With a small benefit, exchange Ouyang Lang to settle the Ouyang family.

Whether the two are brothers or brothers, their interests are more important than their illegitimate children.

Ouyang Ting... Stay here and test things for her.

In the evening, after the housekeeper cleaned Ouyang Ting's body, Mingmei carried a bag of things into the basement.

A few hours later, Ming Mei came out again with a bag of things and handed the contents of the bag to the housekeeper: "Customize another set according to this specification and size."

The housekeeper bowed slightly and whispered: "Miss, it's late at night, leave these to me, it's time for you to rest."

Ming Mei snorted and went back to the bedroom.

The housekeeper watched Ming Mei leave, and slowly came to the basement, looked at the collapsed people in the house, and sighed.

Tell me what exactly you are for?

The one who pulled my sleeve so that we could save you is also you, and the one who wakes up rude to our master is still you.

The most basic etiquette cannot be learned, and it is necessary to be well tuned and tuned by our master.

The housekeeper walked up to the terrified Ouyang Ting, picked him up horizontally and put him in the bathtub that was temporarily pulled in, cleaned him from top to bottom from the inside out, and then tied him to a makeshift operating table, blocked his mouth, cut a piece of flesh the size of a fingernail on his calf under Ouyang Ting's terrified eyes, put a small round piece with a diameter of less than a millimeter, and then sewed it up.

"The wound is less than a centimeter, and the stitches can be removed in three days at most."

The butler intimately pulled out the things in Ouyang Ting's mouth and said in a congratulatory tone.

Ouyang Ting's mouth trembled and found his tone: "... What have you done to me? The

butler smiled slightly: "It's not anything, it's just a small communication locator." The side effect is probably that if you don't answer our miss's phone three times in a row, it will release toxins and your legs will disappear in less than two hours. The

butler smiled and said word by word: "Eye-front-no-have-antidote-medicine-oh."

Ouyang Ting thought of the props he had endured before, as well as the things in his legs, and regretted it in his heart - he shouldn't have spread his unhappiness on others.

Now, however, it's too late to regret.

Sunny slept until noon and successfully missed breakfast, but there was still a delicious lunch waiting for her.

Just as she was about to eat, Mingmei received a call from Lan Lan.

"What's wrong? Lan Lan?

Bright asked.

“...... Bright, did you eat lunch?

Lan Lan said.

Mingmei frowned when she heard this, and Lan Lan's tone was a little wrong, as if she had just cried.

In the past few days, she and Lan Lan have also communicated more, and the relationship between the two has improved a lot, the most important thing is that Lan Lan has several gold medal producers under her, all of whom are regulars of various awards, and Mingmei said that she wanted to hold An Mingyu, and naturally eyed these people. Lan Lan listened to Mingmei's words, waved her hand directly, and waited until An Mingyu's acting skills reached the standard to tailor the script for him.

So the two became close.

"Not yet, what's wrong?" Bright said.

Lan Lan took a deep breath: "There were a few deep-sea fish from that grilled fish shop before, I made a reservation, you accompany me to eat!" Ming

Mei said yes, and drove the BMW for transportation to the barbecue restaurant.

Lan Lan was sitting in the bread room waiting for her.

The two exchanged a few pleasantries as usual, and then finished eating the grilled fish, and then served beer and other barbecues, before Lan Lan spoke with a miserable look in her eyes: "Mingmei, can I complain to you a little bitter?"

Ming Mei nodded: "For the sake of those gold medal producers, come on, I'll be your tree hole."

Lan Lan forced a smile: "Mingmei, do you remember that person from the Liu family?"

Mingmei remembered the inexplicable young master of the Liu family and nodded.

Lan Lan's tears came down at that time: "My father agreed to their family's marriage request!"

After that, he couldn't help but lie on the table and choke.

Ming Mei was shocked: "No, you will wait, what did your father promise?"

Lan Lan sobbed and explained to Mingmei.

It turned out that Lan Lan's father, as the head of the family, originally wanted to go to the Liu family in person to withdraw from the marriage, which not only showed that the Lan family attached importance to this matter but would not snub the Liu family.

But since returning from the Liu family, Lan Lan's father has changed, from the beginning of his disdain for the Liu family, to now he began to take the initiative to say good things about the young master of the Liu family to Lan Lan.

Last night, he told Lan Lan bluntly that he agreed to Liu Jiahuan's request for a marriage partner.

In a few months, Lan Lan will become the fiancée of the young master of the Liu family.

"What's so good about that man?" Lan Lan's eyes were swollen with tears: "Not to mention a stinky temper, and there is an ex-girlfriend Xiaomian and an illegitimate child by his side, how can my father fancy such a person?" "

Lan Lan was born in this kind of family since she was a child, and she has long been prepared that she will marry someone she does not love.

I have long prepared myself mentally for how to be a qualified housewife.

But this does not mean that she can accept being married by her father to someone of inferior character.

Bright people are stupid: "No, what did your father picture of?"

After speaking, Mingmei suddenly reacted.

Yes, Lan Lan's father has plans for the Liu family!

Lan Lan's father can sit firmly in the position of the head of the Lan family, and he is definitely not the kind of person who can be coaxed over by casually drinking two glasses of wine and being confused.

He was able to endure the Liu family's young master's insult to the Lan family's niece and the shame of changing his fiancée, and there was only one possibility for Lan Lan to agree to this marriage.

That is, the Liu family prescribed conditions that Lan Lan's father could not refuse.

Mingmei found her train of thought and quickly spoke: "Lan Lan, have you talked to your father?"

Lan Lan was stunned for a moment.

So Mingmei told Lan Lan her thoughts again, and successfully made Lan Lan stop crying.

Lan Lan quickly took out a tissue from her bag and applied it to her eyes, and her chaotic brain became clearer from yesterday to today-yes, Mingmei was right, his father was not the kind of person who was coaxed to agree to things.

There is only one possibility to get his father to agree to the marriage, that is, the Liu family has taken out enough interests to make his father's heart move.

What are the benefits?

Lan Lan thought about it in her head.

"Lan Lan," Ming Mei said, "you can ask your father. After all, it is you who wants to get married, and your father will not allow you to marry into the Liu family without knowing anything.

Lan Lan nodded firmly, and finally had some smiles on her face.

After seeing off Lan Lan, he drove back brightly and leisurely.

When he returned home, he replied to the news of Wei Hang and An Mingyu as usual, and remembered the people in the basement, so he called the housekeeper.

"Are things ready?"

Bright asked.

The housekeeper bent down respectfully to Mingmei: "Please rest assured young lady, I have already put it away."

Ming Mei nodded, and condescended to go to the basement in person.

On the bed in the basement, Ouyang Ting's limbs were bound to the bed, his eyes were in a trance, and his spirit was poor.

Hearing the footsteps, Ouyang Ting looked towards the stairs, which was the only exit in the basement.

"Does Young Master Ouyang still want to continue to repay the favor?"

Bright asked with a smile.

Ouyang Ting quickly struggled to get up and shake his head, but he didn't dare to move his legs drastically, and could only make some sounds through his throat.

The housekeeper stepped forward and ripped off the things in Ouyang Ting's mouth, and Ouyang Ting took a sharp breath, with a hint of pleading in his eyes.

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