As soon as Mingmei coaxed An Mingyu to sleep, WeChat clicked.

Bright open WeChat.

[Huang Xue: Bright, is it convenient to call?

Ming Mei got up and went to the study and replied with an OK.

Then, Huang Xue's phone called.

"What's wrong? Old Yellow? "

Bright and clear, if it is not something important, Huang Xue WeChat said, so as not to call.

Over there, Huang Xue spoke: "Bright, it's like this." Then

he told me what happened at home today.

“...... That's how it happened, my dad wanted my cousin to calculate you and make me pimp, and I agreed.

Mingmei's face turned serious: "First tell me what you think?"

Huang Xue showed a smile: "I don't think you are a woman who will be trapped by feelings." "

Maybe other girls will be moved by the rhetoric of a handsome man, but Huang Xue knows that bright is definitely not.

If their Huang family is really so good that they succeed in their scheme, then Ming Mei is estimated to be dead on the second day after discovering the truth.

Bright is never a person who is submissive and suffers because of unwarranted feelings.

When Huang Xue thought of this, she was a little emotional.

How good would it be if her mother also had a bright personality?

But I don't think much about the past, and the question now is how to join forces with Mingmei to break this game.

Ming Mei held the phone and walked around the room a few times, and then spoke: "Is your Fengxiang Silver Building your father's words?"

Huang Xue subconsciously shook her head, and then reacted brightly and invisible, and explained: "Of course not."

"Our current largest shareholder of Fengxiang Silver Building is my grandfather, and the second largest shareholder is my father. Now the head of the Huang family is my father, and I am the heir of the head of the family.

"But," Ming Mei said, "because your grandfather, the largest shareholder, is there, your father doesn't control all the rights to Fengxiang Silver Building, right?"

Huang Xue snorted.

"One thing I wonder about, why is the current head of the family your father, and not your uncle? As far as I understand, your uncle's ability is not bad.

Huang Xue was silent for a moment and said, "Because my father calculated my mother by the same means.

"My mother grew up in No. 10 Wangfu Hutong."

Bright understood.

When Huang Xue's uncle and father were evenly matched, Huang Xue's father married back to the girl from the No. 10 courtyard family in Wangfu Hutong, although he was not the miss of the main family, but the miss of the branch was enough for Huang Xue's father to take the throne.

"My father's idea is very simple," Huang Xue whispered to Mingmei, "If you are with my cousin, our family can use you to go to the next level." At the same time, my father is not afraid that my uncle will have your help to take the throne, because I have begun to accept the affairs and shares of the group, and my cousin is already a few steps slower no matter how good he is. Ming

Mei nodded: "What about your thoughts?"

Huang Xue smiled: "Count it."

"Bright, it's not a secret, the xx brand was in my mother's hands before, and now it's transferred to me."

"I'll use it as a payment, please accompany me in a play, okay?" I wanted to take this opportunity to deal with my cousin and take all my father's shares.

Ming Mei pondered for a moment: "It's just this, it's not enough."

Huang Xue said: "You can put forward conditions. Ming

Mei thought for a while: "After you take the throne, your Fengxiang Yinlou will focus on our Boucheron products for at least three years." "


Hang up the phone and walk out of the study.

After two or three days, An Mingyu also rested well and prepared to enter the crew.

The entertainment company under the bright building was recently filming an urban TV series, and An Mingyu played the very likable male number three in it.

Mingmei personally drove An Mingyu to the crew.

It was the Ferrari Rafael who drove.

After An Mingyu got out of the car, he exchanged a deep kiss with Mingmei at the window, and then entered the shooting area with a red face.

In the crew, the actor of the male number one looked at the watch with dissatisfaction.

"What's going on with this male number three? Why didn't you come to this point?

A dramatist on the side replied: "Brother Zhou, Brother An's script was only filmed in the afternoon." Brother

Zhou, the male number one, frowned dissatisfied.

Among all the characters in this drama, only he is close to the male number three An Mingyu, so he is unnaturally compared with An Mingyu.

Since the previous incident of An Mingyu's girlfriend broke out, An Mingyu lost a group of girlfriend fans, but the remaining fans are more united and firm, on the surface, the loss of fans, in fact, the fans are purified, not only did not affect the career, but also set up a good character.

This made Brother Zhou jealous.

At present, it is difficult to find a place where you can find trouble, and Brother Zhou is naturally unwilling to let it go.

However, just when Brother Zhou was about to write some small essays on the Internet to criticize An Mingyu, on the side, Brother Zhou's agent pulled him into the house.

"What do you want to do?" The broker asked.

Brother Zhou smiled indifferently: "What else can you do?" It's just those little tricks in the past. The

agent frowned: "You'd better not do this."

Brother Zhou asked puzzled, "Why?" You didn't stop me from doing this to others before.

The agent said: "Those people you dealt with before did not have a good background like An Mingyu. Brother

Zhou didn't care: "What if you have a background?" I'm not without background. "

During this time, his new gold owner loved him very much, and he was sure to let the gold owner wipe his ass.

The agent sneered: "I don't care, I don't have only a small fresh meat under my hand." If you offend others, you can't affect me. With

that, the agent left.

Brother Zhou sent a small essay without care.

However, within a few minutes, the background shows that the review failed and could not be published.

Brother Zhou did not believe in evil and released it several times.

Subsequently, Brother Zhou's Weibo account was blocked.

Brother Zhou looked at it incredulously, "Your account has been banned for one month for publishing illegal information."

At this moment, Brother Zhou's mobile phone rang.

Brother Zhou looked over, it was his gold master's WeChat.

Brother Zhou opened the message, and his heart brushed cold all of a sudden.

His gold lord said hello, and he blacked him out for himself!

He called and texted again without believing in evil, and finally could only look at the red exclamation mark in despair.

A few minutes later, the director pushed the door and said to Brother Zhou, who had lost his soul: "Mr. Zhou, please come out and sign a termination agreement with us."

An Mingyu came to the crew and asked curiously: "What about the brother Zhou of the male one?" Why didn't it come? "

Strange, this Brother Zhou likes to grab his pigtails the most on weekdays, I can't wait to follow him every day to watch his every move against him, why didn't he come today?"

The male number two who was playing with An Mingyu looked at him strangely and said, "You don't know?

An Mingyu was inexplicable: "Should I know?"

The male number two flipped the lines in his hand: "The surname Zhou has been kicked out of the crew because of targeting you."

An Mingyu said, "Against me? Why?

The male number two laughed a little: "Sometimes I don't know if you are really stupid or fake stupid." You two have the same position, he is not against you, against whom?

An Mingyu was stunned for a moment, oh.

It turns out that he was targeted before... But fortunately, the matter was settled.

Is it because it's bright?

Is this what it feels like to have someone covered?

An Mingyu's face was a little red.

This feeling... Very nice.

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