After Ouyang Ting returned to Ouyang's house, Ouyang Ting's parents were very cordial to their younger son, whom they had not seen for a few days.

Only Ouyang Lang stood aside with a strange smile on his face.

"Son," Ouyang Ting's mother nervously twisted her silk sleeves with her fingers and asked, "What kind of friend of your brother has taken care of you these days?" Male and female?

Ouyang Ting smiled a little stiffly: "Mom, it's my brother's business partner, it's a man, oh, don't ask, I'm starving, have you cooked?" The

nanny quickly served the meal, and Ouyang Ting sat at the dining table, his body stiffening for a moment without a trace.

Ouyang Ting was trying to deal with his parents, and here Lan Lan's father and daughter were thinking about how to deal with the Liu family.

Bright is at home and waits for members of the Antique Tasting Association to come to her door.

Yesterday, Chairman Kang Qiang contacted Ming Mei and hoped to visit the vases and calligraphy and paintings in Ming Mei's home.

Mingmei naturally agreed.

The car of the Antique Tasting Association was parked in front of house 143.

Kang Qiang and Old Master Xu got out of the car with their disciples.

Xu Lao brought his own disciple, a middle-aged man, and Kang Qiang brought his apprentice, a young man with glasses.

"President, I'll knock on the door."

A young man wearing glasses stepped forward and was about to knock on the door, but was suddenly stopped by Kang Qiang: "Wait a minute!" The

young man stopped, somewhat bewildered and stood in place.

Kang Qiang pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and ran forward a few steps, carefully looked at the doorknob that looked like a decoration, and even took out the small identification tool he carried with him in his pocket, and a small magnifying glass, looking inch by inch.

Old man Xu also stepped forward curiously, but his originally plain eyes became excited after seeing the pattern on the doorknob: "President Kang, is this ..."

Kang Qiang handed the tool in his hand to Old Master Xu, and Old man Xu ignored his body of seven old eighties, bent down to carefully examine the pattern, and then straightened up under Kang Qiang's help, his eyes were full of excitement: "This, this pattern, this workmanship, is it the handwriting of the Ming Grandmaster a hundred years ago?" "

A hundred years ago, Fengcheng produced a grandmaster-level craftsman, and all the peers in Fengcheng were breathless.

It wasn't until that Grandmaster Ming disbanded the sect and traveled around the world that the other craftsmen in Fengcheng received some orders.

Even so, the bulk of the order would always be on that Grandmaster Ming's disciple.

Old man Xu had not experienced the era of being crushed by Grandmaster Ming, but his father was a person of that era, so he knew something about it.

Isn't this pattern and workmanship the handiwork of Grandmaster Ming?

A wooden carving ornament carved by that Grandmaster Ming is still one of the treasures of the Fengcheng Museum!

"That surname is Ming." Kang Qiang was silent for a while and said.

Xu Lao thought of the surnames of the two and was also silent.

That Miss Ming in the door is mostly a family.

Just as the two of them finished observing the doorknob and were about to ring the doorbell, the door suddenly opened.

It is a middle-aged man with a very elegant face and temperament.

"Two distinguished guests," Ming Xuan smiled and bowed slightly: "Please come in, our young lady has been waiting for the two of you for a long time."

Kang Qiang nodded to Ming Xuan and helped Xu Lao into Residence No. 143.

Walking through the weeping flower gate and walking through the front cross courtyard, Xu Lao stopped: "This is..." Kang

Qiang looked over, there were four tanks of hydroponic plants on both sides of the cross courtyard, looking green and green, and there were faint swimming fish floating under the water surface.

Kang Qiang's eyes froze, and he called out to Ming Xuan: "Mr. Butler."

Ming Xuan turned around and bowed slightly to the two: "What's wrong with the two?"

Kang Qiang stretched out his finger and pointed at the water tank, his tone trembling a little: "This, this is... This is the octagonal lotus jar inscribed by the ancient Song emperor himself? Kang

Qiang's apprentice heard his master say this, and almost threw himself next to the water tank to observe.

Ming Xuan nodded, with an admiring look on his face: "President Kang really deserves to be the president of the Antique Tasting Association." You read it right, these four water tanks are all octagonal lotus jars inscribed by the ancient Song emperor himself, which were given to my ancestors by the descendants of the ancient Song emperor after the fall of the ancient Song dynasty.

Kang Qiang swallowed, nodded, and helped Xu Lao, who was also in a trance, to continue walking inside.

After walking through the courtyard and arriving at the small garden in the front hall, Xu Lao stopped again.

"Dare to ask this housekeeper," Xu Lao trembled and spoke, "Those long-necked vases by the garden, but the vases of the twelve flower gods?"

Ming Xuan replied, "Yes, you read that right.

Kang Qiang gasped.

A vase with a market price of hundreds of millions of dollars, is it really placed here to arrange flowers?

Xu Laoqiang resisted the urge to step forward and touch it, and continued to help Kang Qiang's arm to walk in.

However, as soon as he passed the small garden in the front hall and passed the shadow wall, Xu Lao couldn't walk anymore.

Behind the shadow wall is the entrance door of the vestibule, on which are inscribed with two words on the left and right.

Kang Qiang did not have a deep understanding of calligraphy and painting, and subconsciously looked at Ming Xuan.

Ming Xuan bowed to the four people in front of him: "This is the inscription written by a calligrapher surnamed Yu decades ago to the contemporary head of our family, and it has been hanging here all these years without changing, a few are not strange."

Xu Lao lost his voice for a long time before he found his voice: "Could it be that Yu You, who is known as the "Modern Book Saint", is in everyone's handwriting?"

Ming Xuan smiled slightly: "Elder Xu's eyes are sharp." Xu

Lao has always been obsessed with calligraphy and painting, and couldn't help but take a few steps forward, and finally stopped the hand he wanted to touch.

After the four entered the living room, Ming Xuan bent down slightly: "Please wait for the four of you, my young lady will come immediately." Saying

that, he spoke again about tea.

Four women wearing uniform simple cheongsam wore curvatures and uniform smiles served tea to the four present.

But none of the four went to tea.

Xu Lao looked at it for a long time, and finally let out a breath: "This should be the Tianmu glaze tea set produced in Jingdezhen in modern times, it should only have a history of more than thirty years, rest assured!"

As soon as the words fell, Xu Lao smiled a little helplessly.

When did tea sets with a history of more than 30 years also become ordinary goods?

If he has such a set of tea sets at home, it must be offered, and he can only take it out for the New Year and festivals to show off with his old friends.

However, their most historic tea set is only more than 20 years old.

The four people present carefully took a sip of tea, the man with glasses was still young, only drank a green tea in the cup, and did not have the stagnation of ordinary green tea.

It is clear that the tea leaves in this cup of tea are worth a lot.

However, Kang Qiang and Xu Lao are veterans in tea, and it is wrong to drink it in one sip.

Kang Qiang carefully observed the tea leaves: the shape was flat and straight, two leaves and one bud, the color was verdant and green, the tea was fragrant and refreshing, and the taste was sweet and mellow - this is....

"Taiping Monkey Kui."

Xu Lao spoke, and the hammer set the tone.

Monkey Kui belongs to the green tea category of sharp tea, generally produced in Huangshan District, Huizhou.

Among them, the top monkey leader is this Taiping Monkey Kui.

Huangshan has been very suitable for growing tea since ancient times, and its health effects are famous overseas.

For example, the island country Rongxi Zen Master's "Eating Tea Health Record" recorded: the fairy medicine of Huangshan tea health preservation, and the magic art of prolonging the year.

Even in the early years, at an auction, only 100 grams of Taiping Monkey Kui sold for a sky-high price of 200,000.

This price is equivalent to 2 million yuan to buy a kilogram of Taiping Monkey Kui.

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