An Mingyu was stunned: "Isn't he American?" Wei Hang's

eyes darkened: "He is a half-blood."

Zhao Chen remembered the stargazing pie he had seen before, remembered the dead fish head, and his stomach churned: "Or I'll boil some porridge for Mingmei..."

The three were muttering, and Rosita wore heat-insulating gloves and carried a large basin to look up at the starry sky.

Looking at the dead fish head, the three of them took a step back in unison.

The fishy smell in the room was even stronger.

Rosita smiled and put the stargazing pie on the table and said, "Come and try it! This is my specialty! My mother likes to eat it very much, and often says that it has the taste of her hometown!" The

corner of Wei Hang's mouth twitched: "That, Rosita, we may not be very receptive to traditional British food..."


As he asked, he also gently cut a piece of the stargazing pie with a knife and put it on a plate, and then put it in his mouth with a fork - well, the saltiness and sweetness were just right, and the faint fishy smell felt great across his throat.

Rosita blinked suspiciously, not understanding why the three of them didn't eat.

There were footsteps on the side, and several people turned their heads to see that it was bright.

"What are you doing?" Why did the room smell so bad, Ming

Mei saw the stargazing pie on the table and swallowed the next sentence.

"Bright you are coming?"

Rosita said, "Come and try the dinner I made for you!" Bright

looked at the fish head looking up at the starry sky, her throat slid unconsciously, and her stomach felt uncomfortable.

"That, Rosita," Ming Mei pondered, "you made it delicious, but I have a bad stomach these two days and want to drink some porridge or something."

Zhao Chen hurriedly entered the kitchen and opened the window to ventilate: "Yes, Rosita, I can only be sorry, I'll boil

some porridge for Mingmei first!" Although Rosita was a little disappointed that everyone could not eat the traditional food of his hometown with him, he still cared more about Mingmei, so he put the prepared stargazing pie in the refrigerator and waited for Zhao Chen to make shiitake chicken porridge.

Bright:...... Let the housekeeper change to the same refrigerator tomorrow....

In another hour, Zhao Chen made shiitake chicken porridge, everyone had a full meal, and Ming Mei pulled Rosita back to the house.

An Mingyu deflated his mouth, glanced at the two who were also uncomfortable, and went back to the house to wash.

Before falling asleep, Mingmei received news from Wang Zicong and others, and Wang Zicong asked her to see the art exhibition tomorrow, and she agreed.

Soon it was the next day, and two days ago, Ming Mei asked the housekeeper to open a secondary card for Weihang and one of them, and they could buy whatever they wanted, so they all went out shopping.

Then Ming Mei drove to the art exhibition that Wang Zicong said.

The organizer of the art exhibition is a niche Internet celebrity painter in Los Angeles, and it can be seen that this painter's technique is not very good, but the ideas and inspiration are very outstanding, and after only time to hone, he must be a famous painter in textbooks.

"This painting is good," Qin Feng pointed to a sketch on the wall: "Is it sold here

?" "Of course it is sold," Mingmei said, "Isn't that a price?" Qin

Feng saw that the price was acceptable to him, and directly waved his hand and called the waiter to buy it.

Ming Mei walked around two more times, and also saw a few paintings, although the collection value is not large, but decorate, the home is still possible, so I also bought it.

Ming Mei felt bored after strolling around, went to the bathroom and came out, and bumped into a tall white man.

Seeing the white man rushing straight towards her, Mingmei gave way to the side.

Who knew that the white man was actually coming towards her, she gave way to the left, and the white man also walked to the left.

Ming Mei frowned and stopped, and the white man stopped right in front of Ming Mei.

Looking at the past, this white man is tall, but his body is slender, there are several black and purple needle eyes on his arms, and it is clear who it is at a glance, his clothes and shoes look very expensive, and his appearance is very average, and he feels that nine of the ten Citi country men look like this.

"Hello, baby~" The white man opened his mouth: "Interested in having a drink with me?"


white man's eyes flashed with dissatisfaction, his hands hugged his chest, and the watch on his wrist was exposed without a trace, and Mingmei saw that it was a million-level watch from Vacheron Constantin: "Baby, it's just a drink for you, don't be so indifferent~"

Mingmei was stopped by the white man, watching the art exhibition on the side while waiting for the bright prince Cong and the two looked at each other, and walked towards Mingmei.

Bright eyes narrowed: "Please get out of the way." The

white man laughed and stretched out his hand to grab Mingmei's arm: "Don't be so shy, baby~"

Wang Zicong on the side grabbed the white man's hand, pulled it fiercely, and the two interlocked their fingers.

"Baby, don't be so shy, play with our brothers." Saying

that, Wang Zicong gave Qin Feng a color, and the two pulled the white man with a sudden change in face into the toilet.

Mingmei vaguely saw the three of them enter a room.

Mingmei's face showed an indescribable expression of wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, wanting to say something but not knowing what to say.

Within five or six minutes, the two came out.

Mingmei's mouth opened and closed, and finally asked: "You guys are over so soon?" Qin

Feng rolled his eyes: "Don't think about it, we can't take this mouthful, just scare him."

Mingmei almost laughed and coughed twice

: "That, thank you!" Qin Feng waved his hand nonchalantly: "Thank you anything, they are all friends."

At this time, a waiter standing on the side finally couldn't bear it, and walked over and whispered a reminder: "Three customers

, you should leave here quickly!" Ming Mei asked puzzled

: "Why?" said and pointed to the bathroom: "It won't be because of this, right?" The

waiter looked left and right at no one, and quickly said: "I see that you three are Asians, like you are traveling, you should hurry back to China in the next two days!" This man's name is Edward Willie, the only son of the boss of our Los Angeles Willey gang, and his father has hundreds of people under him!" Wang

Zicong has a headache, although he is not afraid of black and social, but it is a bit troublesome to deal with.

Ming Mei smiled slightly: "Thanks for reminding! Sorry, I'm causing trouble for your painting exhibition."

The waiter whispered: "Don't worry, the owner of our art exhibition, the Willy Gang, dare not provoke, but they will not shelter Asians!

Mingmei smiled, gave Wang Zicong and the two a look, thanked the waiter, and left with the purchased painting.

After getting into the car, Wang Zicong frowned while driving: "Bright, or don't you go out in the past two days? The black groups on the side of Citicountry suck big horses (not typos) have sucked their brains out, and they don't care who you are, sometimes it's scary to ignore it."

Ming Mei smiled lightly: "You don't have to worry, we will come out to play as usual these two days."

Qin Feng said, "What are you going to do with this black group?

Mingmei turned her head to look at the two and said slowly: "Of course I have to cut the grass and remove the roots." "

Her gold finger was not taken for nothing.

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