About ten minutes later, the charity banquet officially began.

Huang Xue gave a speech on stage, probably talking about a bunch of mental journeys, and then introducing some of the more important people present, and Mingmei was introduced in the name of "person in charge of traffic logistics".

Huang Xue's little mother was arranged in a relatively corner position, her face did not look very good, and Ming Mei did not pay much attention.

The two attendants next to this woman looked like they were protecting her, but in fact they were watching her from making trouble.

Huang Xue laid out the theme of this charity banquet - donations for the reconstruction of schools after the earthquake in Hehe Province.

As mentioned earlier, Ming Mei and Wang Zicong and others organized a charity fund and recruited many young masters, and now these people are also here, and the first batch of donations after Huang Xue announced the theme is these people.

Because this charity gala was reported to the authorities, the host present was Huang Xue, but the official Red Cross General Bureau made statistics.

The Dragon Kingdom is different from the previous life, the official management of the Red Cross General Bureau of the Dragon Country is very strict, from beginning to end there has been no similar GMM or other news, on the contrary, some private charitable organizations have had a situation of fraud, so the first thing people want to donate to is the Red Cross, and the Red Cross is also very credible.

If there are people from the Red Cross, don't be afraid, people here will cheat donations and so on.

After the first batch of donation statistics, Huang Xue raised a total of more than 200 million donations, of which nearly 100 million came from Bright Prince Cong and others.

Wang Zicong sat next to Mingmei, and after the end of the donation, Huang Xue greeted the people of the Red Cross, and Wang Zicong was really bored, so he pulled Mingmei to nag.

"Did that surnamed Zhang give you an invitation?"

Wang Zicong asked.

Mingmei nodded: "Let's go together then?"

Wang Zicong snorted.

The banquet went smoothly, there were as noisy or troublesome people in the novel and TV series, and the only slight accident was Huang Xue's mother.

Huang Xue's little mother was called away by a phone call halfway through the banquet just now, and she is no longer there.

Like in a TV series or novel, swapping the USB flash drive at the venue or deliberately letting people in to make trouble - unless you have Goldfinger or the organizer did not intend to hold this banquet, it is impossible.

When the banquet was almost over, Ming Mei smiled and politely refused those rich people or ladies who wanted to invite her to dinner or chat, and excused herself to go to the toilet to urinate.

After standing in the bathroom for a while, he came out to wash his hands, and it was almost time for the banquet to end, and Ming Mei went to say goodbye to Huang Xue Zicong and the others and left the banquet hall.

Ming Mei walked to the front of the car, and the housekeeper got out of the car and opened the door for Ming Mei.


Suddenly someone called her.

Mingmei turned her head - it was Zhao Chen.

Mingmei tilted her head and smiled lightly: "Long time no see."

Zhao Chen stared deeply at the woman in front of him: "It's been a long time." Ming

Mei looked at Zhao Chen, and this man was visibly thinner.

Zhao Chen was wearing a light blue suit, as if he had just come out of the venue.

Mingmei got into the car and patted the seat next to her: "Come here." "

In what capacity are you letting me pass now?

Zhao Chen really wanted to ask such a sentence.

But he still walked over obediently, as if the previous breakup did not exist.

After Zhao Chen also sat up, the housekeeper closed the door, started the car, and then raised the soundproof cover on the driver's seat.

"How's it going?"

Bright used a universal start to a chat.

Zhao Chen was silent for a moment and replied, "It's okay." "

I just miss you so much.

Mingmei looked at Zhao Chen's eyes, suddenly smiled, and touched her hand: "Do you still miss me?"

Zhao Chen snorted.

The eye sockets are somewhat red.

Mingmei stopped Zhao Chen's neck, and the two exchanged a deep kiss.

“...... To Yida Hotel? I have a fixed room there.

Mingmei said with a smile while drawing circles on Zhao Chen's chest.

Zhao Chen swallowed his saliva and nodded.

Ming Mei sent a message to the nanny, and received OK on her phone after arriving at the hotel door.

Mingmei took Zhao Chen into the hotel.

The rest of you can go to Weibo on March 1st, and start watching it from today!

The next morning, when Ming Mei opened her eyes, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Chen's arms were tightly wrapped around Mingmei's waist, his head was buried in Mingmei's side, and he was sleeping soundly.

Mingmei woke up and moved her body, Zhao Chen snorted a few times in confusion, Mingmei rubbed Zhao Chen's hair, lowered her head and kissed his forehead: "It's still early, you continue to sleep."

Zhao Chen nodded dizzily, let go of Mingmei, turned over and continued to sleep.

A smooth back was exposed, with a little kiss mark on it.

Ming Mei pulled the quilt to cover him, and then got up and went to the restaurant for breakfast.

When he came back after breakfast, Zhao Chen was still asleep.

It seems that last night went a little too far... Bright thought.

By the time Zhao Chen woke up, it was already noon.

Zhao Chen's body had been cleaned up, but it was only slightly sore.

After the two finished lunch, Mingmei asked, "Do you want to continue together?"

Zhao Chen nodded.

Bright smile: "Well, from now on, you will be one of my boyfriends."

Zhao Chen was silent for a moment, and finally lowered his head and snorted.

The butler drove the licensed Bugatti Veyon Hermès Special Edition to pick up the two.

Walking into the living room, Ming Mei saw Wei Hang sitting on the sofa.


Wei Hang got up and walked towards Mingmei, took the bag in Mingmei's hand, and looked at Zhao Chen on the side.

"This is?"

Wei Hang stood beside Mingmei and asked with a smile.

"My new boyfriend."

Mingmei hugged Zhao Chen and said with a smile.

Zhao Chen looked at the man in front of him, and his heart felt a burst of loss.

He is no longer the only one who is bright.

In the evening, An Mingyu returned.

An Mingyu went to record a song, originally quite happy, the footsteps could be seen cheering, but just after changing his shoes and coming in, he saw Mingmei who was nestled on the sofa playing games and two men sitting next to Mingmei.

An Mingyu was stunned for a moment and gripped the contents of his bag.

Then, he walked over with a smile on his face: "Miss Ming, Brother Wei, there are guests at home?" Said

, looking at Zhao Chen.

Wei Hang smiled lightly: "Xiao An is back? This is not a guest, it is a bright new boyfriend, called Zhao Chen, you can call Brother Zhao in the future.

An Mingyu's color turned white for a moment: "Ah... Okay, Brother Zhao.

Zhao Chen nodded and did not speak.

The atmosphere was somewhat awkward.

Mingmei put down her mobile phone: "Xiao An, just call me Mingmei in the future, no need to call Miss Ming." "

Miss Ming is too raw.

Mingmei plans to open the bag for An Mingyu tonight.

An Mingyu blushed a little, understood the meaning of Mingmei's words, and was a little busy: "Ah, okay, Ming, Mingmei, that," An Mingyue glanced at the sky and it was not early, and quickly said: "I'll go take a bath first." Then

he hurried upstairs.

"Don't worry," Ming Mei said with a smile, "It's never too late to wash before going to bed."

An Mingyu blushed.

Zhao Chen was silent and put the sentence "Can you continue to accompany me tonight?" "Swallowed back.

Mingmei has long said to him, like her, and accept her flower heart.

He should have been mentally prepared.

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