Finally, the auction was over, and Mingmei followed the staff to the warehouse to inspect the goods.

The staff talked endlessly to Mingmei about the origin of the sword of the Yongle Emperor, and Mingmei was irritable when he heard it, but thinking of the good drama that might happen next, his heart was immediately calm, and even brought some expectations.

While opening the warehouse door with a smile, the staff made a gesture to Ming Mei: "Miss Ming, this is your auction item..."

Before the words were finished, the staff saw the empty display shelf, and then screamed, and fell to the ground with a weak leg.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Looking at the security guards and staff who heard the voice running over on the side, Ming Mei made an inexplicable look: "What's wrong? What about my auction items? What does my Yongle Emperor sword mean?" The security

guard rushed over, hurriedly glanced into the warehouse, and then also felt a burst of dizziness - the auction item placed in the warehouse, the Yongle Emperor Sword, actually disappeared!

The security guard immediately notified the person in charge, and the whole person blocked the gate and did not allow anyone to enter or exit, and the other staff were also dizzy when they saw the empty booth.

Soon Mr. Liam arrived.

Mr. Liam listened to the cause and effect, and first bowed to Ming Mei with a very ugly face: "I'm very sorry, Miss Ming, there is something wrong with our auction items, please wait a moment, we will definitely give you an explanation!" A

thoughtful expression appeared on Mingmei's face: "You guys are... Mr

. Liam's face was first embarrassed, and then a proud look: "Please don't worry, Miss Ming, we have invested a lot of security equipment to ensure the safety of the auction items this time, and the auction items will not be lost!" Ming

Mei made a look of indifference: "I don't care if your auction venue is safe, I just need to receive my auction items before disembarking."

Mr. Liam assured: "Miss Ming, please rest assured, we will assure you of this!" Ming

Mei snorted, and left here with the housekeeper who came to pick her up.

Later, Mr. Liam ordered the security guard with an ugly face: "Quick, go and turn up all the cameras in the venue for me!"

Ming Mei returned to her bedroom, and today it was the older of the two nannies who took care of Ming Mei.

Mingmei bought a disposable detector with 100 points in the system, and after confirming that there was no monitoring and monitoring equipment in the room, she smiled at the nanny: "Okay, take it out!" The nanny

bent down to Mingmei respectfully, and then took out a lot of things from the unknown different dimensional space.

It was the Yongle Emperor Sword that Mingmei bought.

It turned out that during the auction process, Ming Mei temporarily changed the data of the nanny, and even loaded the battle mode, and exchanged one-time [carry-on space] [trace elimination sticker] and other things from the system, and directly let the nanny bring out the sword of the Yongle Emperor from the warehouse display shelf.

Of course, in addition to the Yongle Emperor's sword, Mingmei also let the nanny take several other people's auction items, all of which were priceless ancient weapon treasures.

Among them is an antique katana bought by Matsushita Motoyasu.

Ming Mei looked at these things, checked them with the system, and after making sure that there was no problem, she asked the nanny to continue to put these things in the space.

Then, there's waiting.

In the afternoon, Mr. Liam brought a person in to fill in the information for Ming Mei - ostensibly the information of the auction lots, but in fact, both Mr. Liam and the people behind him carried various detectors, and the system had already told Ming Mei.

Leaving the bright room, Liam and the people behind him looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

Mr. Liam's head was getting bigger.

All the well-known weapons in their warehouses have disappeared

! they have all been stolen!

It is outrageous that no matter how the surveillance is investigated, the surveillance is normal, and no trace of man-made can be detected no matter how it is checked.

It was not only Ming Mei and Matsushita Motoyasu who bought the weapons lots, but also others.

These people are either rich or expensive, and under pressure from these people, the auctioneers have to admit that they lost the auction items.

At this moment, the whole ship became noisy.

Mingmei sat on the sofa and looked at Mr. Liam in front of her expressionlessly to explain to her.

Ming Mei tilted her head and said, "You mean that there is a thief on this cruise ship who stole all the weapons auction items?" Mr.

Liam stiffened and nodded: "Miss Ming, it seems that this is indeed the case at present."

Ming Mei nodded, her face showing a hint of disappointment: "What about the funds?" Mr

. Thiam's head was almost lowered to his body: "Miss Ming, please rest assured, we will return your funds to your card within one working day, please pay attention to check." Bright

snorted and let the babysitter see off the guests.

It didn't take long for Wang Zicong and the two to come.

"Mingmei," the faces of the two were not very good: "What happened to the lost auction item, how did the one named Liam solve it for you?"

How else to solve it,

return the money!" The two looked a little better: "Just return the money."

Ming Mei smiled: "How do I know?" At

the same time, the news of the loss of the auction lot of the "Ocean Mark" cruise ship spread throughout the media world, and many people in Europe and Asia were paying attention to the first voyage of the "Ocean Mark", which can be said to have made the media carnival.

After seeing off Wang Zicong and a few people, Mingmei opened her mobile phone, found a call in her address book, and called it directly.


the phone was quickly connected, it was a deep voice of a middle-aged and elderly man, which would be familiar to friends who often watched the news feed, which was the voice that often appeared in the news network.

"You're early. Bright asked a hello.

"It's not early, Miss Ming," the old man said slowly, "I've come back from exercising and finished breakfast."

Ming Mei said perfunctory diplomatic rhetoric: "Otherwise, you should always be strong." The

old man smiled and waited for Bright to enter the subject.

Ming Mei smiled lightly: "Have you always heard the news that the "Ocean Mark" cruise ship lost a large number of weapons-type lots?"

"I also just heard this news, is there something wrong with Miss Ming suddenly mentioning this?" Ming

Mei smiled slightly: "It's nothing, it's just that one of it is my country's national treasure, the sword of the Yongle Emperor." The

old man was silent for a moment, and his heart ached slightly.

The national treasure of their dragon country, hey.

Ming Mei said: "You should have heard the story of carving a boat for a sword, right?" The

old man was silent for a moment and said: "Miss Ming, don't tell me that you staged a carving boat asking for a sword?"

The old man on the other side showed some smiles on his face: "Take care of your body, Miss Ming." We in the Dragon Kingdom need young talents like you. "

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