In the past few days, Huang Xue finally dealt with the Red Cross and charitable donations, and finally returned home from the hotel.

Huang Xue just entered the door to change her shoes, and turned her head to see her father lying on the balcony lounge chair reading the newspaper, and her new little mother sitting obediently on the side.

Hearing the door opening, Huang Xue's father looked over: "Back, Xiaoxue?"

Huang Xue snorted and handed the bag in her hand to the nanny.

"What happened to the charity gala?"

Huang Xue's father asked.

Huang Xue sat on the sofa and took a sip of tea, and told the events of the past two days.

Huang Xue's father nodded while listening, and a wisp of approval flashed in his eyes.

Although he is not a son, his daughter is useful to the two sons of other people's families, so Huang Xue's father has long let go of the entanglement of not being able to have a son, and turned to cultivating the eldest daughter with heart.

After Huang Xue finished talking about the events of the past two days, Huang Xue's father nodded: "Not bad, Xiaoxue, you handled things well."

Huang Xue nodded and leaned back on the sofa.

At this time, Huang Xue's father spoke again: "However, Xiaoxue, why don't you remind Sasha of the past when she can't wear gold and silver on this occasion?"

When Huang Xue's father said this, Shasha, who was sitting on the side to serve tea and pour water for Huang Xue's father, glanced at Huang Xue complainingly.

She originally thought that she could overwhelm the audience by dressing up like that, who knew that she would go to shame!

She didn't amaze everyone as she imagined, but she was shouted away by Huang Xue's father before she even finished the banquet!

What a shame to die!

Huang Xue snorted lightly: "Then you have to ask this Aunt Shasha," Huang Xue, who is one year older than Shasha, said: "I told her to dress plainly, and she told others that I was afraid that she would be too dazzling, and in the end she blamed me?" The

expression on Huang Xue's father's face instantly collapsed, and he turned his head to look at the woman with a flustered look on his face, what else did he not understand when he saw her expression? So Huang Xue's father naturally ignored this topic, sent Sasha upstairs to sort out the documents for him, and brought up the next topic: "That Miss Ming also donated a lot."

Huang Xue snorted and said, "Of course. The charity fund that was made by Ming Mei before was officially praised, and the one I made now has also made a lot of benefits behind.

Huang Xue's father nodded and tentatively spoke: "That Miss Ming's hobbies are similar to yours, right?"

Huang Xue was wary in her heart, and her mouth seemed to be unconcerned: "Then you have to ask what kind of hobby it is?" Huang

Xue's father said bluntly: "What kind of man does she like?"

Huang Xue sneered in her heart, sure enough, her father was still like that, and she always felt that it was good to take a woman and give her a man.

But Huang Xue still asked, "What do you want to do?" Huang

Xue's father flipped through his phone and sent several photos to Huang Xue.

"This is your uncle's son, his appearance is very high, and his ability is not bad."

Huang Xue's eyes narrowed: "Of course I know my cousin." But what do you mean?

Huang Xue's father leisurely turned a page of the newspaper: "No matter how powerful that Miss Ming is, she is just a girl who has just become an adult, a girl at this age is the smartest and stupidest, and a handsome and capable man does not know the southeast, northwest and southeast with two sentences of true love."

Huang Xue sneered: "It's best to let Mingmei conceive her cousin's child again, and then you will have a way to control Mingmei, right?"

Huang Xue's father nodded approvingly: "Not bad, not bad, Xiao Xue, you already have a piece of the essence of your father and me."

Huang Xue sneered and said, "Just like grandpa and you calculated my mother back then?

Huang Xue's father spread his hands: "How can it be called calculation?" What you want.

Huang Xue snorted coldly.

Huang Xue's father said: "Xiaoxue, think about it, if your cousin can marry Miss Ming, then our Huang family will go to a higher level, and you will one day be the master of the Huang family, won't these benefits all be yours by then?"

Huang Xue's eyes rolled and a smile appeared on her face.

"Dad, you're right."

Huang Xue said with a smile.

Huang Xue's father smiled with satisfaction: "Daddy's good daughter, in order to make our Huang family go to a higher level, you just pull a pimping in the middle, can you do it?" I've heard that you and Miss Ming have a pretty good relationship.

Huang Xuejiao smiled: "Bright but looks smart, in fact, a little girl who has just come of age, can still play with me and Lao Wang?" It's been swept around by us. Just pull her a pimp, and leave it to me. Huang

Xue's father was satisfied and read the newspaper with peace of mind.

Huang Xue went back to her bedroom with a smile.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, he quickly locked the door, scanned the bedroom with the metal detector he carried, and then threw himself on the bed.

Here, Hwaseong

Mingmei sat cross-legged on the bed to watch today's stock market analysis, and pondered what else to learn in the system mall.

She has already begun to take the piano examination, not to mention how good she is, but she has reached the standard of being able to perform on stage.

Bai Lang couldn't close his mouth on her progress, and gave her a lot of practice experience from the masters in the circle, which were some small methods, tricks and the like, which were explored little by little by these masters who played the piano for decades.

Almost all of them are the kind of methods that non-disciples do not teach, which is why Bai Lang has a high status in the piano world.

Bright experienced the joy of having a high-ranking teacher - these little tricks and tricks allowed her to walk on the piano for at least a few more years than others.

The piano entry card has disappeared, and the color of the piano mastery card is much lighter, and Ming Mei estimates that the piano mastery card will disappear in a few months at most, and then Ming Mei plans to learn guzheng again.

Because she has long said to Bai Lang that she learned the piano only to cultivate her emotions, not to participate in competitions and become famous, and will not delve deeply, so although Bai Lang is a little disappointed in Mingmei's choice, he still finds a way to contact Mingmei's big guy in guzheng.

During this period, Mingmei wants to learn two more languages, does not expect to be proficient, but at least to get started, after all, after a while will go to the cruise, there are many foreign rich on it, Mingmei always has to get acquainted with people, and it is always more troublesome to take a translator.

After probably choosing the language, Ming Mei instructed the housekeeper to find the corresponding information on the Internet.

Then he heard the voice next to him, turned his head and looked, An Mingyu opened his eyes in confusion.


Mingmei rubbed An Mingyu's soft hair.

Among the three, Wei Hang's hair was the fluffiest, it felt like he was touching cotton, An Mingyu's hair was the softest, and the touch that passed through his fingers was great. Zhao Chen's hair is hard and textured.

An Mingyu nodded and shouted flattery in a hoarse voice.

Mingmei fed An Mingyu saliva, stretched out her legs and lay down on her side, holding An Mingyu in her arms: "Where does it hurt?" Last

night, she played a little too much, An Mingyu almost fainted, and then after taking off the toy, An Mingyu directly passed out, and he didn't have time to wait for Mingmei to clean him up.

"Waist..." said An Mingyu in confusion.

Mingmei reached into her hand from the quilt and rubbed An Mingyu's sour waist: "You rest well, I'll rub it for you."

An Mingyu snorted in confusion, closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

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