A few days after hanging up the call, the cruise ship was already close to the port of Los Angeles.

Ming Mei calculated that he would probably disembark in two or three days.

In the past two days, Ming Mei and Wei Hang have played enough, and even interviewed in the open-air private pool.

It feels good.

At the same time, a pair of fishermen from the Dragon Kingdom's fishing team salvaged a bunch of ancient weapons while collecting their nets, and experts identified that among them was the Yongle Emperor's sword lost on board.

There is also the katana auctioned by Matsushita Motoyasu.

These items were picked up by the fishermen of the Dragon Kingdom and immediately handed over to the government, which handed them over to professional institutions for future exhibition.

Several auction houses that jointly held this auction united to send a strong notice to the Dragon Kingdom urging them to return the auction items, which was ignored by the Dragon Kingdom.

In the end, it is only possible for important figures in various countries to exchange their national treasures with large resources.

No matter how detailed things are, I don't pay attention to them anymore.

On this day, when Mingmei came out of a Chinese restaurant again, a voice called out to her.

The voice has some accents, and he is a foreigner.

Ming Mei turned around and saw a blond hair, blue-eyed, tall but not slender man standing behind him, with some grievances in his eyes.

Ming Mei pulled this person out of her head.

Rosita Edward Boeing, the young master of Citination's Boeing aircraft.

In the bright identity setting, it is her childhood sweetheart.

"Rosita? Long time no see.

Ming Mei said with a smile.

Rosita has a very beautiful face, and when she was a child, she was even regarded as a girl, and now it has grown, but fortunately it has not been destroyed, but it is more beautiful.

It's a look that Ming Mei likes.

"Hmph, I'm afraid you only remember that Weihang, you have long forgotten me, right

?" Ming Mei frowned, why did this vinegar smell so sour?

"How could I forget you?"

Rosita blushed a little: "Hmph, I hope you really remember my childhood sweetheart."

It's just that Rosita's eyes are a little red.

"That," Rosita suddenly began, "Is that Escort your boyfriend?"

Rosita frowned: "What about the other two men next to you?"

Rosita was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously said: "Why can they all be your boyfriend, but I can't?" Ming

Mei thought about it, as if in the attached memory, Rosita did confess to her once, but was rejected by Ming Mei on the grounds that she was not yet an adult.

So Ming Mei smiled and tilted her head: "Because I was not an adult at that time."

Rosita blinked: "Then you are an adult now, can you be with me now?"

Rosita quickly nodded: "Of course I don't mind!" Ming

Mei sneered: "Have you ever had other boyfriends and girlfriends?"

Ming Mei thought about it carefully, Rosita seemed to be a few months younger than Wei Hang, and a few months older than herself...

No boyfriend or girlfriend?

"Come here. Bright held out a hand.

Rosita shook her bright hand.

The next morning, when the sun woke up, Rosita was still sleeping soundly with a pillow.

In terms of height, Rosita is the tallest among the four, but Rosita has a particularly soft body because of her dance practice, and there are some bright techniques that she wants to play, and she happened to have fun all over last night.

It feels pretty good.

When Ming Mei came out with Rosita, the three of them were already waiting at the table.

"Hello~Hello~" Rosita greeted the three.

The atmosphere was somewhat stiff.

"Hello. Wei Hang broke the rigidity: "I am Mingmei's first boyfriend." Nice to meet you.

Rosita smiled: "I'm also very happy to meet you, Wei Hang, I'm a bright childhood sweetheart and fourth boyfriend~"

Hearing the four words "childhood sweetheart", Wei Hang's eyes flashed.

Is his childhood sweetheart the little young master of Boeing....

A few days later, the cruise ship docked at the port of Los Angeles, and people who had been at sea for more than 20 days disembarked and breathed in the fresh air.

Ming Mei stretched fiercely.

Although the sea air is very fresh and the living conditions are very good, it is

comfortable on land! As soon as Ming Mei stepped on the land of Los Angeles Port, the system in my mind sounded.

【Dingdong~Congratulations to the host for successfully opening up a new map~

】【System rewards a senior apartment in downtown

Los Angeles】【System rewards a set of garden villa in the city of Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, covering an area of four acres (with butler

x1, servant x5)】【System rewards Los Angeles Malibu underground winery x1, covering an area of six acres

】【System rewards 15% shares of Wal-Mart Department Stores】【

The system rewards 20% of Citi's Johnson & Johnson

company] [Please continue to work hard and work hard to open up new maps!]

Ming Mei nodded in satisfaction, named the housekeeper Ming Fan, and then said to the driver who sent them, "Trouble go to Beverly Hills Champs Hill One Villa." The

car drove to Villa No. 1, everyone got out of the car, the housekeeper first packed up the master bedroom as a bright room, and then cleaned up the room on the left of Mingmei, which is Wei Hang's bedroom.

As for the bright right, it was naturally left to Rosita.

On the left side of Mingmei lives Zhao Chen, and on the right side lives An Mingyu.

Ming Mei looked at Rosita who stayed here and smiled helplessly: "You plan to follow me?" Rosita

nodded nervously, afraid that Ming Mei would drive him away.

Ming Mei raised her hand, Rosita obediently hung her head, and Ming Mei rubbed Rosita's hair.

The hair quality is average, and it is soft and comfortable without Weihang.

"Good boy. After

resting on the first day, Ming Mei went out with Wei Hang.

The commercial streets here in Los Angeles are relatively developed, and there are many world-renowned brands.

The manager of the Hermès counter looked at the girl who came from afar, vaguely felt a little familiar, and then thought carefully, isn't this the expensive customers who have consumed millions of euros from the Asian branch when the year-end summary was made before?

Seeing the girl approaching, the manager of Hermes determined that it was indeed Miss Ming.

So, at the moment when Ming Mei walked into the Hermes brand store, two salesmen on the left and right bowed to Ming Mei: "Hermes brand store welcomes Miss Ming!"

"Put this color-block coat on me.

"Yes, Miss Ming.

"This A-line waist long dress, one for each of the four colors."

"Yes, Miss Ming. "

How many colors are there for this little heel?

"Yes, Miss Ming. "


Bright felt that she hadn't shopped like this in a long time.

The shopping process is really decompressing.

Bright doesn't have to try at all, no need to change, Hermes system library has long had her full-body size record, Bright will customize a set of Hermes suits every few months, so every few months someone comes to measure the body, no need to say brightly, these people also know what to take.

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