Erica walked into the bright bedroom, looked at the dress in the bedroom, and raised her eyebrows: "Oh, baby, your style has not changed~"

Bright opened the Xiaoice box in the bedroom: "Drink something?" "

Just ice Coke~" Erica said in a soft voice.

Ming Mei threw her a can of ice Coke and sat on the single sofa in the corner of the bedroom - there was originally an eight-claw chair, which she had tried when playing with Rosita before, and Ming Mei planned to let Zhao Chen try it too.

Erica took a sip of ice cola, cocked a slender white thigh on the other leg, stared at the red nail polish on her toenails, and smiled brightly and charmingly: "Baby, a lot of stories have happened on this ship recently~

" Bright snorted and laughed: "There are a lot of stories that have happened." "

It's all about her.

Erica smiled and said: "I'll just say it bluntly, Royal Caribbean's stock has been fully green for several days recently, are you interested in doing it?"

While speaking, he also pressed his white and tender toes against his bright knees, and the ultimate red and white reflected under his bright eyes.

Ming Mei held Erica's ankles, the slender white and tender ankles did not have the usual large skeleton of Europeans, but had some of the slender and rounded oriental bones.

Bright smiled and played with the ankles in her hands, stroking them all the way to her knees, and then stopped at Erica's interested eyes.

"How much interest do you have?"

Erica nodded her full red lips and said, "Royal Caribbean recently came up with a new concept engine, and our family is quite interested in this." The

corner of her bright eyes narrowed: "Five or five points."

Erica thought about it and said yes.

Mingmei stood up: "I'll send you out."

Erica looked at the woman who was puzzled with complaints: "Baby, are you not interested in me at all?"

"Then you're mistaken about me, baby," Ming Mei reached out and put her arm around Erica's waist, "It's just that there is still a difference between appreciation and desire."

Erica pouted her full red lips dissatisfiedly, said okay with a grievance, and then walked out of the bright bedroom with an elegant gait, and left the bright guest room under the resentful gaze of her brother.

After Erica left, Ming Mei just turned around to go back to the bedroom, and a warm body was attached behind her - it was Rosita.

"Bright~" The mixed-race boy buried his head in Mingmei's shoulder as if he had suffered a great grievance, staring at Mingmei's plump and crystalline earlobes.

"Bright, my sister has a lot of male and female companions, I am different, I..." Rosita's cheeks flushed: "You, you should have tried it out that night, the first time I gave it to you wherever I was!"

Ming Mei snorted, touched Rosita's head with her backhand, and rubbed it soothingly: "Well, I know it."

The little emotions in Rosita's heart were comforted by Ming Mei and didn't know where to run, humming and rubbing Mingmei's neck like a cat boy: "Then you can't love Erica Oh, this woman has a very good hand at playing with feelings." You come to play with me~

" Bright smile: "Where did you learn the flirting method?"

Rosita snorted: "I read it on the Internet." Bright

smiled: "Come to my room tonight and teach you something better to use."

Rosita's eyes lit up and she snorted loudly.

There is nothing worth mentioning on the way back, after all, the places where you can eat, drink and play have been played once before, and now it is just to pick some very favorite ones and play again.

The originally scheduled three auctions were all cancelled due to the loss of some auction items, and Ming Mei confirmed from the news that the Dragon Kingdom had salvaged everything that should be salvaged, and the rest was left alone.

Soon, the "Ocean Mark" approached the port of Modu Port, and Mingmei and the others were also ready to disembark.

Huang Xue came to pick them up.

For the three beautiful men who brought Ming Mei back when she left, and there was an extra handsome mixed-race guy, Huang Xue looked at Ming Mei with an incomprehensible gaze.

Ming Mei smiled and pulled Rosita over: "Introduce you, Rosita. Edward. Boeing, my childhood sweetheart and boyfriend. A

dark light flashed in Huang Xue's eyes.


Wei Hang and Zhao Chen's eyes were slightly lonely.

Mingmei asked the housekeeper to take the four people home first, and after saying goodbye to Wang Zicong and the others, he got into Huang Xue's car, and the two were ready to go to eat.

Ming Mei found that Huang Xue had a new car.

"Almost closed?" Ming Mei asked with a smile.

Although it has nothing to do with her, the news of the Huang family can be seen more or less on the Internet, because of Huang Rui's affairs, Huang Xue's uncle completely collapsed, I don't know what Huang Xue said to her grandfather, Huang Xue was promoted from the management to the decision-making level, swallowing a lot of shares in her father's hands.

It can be seen from some fragmentary news scraps that Huang Xue's father was proud and complained about Huang Xue during this time.

Now some press conferences and external social occasions related to Fengxiang Silver Building also have Huang Xue's figure - before Huang Xue belonged to the default heir behind the scenes, and now Huang Xue is the prince on the bright side, as long as she doesn't have any problems, the head of Fengxiang Silver Building in the future, that is, she didn't run.

In this way, the best relationships in the circle of contacts that Mingmei had met when she first arrived in the magic capital were the highest ones she and Huang Xue were standing at the highest now.

Needless to say, Huang Xue is already the heir to the firm and has completely entered the company's decision-making level.

Although Wang Zicong is the only grandson of three generations of single transmission, but the parents on the top of the head are still strong, grandfather is even more old and strong, Wang Zicong's task now is to be a good mascot, learn something with the elderly, can be said to be the most relaxed and determined future goal in this circle.

Ma Zhiyue and Ma Yao brothers and sisters are not the eldest son and daughter in the family, there is an excellent eldest brother on top, and the two of them can do it without dying.

Although Lei Zijian is also an only son, his father is still young, and he himself is young, and he is only studying, not yet the age to think about this.

Qin Feng's current state is to eat and wait for death to eat, drink and have fun, nothing to scare the entertainment industry brush the sense of existence, there is no fixed goal.

"Bright, remember the underground casino before?"

Huang Xue suddenly asked.

Bright nodded.

Huang Xue smiled and said: "What kind of arena has been built there, let's go play in two days!" Ming

Mei brushed her time and made sure that there was nothing important.

When I arrived at the snack street of the restaurant that Huang Xue had booked, because it was too congested, I couldn't drive into the car at all, Huang Xue simply stopped the car on the side of the road, and the two walked in.

Mingmei was wearing a slightly thinner casual long skirt on the boat, and now the weather in the magic capital was cold, and Mingmei's exposed arms were somewhat cold, and Huang Xue took off her small coat and draped it over Mingmei.

"I just wear too much."

Huang Xue said with a smile.

This is not coaxing, she felt that the weather was quite cold when she went out, still blowing cold wind, wearing a thick casual clothes and a coat, who knows that it will not be windy not long after coming out, and the coat is just bright.

Bright is not pretentious, said thank you and took the coat, the long skirt with a casual jacket is somewhat nondescript, but Bright and beautiful is high, such a nondescript dress has a strange sense of fashion on her.

Before Mingmei trimmed her hair a little, the long hair that was originally over the shoulders became a shoulder-length medium long hair, and then she was permed with pear blossoms, and now she is all nestled in her clothes.

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