After the three left, the white man stumbled out of the bathroom and grabbed the waiter on the side: "What about the three people!" The

waiter looked inexplicable: "Young Master Edward, what are you talking about?" The

white man roared with murderous intent: "Call your manager for me!" "

Over here, Bright back to the villa.

"Butler, please ask Lawrence butler to come."

Ming Mei said to the butler.

The housekeeper bowed slightly to Mingmei: "Okay, miss." In

less than half an hour, the Lawrence butler arrived at the door of the bright room on crutches.

Ming Mei explained so and so, and the Lawrence butler bowed slightly to the name and turned to leave.

Bright smile.

How can a family that has been passed down for thousands of years only have money?

Outside the villa, Lawrence's butler got into the car and ordered the driver to go back to the old mansion.

Then, I picked up the crutch I carried with me, touched the body of the crutch with my white-gloved hand, I don't know where I pressed it, and with a gentle sound, the handle of the crutch and the body of the cane separated.

Revealing a chilling blade in the middle.

Lawrence sneered, closed the crutches, and the originally kind and kind eyes were a little sharper, not at all like a dozen-year-old man.

The next day, Wang Zicong slept until noon, missed breakfast directly, rubbed his face and got up to eat lunch.

The Wang family does not have real estate here, but has invested in a lot of hotels, so Wang Zicong lives in his own hotel.

Wang Zicong had just eaten a few bites when someone knocked on the door of his hotel room.

"In." Wang Zicong said while swallowing the food.

One of the people who came in with Wang Zicong on the boat was Wang Zicong's father's personal bodyguard and driver, Uncle Wang.

"What's wrong? Uncle Wang?

Wang Zicong asked.

"Young Master, the Willey Gang you asked me to investigate yesterday, I don't think I need to check now."

Wang Zicong frowned: "Reason? Uncle

Wang handed today's Los Angeles Daily to Wang Zicong.

Wang Zicong took it, and his eyes sharpened.

"Shock! Los Angeles' largest violent group [Willey Gang] collapsed overnight! Disbanded today! Suspected blabla".

Wang Zicong was silent for a long time, put down the newspaper, and said that this is good.

Then he said: "What happened to the total destruction of the top? Meaning that they... Oblivious?

Uncle Wang nodded.

Wang Zicong gasped.

Uncle Wang lowered his voice and said: "Young Master, I have some doors here, I tried to go to the police station to take a look, those people's law... Much like a person in my memory.

Wang Zicong asked, "Who is it?"

Uncle Wang said: "A head cutter who once crisscrossed Europe... He used to use a narrow knife, and he shot quickly, I heard that he was adopted by the nobles on this side of Europe in the early years, and some people said that he was originally cultivated by the nobles, and I don't know how it was.

"I just know that he must be older now, and once hid his love knife in his crutches."

Soon, five days arrived.

On the sixth day, Ming Mei returned to the ship with four people, and the ship began to sail back.

In the distance, Ichiro Kojima was followed by a thin white man, watching the bright group get on the boat with gloomy eyes.

"See the woman?"

Ichiro Kojima asked the white man behind him.

The thin white man snorted lowly.

Ichiro Kojima smiled wickedly: "I want you to dig up all her family base for me!" The

white man scoffed: "This woman is sitting in the first row of auctions with special rings, her identity is definitely not simple, are you sure you want to offend her?"

Kojima Ichiro sneered disdainfully: "A woman, even if there is a big force behind it, it must not be an important person, besides, there is a godfather behind me, will the power behind that woman offend my godfather because of a woman?" You do it. The

white man thought the same, and followed Ichiro Kojima onto the boat.

When he arrived at the guest room, the white man opened his carry-on backpack and assembled a computer.

This is a supercomputer with dozens of times the processing process of an ordinary computer.

It took him more than a decade of his entire net worth to assemble such a computer.

The white man's thin fingers moved around on the keyboard, and at this moment, such an ordinary white man with an ordinary appearance, a thin body, and seemingly nothing seemed to have achieved anything, burst out with a majesty that only a president of the Citi State has.

However, within two minutes, the momentum on his body was exhausted, the white man's sideburns were beaded with sweat, and his fingers were trembling.

"What's going on? How so? The white man watched his program being attacked by unknown hackers, but in a few seconds, the code he had been writing for several years was broken one by one, he trembled, and quickly got up to unplug the power - but at the moment before he was ready to unplug the power, his computer crackled, because the overload carried the black screen.

This also means that all his information, his hard work over the years, has all been in vain.

The white man froze in place and restarted his computer in disbelief.

Two minutes later, a mournful scream came from the room.

Looking at the crazy white man, the system snorted coldly.

It's hilarious that a broken computer wants to break through my defenses against host data.

A few hours later

, the white man was sitting in a messy guest room.

His computer, his program, and his hard work for more than ten years, all came to naught.

It's all to blame Ichiro Kojima... It's all to blame Ichiro Kojima... If it weren't for him, how could he provoke such a person?

The white man's originally dull eyes had a hint of ruthlessness.

As soon as I opened the door of the guest room at noon the next day, I saw some bustle on the boat, so I asked what happened.

"Miss," a nanny bowed to Mingmei, "Mr. Ichiro Kojima, who lives on the second floor, is missing. "

Ichiro Kojima? Ming Mei dug out the island man from her brain.


Forget it, if you disappear, you will disappear, anyway, it has nothing to do with yourself.

Closing the door, Mingmei pulled Wei Hang and the others to teach Rosita to play mahjong.

Because someone on the cruise ship was missing, and the missing was the son of a rich man from the island country, the "Ocean Marker" had to stop in place, waiting for the naval fleet to send the police up to investigate the case.

For the first cruise of the "Ocean Mark", the branch of the news has gone from all kinds of praise at the beginning to various doubts now - another lost treasure and someone missing, is the "Ocean Mark" really as good as the rumors say?

Or is Royal Caribbean Cruises, the top cruise line in Citicountry and even in Europe, going downhill?

Ming Mei probably read a few news, it seems to be questioning the security of the cruise ship, in fact, many sailors have begun to question the problems of Royal Caribbean Cruises itself.

Bright can see that there are other parties to the end, this is a public opinion war.

Royal Caribbean's stock has already begun to fall.

There was a knock on the door of the bright room.

"Erica?" Ming Mei looked at the beautiful woman in front of her suspiciously.

Erica is Rosita's older sister.

Erica glanced at her younger brother who was full of satisfaction and spring light, and smiled at the bright and charming: "Baby, are you interested in talking?"

Ming Mei raised her eyebrows and made a guiding gesture to her bedroom: "Please come in." "

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