Wearing a designer T-shirt and trousers, he looks like he has a lot of money.

It looks like the people are not bad. Bright thought.

He hadn't woken up after taking it home, so Ming Mei instructed the nanny to clean him up and send him to the bedroom first, and then talk when he woke up.

Ouyang Ting....

It seems that there is an Ouyang family who does real estate.

Ming Mei took a shower and slept beautifully.

After waking up the next day, after washing Mingmei, I heard from the nanny that the person I brought back yesterday was awake.

Ming Mei nodded and turned to go to the guest room.

Ouyang Ting was already awake, and was sitting on the bed rubbing his temples at this time, a nanny stood with a straight waist, and saw Mingmei come in and bent slightly to Mingmei: "Miss."

Ming Mei waved her hand and signaled the nanny to wait outside the door.

The nanny walked out the door softly, and Ouyang Ting also raised her head and looked at the girl in front of her.

Hehe, the long one is quite good-looking.

Ouyang Ting looked Ming up and down.

Mingmei looked at Ouyang Ting's eyes and felt a little disgusted.

Such a gaze, she had never met much in her previous life.

"You brought me back?"

Ouyang Ting leaned back on the bed and said with a smile.

Mingmei sat on the chair next to the bed: "This is your attitude towards your benefactor?"

Ouyang Ting sneered: "Don't put gold on your face, what kind of benefactor are you?" Ming

Mei sneered: "Who pulled my butler's sleeve yesterday to let him help?"

Ouyang Ting remembered last night's incident and had a headache.

He is the illegitimate son of the Ouyang family, and his mother divorced his father after the junior took the throne, and the son of the original match a few days ago, his eldest brother, returned from abroad and entered the head office in one fell swoop, and his mother was anxious, wanting him to find a way to enter the head office.

But what can he do?

There is no way and I don't want my eldest brother to look down on, so I can only go to accompany a young lady of a century-old family in Fengcheng to drink, and let this young lady help say a few words, he has a great chance to enter the head office.

Who knows, this young lady turned out to be interesting and directly drugged him!

Although the drink was all vomited, he still fell to the side of the road, seemingly grabbing someone's sleeve.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Ting's face became gloomy.

Then, Ouyang Ting got up and grabbed Mingmei's arm and pulled her onto himself.

Mingmei's eyes widened and she threw herself on Ouyang Ting.

Ouyang Ting hooked his lips and smiled: "In that case, then do I have to thank this young lady?"

While saying, he reflexively planned to press on Mingmei and come to a bed.

In the entire Fengcheng, except for those centuries-old families, there are few families that his Ouyang family cannot afford to offend.

Although I heard that several young masters from centuries-old families over there in Kyoto have also come, they can't be met by him, right?

Moreover, don't all the little girls like such a plot now?

Ouyang Ting, who accompanied his mother to watch a few Mary Sue dramas, thought of course.

Mingmei's eyes were sharp, and he kicked on Ouyang Ting's lower abdomen, kicking Ouyang Ting to the ground.

The slippers that Ming Mei wore at home with a little high heels, kicked on Ouyang Ting's lower abdomen very strongly, Ouyang Ting immediately tightened his body and fell to the ground, cursing a dirty word in his mouth, and wanted to turn over, but was kicked against the wall by the nanny who heard the movement coming in.

The nanny blocked Mingmei and looked at Ouyang Ting, who was curled up, with hostility.

Unlike Mingmei, the kick kicked by the nanny is not the kind of fist embroidery that Mingmei uses for self-protection and fitness, but a kick with skill that really contains a lot of strength.

Ouyang Ting almost vomited out a mouthful of suffocating blood.

Ming Mei stood up with a cold face, looking at Ouyang Ting, who was panting with a sullen head, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It's a pity for such a good face.

Bright thought.

Ouyang Ting felt a chill in his back.

"You want to thank me?" Ming Mei sneered: "Butler, take our Young Master Ouyang to the basement and let him personally thank me with his body." The

butler stood at the door with a bright slight bend: "Yes, miss."

After that, he gave the nanny a color, carried Ouyang Ting, and the nanny blocked his mouth with a handkerchief, and the two left the guest room.

Originally, Ming Mei saw that Ouyang Ting's appearance was quite high, and he moved some thoughts.

But now, there's no interest at all.

Or Wei Hang and An Mingyu are better... Of course, Zhao Chen is not bad.

Ouyang Ting... There is a face, and the sex is not what she likes.

However, the lack of interest does not mean that Mingmei can let go of Ouyang Ting's rudeness.

Mingmei had customized some things in a professional store before, originally intended to be used to open buds for An Mingyu, but she was afraid that one would hurt people if she didn't control it, so she had been studying related things.

Well, now, there is such a healthy experimenter as Ouyang Ting.

In the future, the things that they plan to use on Weihang will be used often in Ouyang Ting to cure Ouyang Ting's wild arrogance.

It was as if he thanked him with his body.

Ming Mei thought so.


Mingmei looked at the contact information sent by Mingxing on her mobile phone and directly added the other party's WeChat.

[Ouyang Lang: Miss Ming, hello. Ming

Mei didn't say a word, and sent Ouyang Ting's photo over.

The other party was silent for a while.

[Ouyang Lang: I wonder where my uncontending brother offended Miss Ming? I make amends for him, and I hope you will spare him. [

Bright: He didn't do anything, I liked him very much, so I just left him talking.]

Ouyang Lang: Really? I don't believe it.

Because Ouyang Ting

didn't come back all night, the entire Ouyang family was a little worried, and they couldn't find it after calling the police, and at this time people were panicking.

After a while, Ouyang Lang came out of his room.

"No need to look for it, Father." Ouyang Lang said.

As soon as Ouyang Ting's father wanted to say something, Ouyang Ting's mother screamed and threw herself on the ground: "Heavens, young master, I know you don't like our mother and son, but Xiaoting is your own brother!" How can you say no? "

If it were usual, Ouyang Ting's father would have gone up to comfort him, but now Ouyang Ting's father also has a headache because of Ouyang Ting's disappearance, and he has no intention of comforting Ouyang Ting's mother.

A trace of coldness flashed in Ouyang Lang's eyes, and then he changed to a helpless expression: "Auntie, you think too much, I mean Xiaoting has already found it."

Ouyang Ting's father was excited: "Found it? Where did you find it? How is Xiao Ting now? "

Would you be so nervous if I disappeared? Ouyang Lang thought in his heart.

However, he did not say it.

As Miss Ming said, in such a family, quickly grasping power is the most important thing.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Lang's heart hardened, and he replied with a smile on his face: "Father, you don't have to worry, Xiao Ting came out drunk last night and fell on the side of the road, a friend of mine recognized it as my brother and brought it home, Xiao Ting just sobered up not long ago, and he still had a tantrum, and it is estimated that he will come back in two days."

After that, he also showed Ouyang Ting's father a video of Ouyang Ting's drunkenness.

Ouyang Ting's father then let go of his heart: "It's okay, it's okay, I'll go and inform the police, Xiao Lang, this time is really thanks to that friend of yours!"

He knew that because he arranged Xiao Lang to enter the company, Xiao Ting was unhappy in his heart, but the eldest son was stronger than the younger son, what could he do?

Fortunately, the eldest son has always been so reliable, on the contrary, the younger son is a little too naughty. The 21-year-old does not look mature and stable at all, and it is time for him to change.

Hwaseong Residence

put away his mobile phone with great satisfaction.

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