Zhao Qiaoling sighed in her heart, sure enough, people are divided into three, six and nine.

The big boss of the construction company on his side is the leader of the construction company on Fengcheng's side, but when facing the mysterious girl, he didn't even dare to step forward and speak, only daring to hope that the female companion could communicate with people and ask for a business card.

People and people, indeed, are different.

Kang Qiang accompanied Mingmei to the exhibition of letters, and Mingmei said that she wanted to see the others herself.

After Kang Qiang left, Mingmei walked around casually, and at this time, a voice called Mingmei.

Ming Mei turned her head and saw that it was Lan Lan from Wang Fu Hutong.

"It's really you!" Lan Lan stepped forward, followed by two women, one man and three people.

Ming Mei looked at Lan Lan's expression of quick help and smiled: "Lan Lan? Long time no see, how are you doing lately?

Lan Lan nodded, walked to Mingmei's side, and took Mingmei's hand: "Of course, okay!" What about you? You said you wanted to play with me, don't forget!

Mingmei rolled her eyes with a smile: "When did I promise you not to do it?" Today is over, I'll take you to have a late-night snack.

Lan Lan nodded.

The two women and one man were forgotten by Lan Lan and Mingmei, and the two exchanged a few more words, and Lan Lan seemed to just remember: "Oh, I'm sorry, Liu Shao, Miss Liu, Miss Feng, I will say a few more words when I rarely meet friends, don't you mind?"

That Liu Shao smiled: "Of course you don't mind, Miss Lan, you guys continue."

With that, the three stopped in place with a smile.

Lan Lan turned her head and walked away with a smile and a smile.

That Liu Shao's expression suddenly fell.

When she was far away, Lan Lan let out a breath: "Thank you for being bright, you did me a big favor!"

Bright and amused asked, "What's wrong?"

Lan Lan sighed and said, "What do you think I came to Fengcheng for?"

"Didn't you come to see the exhibition?"

"Of course not!" Lan Lan replied: "I quit the marriage. "

Divorce?" Ming Mei exclaimed a little, and his mind couldn't help but think of what thirty years Hedong thirty years Hexi Mo bullied young people and poverty.

I don't know if Lan Lan is taking the Nalan oo template or the O fire template.

Lan Lan sighed: "That grandfather surnamed Liu was my grandfather's guard back then, and my grandfather gave my uncle's daughter an engagement to him." As a result, my cousin went to see him two months ago, and he actually said that my cousin did not meet his aesthetics and asked for a different fiancée!

Mingmei rolled her eyes: "Want to change to you?"

Lan Lan nodded, speechless: "He was also on the hot search for picking up girls at school, and he still dislikes my sister for not looking good, and he wants to marry me?" Who does he think he is? My grandfather asked my dad to take me out of the marriage, and now my dad and his dad are discussing, and he's following me with his sister like an ass, and he thought I was here to marry him, hehe.

Mingmei asked, "Then who is that Miss Feng behind him?"

Lan Lan was even more speechless: "It's that ex-girlfriend and personal secretary surnamed Liu!"

Mingmei almost spewed out: "You mean, that surnamed Liu came to you with his ex-girlfriend to talk about marriage?"

Lan Lan nodded speechlessly.

Ming Mei was silent for a long time, and called out the system: "System, check if there are other systems nearby or something." The

system was silent for a long time, and he spoke: [Dear host, after the system has been tested, there are no other technological or mysterious things around, please rest assured that the host. 】

None? Then how could this surnamed Liu do such a degrading thing?

Seeing the bright doubts, Lan Lan explained: "Liu family, what do you say?" It is a new family, and it has only emerged in recent decades. In the eyes of those who have joined this circle, it seems to be very remarkable, such as the Feng family, let the biological daughter of the head of the family go to the Liu family heir as an assistant, anyway, our family can't do such a thing to lower the identity of their own daughter. Ming

Mei nodded, which family's Miss Qianjin ran to be a secretary? Do you really think of writing novels?

Lan Lan continued: "Since the father surnamed Liu came to power, because the surnamed Liu and my sister are unmarried couples, I thought that they climbed our family, except for a few century-old families on the Fengcheng side, none of them looked at them, offended many people, so some families with rich backgrounds also can't look at the Liu family, and they don't take them with them for anything, those small families who have just joined this circle pick up the Liu family, but the dog's tail and grass wind blow on both sides, causing the Liu family to go downhill in the past two years."

"Then they were anxious, they wanted to quickly marry my sister and grab our family, who knew that at a critical moment, this surnamed Liu made such a trouble, my father and my uncle are not light, my uncle is that daughter, the pain is the same as the eyeballs, not used to make the Liu family dislike!"

Ming Mei held back for a long time, and held out a strange sentence.

Lan Lan nodded: "It's strange." I really think that their son is a fragrant glutton, our Lan family's daughters can't marry, but they are the candidates of their Liu family! As soon as they met, they commented on me, and said that I was too cheesy to wear a gold bracelet, and I was angry.

Ming Mei smiled lightly and comforted Lan Lan: "What are you angry with this kind of person?" Didn't your father bring someone to quit the marriage? It's good if you get married and leave, you won't have many opportunities to meet this person in the future, don't be angry!

Lan Lan snorted, blushing a little and whispering a thank you.

Ming Mei smiled: "Thank what." The grilled fish here in Fengcheng is a must, you know?

Lan Lan nodded: "Don't worry!" Wrap it around me! The

two seemed to get closer, holding hands and visiting vases from thousands of years ago.

When passing by an exhibition area, Mingmei snorted softly.

A total of twelve long-necked vases are exhibited here, with a total of twelve flowers blooming in twelve months, which are said to be gifts from an emperor to his beloved empress a thousand years ago, and are very collectible.


Ming Mei frowned and looked at the vases.

The staff on the side saw that the distinguished guests who had personally explained by the president showed such expressions, and quickly and cautiously stepped forward and bowed to Mingmei: "Miss Ming, Miss Lan, is there anything wrong with these vases?"

Mingmei said: "These twelve vases should be imitations of future generations, not genuine ones." The

staff looked startled, and quickly bowed: "Please wait for the two distinguished guests, I will ask the president to come over."

After nodding brightly, the staff immediately trotted to Kang Qiang, who was greeting an old man: "President, something happened!"

Kang Qiang frowned: "What's going on?" Didn't you see me and Xu Lao talking? The

staff quickly bent down to greet the old man, and then Kang Qiang's face got better: "What is so urgent?" The

staff said: "President, that Miss Ming said that the December vase we exhibited is an imitation of the descendants, not the original!"

Kang Qiang was shocked: "Was it said by the Miss Ming I specially explained?" The

staff nodded.

Kang Qiang looked at Xu Lao in front of him.

Xu Lao frowned: "December vase? That gift from the emperor to the empress? If the old man remembers well, it is something that the old man personally identified last year, right?

Kang Qiang nodded.

Elder Xu frowned and spoke, "Who is that Miss Ming?" How dare I conclude that my identification was wrong? "

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