Maybe some people are strange, Taiping Monkey Kui has never heard of anything, they have only heard of what big red robe and so on.

Indeed, China's top ten famous teas, Taiping Monkey Kui only ranked third.

The second place is known as the king of rock tea, a national treasure known as the "champion of tea", that is, the well-known Wuyi Mountain mother tree Dahong Pao.

The real mother tree Dahong Pao, there are only three and six trees in the world in the Wuyi Mountain Jiulong Cave Scenic Area.

The first and last time the real Da Hong Pao circulated in the market was at the tea culture festival in Wuyishan, where it was auctioned for a sky-high price of 208,000, equivalent to 10.4 million dragon coins per kilogram.

The existing tea trees have long been included in the "World Heritage List", not to mention the market, the real big red robe circulating in private does not exceed ten grams per year, and even the most honorable one who appears in the news broadcast every day can only taste it once a year.

As for the rumored Jinguagong tea that ranked first, there is no need to mention this, its mother tree has long withered, and there are only two groups left in the country, one is collected in the Kyoto Museum, and the other is the treasure of the town association of the Pu'er City Tea Association, and there is no more.

Therefore, it seems that the Taiping Monkey Kui is particularly precious.

Of course, it is also expensive in itself.

Xu Lao slowly finished this cup of Taiping Monkey Kui, and his face was full of satisfaction.

For a tea lover, what could be happier than taking a sip of expensive tea?

The four were drinking tea, and Ming Mei came to the living room wearing a relatively formal dress.

"Sorry to keep the four of you waiting."

Bright said with a smile.

"No, no," Kang Qiang quickly got up and shook hands with Ming Mei: "We took the liberty to come to the door to disturb Miss Ming's rest, and I hope Miss Ming doesn't blame her."

After the pleasantries, Mingmei took out the contract she had drawn up.

Ming Mei casually picked a vacant vase from her yard and donated it to the Antique Tasting Association for exhibition, in exchange for Kang Qiang to connect her and expand the logistics and Black Knight's business to Fengcheng.

After sending off Kang Qiang and his group, Mingmei picked out a real estate person from the business cards of the high-level bosses in Fengcheng that he received these days, directly bought several buildings as staff dormitories, and bought the factory area and construction site, and the points were in hand.

Subsequently, Mingmei returned to the magic capital.

The person who picked up the airport was still Prince Cong Huangxue, and it looked like they didn't have anything major in the past few days.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the villa in Hwaseong, the door was opened.

Standing in the doorway was Wei Hang.

"Bright, you're back?" Wei Hang said in a pleasantly surprised tone.

Ming Mei snorted, handed the bag in her hand to the nanny on the side, one nanny carried the bag with gloves, and the other nanny squatted down to change Mingmei's shoes.

After changing into slippers, Mingmei got up and pulled Wei Hang in his arms, and after the two exchanged a deep kiss, Wei Hang fell on Mingmei's body and gasped.

"Think I didn't?" Ming Mei smiled and kissed the earlobe of the guard.

Wei Hang blushed and snorted.

Ming Mei smiled and said a good boy.

As a result, he was holding Wei Hang's hand, and as soon as he turned around, he saw An Mingyu standing at the entrance of the stairs on the first floor looking at her.

"Miss Ming, are you back?"

An Mingyu asked with a smile.

An Mingyu is dressed very scheming today, he wears a slim T-shirt, straight pencil pants show that his head-to-body legs are particularly beautiful, he has a hairstyle, his thin collarbone is exposed, and people who look at it want to go up and touch it.

"You're back?" Ming Mei asked, "How was the class?"

An Mingyu smiled and said, "The teacher can already give me 80 points."

Mingmei was satisfied, with the teacher's troublesome level, he could give An Mingyu 80 points, which showed that An Mingyu really worked hard.

An Mingyu still wanted to say something, but Wei Hang spoke first: "Mingmei, I found something for you after I went back this time, you should like it." Can you come with me and take a look?

Mingmei nodded, instructed An Mingyu to go back to the room to rest, and then followed Wei Hang to the bedroom.

An Mingyu watched in silence as Wei Hang walked away with Mingmei, and subconsciously touched his face.

"What good things have you prepared for me?"

Ming Mei looked at the few boxes on the bed and asked with a smile.

Wei Hang opened these boxes one by one - inside were all kinds of antique jewelry, domestic and foreign, all worthy of names.

"Bright," Wei Hang picked up one of the bracelets and introduced: "This is the jewelry that a queen of Gu Ming wore when she was consecrated, this gemstone necklace is the favorite of a duchess in country F, this bracelet is..."

Wei Hang Balabala said a lot, his face was a little red, as if waiting for praise.

Ming Mei picked up a bracelet from it and put it on her wrist, and nodded: "Well, it's good, I like it very much." Thank you! Bright

and clever smiled: "In return, I will also give you some good things in the evening." Wei

Hang thought of something, his face turned red, looking at the bright gaze, Wei Hang wanted to turn his head, but his body recalled the feeling of knowing the essence of food...

At the dinner table, there were three people: Mingmei, Wei Hang, and An Mingyu.

Mingmei took a bite of fried shellfish and felt that it was tender and delicious, so she used male chopsticks to clamp a chopstick for Wei Hang and An Mingyu one by one.

Both looked a little flattered.

"That... Miss Ming," An Mingyu finished eating the shellfish, and said with some hesitation: "Can I go out tonight?"

Mingmei frowned: "Why go out to live?"

An Mingyu explained: "That's right, Miss Ming, my new agent arranged for me to open an interactive live broadcast for fans tonight, I think it's always inconvenient to do a live broadcast here, so I rented an apartment, and I will go over and prepare later..." An Mingyu didn't

finish speaking, Mingmei waved her hand: "There is nothing inconvenient, if you want to live broadcast, just broadcast it at home." What kind of background do you need? I'll ask the butler to make room for you.

An Mingyu glanced at Wei Hang with a smile on his face without a trace, and smashed his mouth in his heart - is this the measure of Dafang?

"Won't I disturb Miss Ming?" An Mingyu opened his eyes wide according to the method taught by the teacher, and hung his head slightly, showing that he was well-behaved and handsome.

Ming Mei smiled and shook her head: "No." You can rest assured to livestream.

An Mingyu showed a happy smile.

After dinner, after walking a few laps on the treadmill to digest, Mingmei sat on the sofa and played games.

After a while, there was a sound of soft footsteps beside him.

Bright looked up, it was Wei Hang.

Wei Hang has white skin, so he likes to wear black, but he changed into a khaki white dress today, and the whole person's style looks a lot softer.

Wei Hang carried a plate of cut fruit and placed it in front of Mingmei.

"Eat strawberries? It was just shipped at noon. Wei Hang stuck a strawberry with a stick.

Mingmei opened her mouth, Wei Hang fed the strawberries, and gently wiped the red juice on the side of Mingmei's mouth with a tissue with his fingers.

When the Mingmei game reached a critical moment, there was no time to be distracted, so Wei Hang fed Mingmei a few pieces of cut fruit, and then obediently leaned on Mingmei's side to watch Mingmei play the game.

The hand kept rubbing the concentric bracelet.

Ming Mei gave the order at the dinner table before, and now just an hour later, the housekeeper took the nannies to clean out an empty room, and was decorating the room according to An Mingyu's requirements.

An Mingyu is about to prepare for the live broadcast.

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