaoling nodded obediently.

"You go and try it, see if you can say two words to people, can you get people's business cards?"

The owner of the construction company said while stuffing his business card to Zhao Qiaoling.

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