"I was wrong," Ouyang Ting hurriedly begged for mercy: "I'm sorry, Miss Ming, I'm wrong, I'm really wrong, it's because I can't see Mount Tai, I've been punished, please let me go!" Bright

smiled: "Don't you want to thank me?"

Ouyang Ting trembled all over, remembering how fierce the young girl in front of him looked last night, and his heart couldn't help but tremble.

Ming Mei smiled: "Oh, Young Master Ouyang, what's wrong?" Why don't you talk anymore?

Mingmei said, reaching out and grabbing Ouyang Ting's neck: "Still, Young Master Ouyang, you are still reminiscing about yesterday's vibrator, and you can't say anything for a while, right?"

Ouyang Ting remembered that thing, and his body couldn't help shaking again, and his mouth only cared about saying that I was wrong.

Ming Mei smiled: "Good boy, it's good to know it's wrong."

Ouyang Ting's eyes showed a trace of expectation, but it was broken by Mingmei: "It's just that doing something wrong will be punished."

"Young Master Ouyang will correct it if you know that you are wrong~" Ouyang

Ting's eyes were painful: "What exactly do you need me to do?" Ming

Mei smiled lightly, and Ouyang Ting was a little dumbfounded.

"Remember, I'm a good friend of your brother and saw you drunk on the side of the road, so I took you home to rest for two days."

"From today onwards, you are my good dog, the master calls you, you must immediately go to the master's side, understand?"

Mingmei leaned forward and rubbed Ouyang Ting's hair.

After coming out of the basement, it was already evening.

Mingmei received a call from Lan Lan.

Sure enough, Lan Lan's father agreed to the Liu family's marriage for a reason.

The Lan family has a history of hundreds of years, and the first head of the family handed down a ring, which is one of the representatives of the family owner, second only to the personal seal of the family owner.

However, Lan Lan's father accidentally broke one corner of the ring.

Lan Lan's father had previously searched for skilled craftsmen in the capital, hoping to repair that horn.

As a result, the ring was made in ancient times, and the modern method of making it has long been lost, and even the most powerful craftsmen cannot replicate it.

Lan Lan's father personally came to withdraw the marriage for his eldest brother this time, because he heard that there was a craftsman here in Fengcheng who had passed down his craftsmanship for hundreds of years, and he should be able to repair the ring.

You know, this ring can represent the identity of the family owner, if there is no ring, Lan Lan's father's family head life will have an extra black spot that cannot be washed.

He has a lot of capable brothers and sisters waiting to take the throne.

Therefore, Lan Lan's father came to Fengcheng, firstly to withdraw from the marriage, and secondly to find the craftsman.

As a result, that craftsman was a subordinate of the Liu family.

When the grandfather of the young master of the Liu family was serving as Lan Lan's grandfather's guard, he had seen this ring, and he had some thoughts at that time - of course, he was not to steal this ring, he just thought, what if such a valuable ring is broken?

Therefore, after leaving Lan Lan's grandfather, the grandfather of the young master of the Liu family created the Liu family and found the craftsman at the same time.

Who knew that this time the Liu family just used it.

Although the young master of the Liu family and his father are not as capable as the grandfather of the young master of the Liu family, they are also an ambitious father and son.

They couldn't look at Uncle Lan Lan's daughter, and thought of marrying Lan Lan, the concubine who was the head of the family.

Now Lan Lan's cousin is the niece of the head of the Lan family, it sounds kind, but after Lan Lan's brother takes the throne in a few years, Lan Lan's cousin will become the cousin of the head of the family, the relationship is farther away, and in a few decades, the relationship will be even farther, how much can the Liu family take advantage?

Therefore, they set their sights on Lan Lan.

There were some bad rumors, originally in order to attract Lan Lan's father to personally withdraw from the marriage, and proposed to use Lan Lan to marry into the Liu family as a bargaining chip to repair the ring.

Bright listened with relish.

The bloody story of the mansion is good.

After listening to Lan Lan's words, her bright eyes rolled around.

"Lan Lan," Ming Mei slowly spoke, "Why don't you talk to your father, don't get engaged first, bring the ring to me to see if it can be repaired?"

Lan Lan's eyes lit up.

Yes, Bright is a person from Courtyard Two.

So, Lan Lan hung up the phone and sent an address and time two hours later.

Bright replied with an ok.

When the time came, Ming Mei drove the BMW to the agreed place.

In the private room, Lan Lan and her father had arrived.

Lan Lan's father looked like a capable middle-aged man, and when he saw Mingmei, he showed a smile and took the initiative to stretch out his hand: "Miss Ming, long admired the daimyo."

Mingmei shook his hand: "Everyone knows each other to some extent, so I won't say anything about greetings." Mr. Lan, with all due respect, I am Lan Lan's friend, is it okay to call you Uncle Lan?

Patriarch Lan nodded: "If Miss Ming doesn't mind, you can call it whatever you want."

Mingmei laughed and went straight to the topic: "Okay, don't waste time, let's get to the point." Uncle Lan, take the ring out.

Lan Lan's father made a serious face, took out a box from the bag beside him, and slowly opened it.

Inside is a ring with a simple style, and the pattern on it is a bit like a flower, because it is too simple and bright to recognize for a while.

The gemstone above I don't know what material it is, the lower ring is missing a corner, and there are some scratches on the bottom of the gemstone.

Ming Mei carefully took the ring box, ostensibly taking pictures, but actually asking if the system could be repaired.

The system directly switched to the system store and found a universal repair sticker.

[Universal repair sticker: As long as the fragments are complete, there is nothing I can't repair~ As long as 100 points, the universal repair sticker is taken home! ] (PS can be used three times)]

Ming Mei pretended to turn off the mobile phone, and looked up to see the expectant eyes of Lan Lan's father and daughter.

Mingmei suddenly sighed with emotion.

Lan Lan's father doesn't look like someone who doesn't love his daughter, but under the right of the head of the family, his daughter still doesn't look enough.

This is the sadness of the giants, right? There are too many things mixed between blood and kinship that should not be.

"Don't worry," Mingmei said, "the people on my side said that things can be repaired, and they can be repaired in a month."

Lan Lan's father was happy: "It's good if it can be repaired, it's good if it can be repaired." After that, he looked at his bright face and suddenly remembered something and said, "I wonder what price I should pay to ask the skilled craftsman next to Miss Ming to repair the ring for me?" "

Mingmei thinks your brain is moving quite fast.

"If I remember correctly, you have a brand of appliances that belongs only to you, right?"

Lan Lan's father opened his eyes slightly, and then smiled.

After negotiating the contract, Ming Mei went home with the damaged ring.

She, no, to be precise, Mingxing, Mingxing has wanted to enter the home appliance industry for a long time.

There is this appliance brand to do pedals, just right.

After arriving home, Mingmei lay on the massage chair, directly exchanged the [Universal Repair Sticker] to repair the ring, and instructed the housekeeper to send it out in two weeks.

Then, opening the door of the basement, Ouyang Ting limped out.

Bright smiled lightly, supporting her head with her elbows.

Ouyang Ting's appearance is really not bad, but Ming Mei really can't like it.

Looking at Ouyang Ting now, he looked a little well-behaved.

"Miss Ming."

Ouyang Ting stood straight and lowered his head obediently.

The tweaking was successful, Ming Mei thought.

"You go home tomorrow, your parents should worry about you."

Bright said.

Then in two days I will come over and obediently test new props.

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