Huang Xue reached out and pulled her bright hair out, and the two walked towards the restaurant they had set.

This is a small restaurant, the decoration style is simple, there are no private rooms.

Many people outside were queuing up and listening to the shouting inside.

Huang Xue's time was just right, and the number 15 was called inside, and the number held by the two was exactly the 16th, and the two entered after standing for two minutes.

"Does it taste good here?" Ming Mei asked with some curiosity.

With the two of them, where to go is not an exclusive private room, and the only thing that can attract them to this ordinary restaurant is the taste.

Huang Xue nodded with bright eyes: "That's right!" The taste here is better than anything I've had before!

After speaking, he suppressed his voice and said: "Before my grandfather's birthday, my father invited a state banquet chef to be the chef, and I think that master can compare with this." After

listening to Mingmei, the gluttonous insects were about to seduce out, and she couldn't wait to sit on the seat, order a few dishes she liked to eat and wait for the food to be served.

While waiting for the dish, customer No. 10 next to him was live broadcasting.

"Old irons, take a look, this is Xiaofang's private chef that has been particularly popular on the Internet in recent months, I grabbed two days to grab a number, and queued for more than an hour to get me, I want to see if this Xiaofang private chef is as delicious as he said!"

Although Mingmei didn't like this kind of live broadcast very much, but people were not too noisy, so Mingmei didn't care, took out her mobile phone and brushed the web page, and chatted with Huang Xue when she was really bored.

Chatting and talking, we talked about entrepreneurship.

Huang Xue said bitterly: "Mingmei, don't you know, recently one of my cousins has been clamoring every day to start a business, and I have a headache to death."

Mingmei smiled and said: "Knowing that entrepreneurship is a good thing, why do you have a headache?"

Huang Xue sighed: "If it's just a business, I won't say anything, but she is a college entrance examination next year, and she has to say that she will go to business if she doesn't go to school, and her parents have a headache to death."

Ming Mei said, "Isn't it stimulated by someone?"

Huang Xue nodded: "Someone in her class has made a small handicraft studio, which is still very popular on the Internet, her eyes are red, and she wants to compete with others."

Mingmei frowned and said, "Does your cousin have the relevant knowledge and craftsmanship?" If not, you better let her finish her school first..."

Mingmei's voice did not fall, and he heard a heavy snort next to him, and a man said: "You two don't understand this, now the academic qualifications are of little use, the academic qualifications are just a piece of paper, take advantage of the young to break into a business, this experience is the most important!" Little girl, don't stop your cousin's future!

Ming Mei frowned and turned her head to see that it was the man who was broadcasting live.

"Hey, I don't agree with what you said," Huang Xue said dissatisfied, "Do you think it's the early 90s?" Standing on the vent, pigs can fly! I just want to start a business but haven't learned about it, and I can't do anything!

The man didn't care and said: "Girl, you are wrong to say this, young people rely on a momentum to fight hard, learn so much, what is the use?" In this society, there are many 985211 graduate students and doctors, working for the bosses who graduated from technical secondary schools!

Ming Mei laughed: "For example?

The man was hesitant: "What example does this need to give?" That's what it says online!

Huang Xue said: "Even if there is really a boss who graduated from technical secondary school and can open the company to the extent that he only recruits 985211 graduate students and doctors, this kind of boss either has an agent who only takes money, or people have learned a lot of knowledge by themselves, really think that they can open a company after graduating from secondary school?"

The man said dissatisfied, "Why not?" Isn't the owner of that fruit mobile phone a college dropout with a high school degree? How big is people's fruit mobile phones now, you know in your own heart!

Ming Mei smiled: "That person also dropped out of a prestigious school, and people have the ability to be admitted to a prestigious school."

The man's face was a little angry: "In short, you college students whose thinking has long been fixed and the teaching method is rigid is better not to stop other little girls from starting their own businesses!"

Huang Xue sneered: "My family affairs won't bother you."

The man said in a didactic tone: "Oh, you must remember that gold always shines, and gold is always seen by gold diggers!" Education will only block the light of gold! The longer you study, the stiffer your thinking becomes!

Ming Mei rolled her eyes: "People who really need gold can go to the gold store to buy it, why should they be gold diggers, and those who go to be gold diggers just need gold to bring them benefits, so that the gold can be fused and polished and deformed, and become what people who need gold want." You really think being a gold digger is a good thing for gold. The

man's face was stiff, and finally his mouth fell hard, and the current college student did not know how to be polite at all, and then turned off the live broadcast, did not want food, and left directly.

Ming Mei sighed: "It turns out that some people really think that academic qualifications are not important!"

Huang Xue nodded: "What do you think?" After looking at a few examples of being a big boss with low education, I thought that I could also become one of them, what a joke, and I didn't look at how many of them had low education in the entire Dragon Kingdom, how many of these people were successful and famous, and how many people struggled to feed themselves all their lives. The

two were chatting when the food came up.

The first course is the simplest and most provocative braised pork, and Ming Mei picks up a piece of chopstick meat and puts it in her mouth - with a slight sip of the tongue, the meat melts.

The ultimate salty fragrance spread in the mouth, and the bright and fragrant eyes narrowed: "The taste is so good!"

Huang Xue was triumphant: "Haha, huh?" Try this stewed river fish with sauce, it tastes great! Saying

that, Huang Xue used the male chopsticks to clip a chopstick fish for Mingmei: "Knowing that you are a cat's tongue, you are the most able to eat fish and afraid of being hot, so you specially let it warm up before coming up." Ming

Mei said thank you and immersed herself in the charm of the food.

Huang Xue's gastronomic aesthetic is really not covered, and the taste of this store can indeed rank in the top three of the meals that Ming Mei has eaten.

While the two were enjoying the food, a girl dressed as a beautiful waiter came over with two beers, with a reluctant smile on her face and put the two beers in her hand in front of the bright two: "Miss Huang, and this guest, this is the home-brewed beer that our boss recently researched, and our boss wants to invite the two to drink beer!"

After that, the pretty girl bowed and left.

Mingmei looked at the girl's back.

I always feel that this girl is strange.

Service attitude... Can only say general?

Huang Xue sighed and picked up a glass of beer: "Try it!" This owner has great craft in making wine!

Ming Mei drank two small sips, and the taste was indeed very good: "Why was that waiter weird just now?"

Huang Xue rolled her eyes: "The story may have some blood, do you want to listen to it?"

Ming Mei blinked: "Is the story long?"

Huang Xue said, "I'll give you a long story short.

Bright eyes lit up, quickly nodded, sat up straight, held beer in his hand, and put on a look of eating melons.

Huang Xue sighed: "I feel that this boss wants to pursue me recently, but I am afraid of being amorous, and now I look at the appearance of this girl is probably that I am not wrong, it is said that this girl is the boss's childhood sweetheart." "

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