"Put these shoes on too. Ming

Mei casually pointed to the thick heels used to match the coat.

Wei Hang stood on the side with a smile and watched, like a perfect wall flower.

After Mingmei finished shopping, he pulled Wei Hang over again, pointed to him and said to the manager: "Trouble to match him with a few outfits, to be bright and casual, not a long coat." The

manager said yes and went to the men's section with a smile.

After matching Weihang with a few clothes, Mingmei swiped the card and pulled Weihang to continue shopping.

After walking around, most of the new models were delivered to her home as soon as they were launched, and she didn't have to try to buy them herself, which can be said to make her a lot less fun.

Back in the villa, not long after Mingmei rested, someone came to the door.

It was an American man in a butler's suit, probably in his fifties and sixties.

After the old housekeeper walked in the door, he bowed slightly to Mingmei: "I haven't seen you for a long time, Miss." How are you doing?"

Ming Mei found the relevant memory of this person from her mind and smiled slightly: "I'm fine, Mr. Lawrence."

The housekeeper Lawrence straightened up with a smile: "I wonder if you have time to inspect the family's business in the United States with your subordinates? Wei

Hang and Rosita looked at each other, and they were both a little clear in their hearts.

The head of the family is not unable to come, but he plans to give power to the young master.

Mingmei nodded: "You will pick me up at nine o'clock tomorrow morning." Lawrence

, the butler, bowed to Bright and left.

Ming Mei wants to see how the system sets forces for itself as his background is built.

When Ming Mei first set foot on the land of the magic capital, Ming Mei built the first foundation for her background.

She is the only daughter and heir of the head of a large family.

After enrollment, a second foundation is constructed.

Her family is a huge family that has existed for thousands of years.

After the success of the second foundation, she had a lot of background in her mind - such as the world's well-known major companies have more or less shares in their family, such as their family's real estate all over the world... However, these have always been only a very vague concept, and only when Ming Mei really sets foot in those places can he clearly know what power he has in the local area and where the house is.

Today's Lawrence butler is her personal butler as the head of the family in her setting.

When the time came the next day, the housekeeper Lawrence knocked on the door of the villa on time.

Bright changed into a white suit and got into the small private helicopter driven by Lawrence.

There is a tarmac right on the roof of the villa.

The small helicopter can only seat two people, so Lawrence drives the helicopter and sits brightly in the co-pilot.

"Miss, please be ready," Lawrence said with a smile, "we may have to fly more than half of the Citi Country within today."

Bright nodded and fastened her seatbelt.

At half past nine in the morning, the small helicopter arrived on the top floor of Johnson & Johnson's Los Angeles branch, and all Johnson & Johnson employees welcomed the arrival of the largest shareholder.

After briefly looking at this year's basic report and confirming that there was no major problem with the company, at half past ten, Mingmei got on the helicopter again.

At 11 o'clock, the small helicopter arrives at Fifth Avenue.

Fifth Avenue is an important north-south arterial road in Manhattan, New York, stretching from Washington Square Park in the south to 138th Street in the north.

From south to north, there are the Empire State Building, the New York Public Library, Rockefeller Center, St. Patrick's Church, and Central Park. In addition, because there are famous fine arts museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum of Art, the Solomon Guggenheim Museum, and the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum near Central Park, it is called "Art Museum Road".

None of this matters, the important thing is that Fifth Avenue was once funded by Ming, and if you want to take root on Fifth Avenue and buy land, simply, take 1% of the shares.

In other words, the company groups that can be counted on Fifth Avenue have 1% of the shares in Ming's.

1% looks small, in fact, this is hundreds of billions of turnover every year.


It wasn't until six o'clock in the evening that Ming Mei flew back to the villa with Lawrence Butler.

After sending away Lawrence's housekeeper, Ming Mei stretched fiercely, tired for a day, took a good rest, and got up to eat again later.

Rosita was eager to cook for Mingmei, but Wei Hang hesitated, but still asked what you were going to do.

"The traditional food of our hometown!"

replied Rosita.

Wei Hang thought for a while, what are the traditional foods of Citicountry

, burgers, fries, Boston lobster?

However, half an hour later.

Zhao Chen, who was nestled on the sofa to remotely control the Zhao Group, raised his head a little confused, and the tip of his tall nose moved

: "That, Xiao An, do you smell anything?" An Mingyu put down the tablet in his hand and took a few deep breaths: "What's going on? Why is there a fishy smell?" Wei Hang also put down the work in his hand

, he just learned to knit a sweater, and wanted to knit a scarf for Mingmei.

Wei Hang also sniffed, and then frowned: "How is it fishy and smelly?" After

speaking, he got up and felt it carefully, and this smell seemed to be wafting from the kitchen.

Wei Hang was silent for a moment, and couldn't help but ask: "What is the traditional food in the United States?" An

Mingyu was stunned for a moment: "Hot dogs, hamburger fries, cheese sandwiches

?" Zhao Chen thought about it and replied: "Apple pie, roast turkey?"

Wei Hang looked back stunned: "Rosita said to make hometown food for Mingmei... Zhao

Chen was inexplicable: "Isn't the United States all kinds of fried food?" Wei

Hang smelled the fishy smell even more, and simply went directly to the kitchen.

Push open the kitchen door, and the smell of more than 100 square meters of kitchen is even heavier.

Strangely, the kitchen was clean and free of the clutter that Wei Hang imagined, and Rosita leisurely leaned by the stove to set the time for the oven.

What's wrong?" asked Rosita with a smile.

Wei Hang looked at this kitchen in silence - everything is normal, but it really smells bad... Rosita

, what did you make? Wei Hang was embarrassed to say bluntly, so he turned around and asked: "Rosita, what delicious food did you make for Mingmei?

Wei Hang was silent for a moment and said, "I'm sorry, I thought you were from Citi

?" Rosita shook her head: "Didn't Mingmei tell you, my mother is English, and I grew up in England."

Wei Hang was stunned for a moment.

What traditional food does England have?

Wei Hang thought of something, and hesitantly asked: "Rosita, you won't be doing stargazing pie, right?" Rosita smiled and nodded: "Guess right! Don't worry, I made a lot of food, enough for us and Mingxiao for dinner!" Wei

Hang's eyes were dark, and he couldn't wait to pass out, smiled reluctantly at Rosita, and walked

out stiffly.

“...... What's wrong?" Zhao Chen was inexplicable.

"Do you know?" Wei Hang had an indescribable expression on his face: "Rosita is doing stargazing pies!"

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