The housekeeper saw the figure of his young lady bouncing forward, and a strange feeling welled up in his heart.

His young lady... I haven't been so happy in a long time.

Thinking of this, the housekeeper was stunned for a moment, not knowing what was going on, and remembered those overlord literature.

"The young master hasn't laughed so happily for a long time..." "

Why don't you have jokes in your country?"

The housekeeper looked down and smiled, thinking that he really read too many novels, shook his head and sat back in the car, and took the white wolf An An to the pet entrance, An An needed to check from the pet entrance to get on the private jet.

At this time, Ming Xing contacted the housekeeper through the system's private contact database.

"Did the young lady enter the airport?"

Mingxing asked.

The butler snorted.

Mingxing scratched his head in his office.

He is now a standard 007, the passage logistics stall is getting bigger and bigger, and Ming Mei is not worried about letting others into the management, so the management except for a few people are people who exchange the system.

Ming Xing took care of these people and these things, sleeping only four or five hours a day, and the rest of the time was spent processing documents, occasionally attending a banquet or signing an order or something.

Mingxing is a bionic person exchanged by the system, without physical problems or hair loss and other problems, only need to sleep two or three hours a day to charge in the simulated ecological box to be active again.

But does he really wonder, don't the presidents in those overlord novels go to work? No matter how the president male protagonist is oppressed, he will not think of betraying where to find the intimate secretary, does he give an annual salary of tens of millions, he really needs such a secretary....

The topic is far away.

Ming Xing was very puzzled and asked the housekeeper: "Do you say there is anything good about the panda?" It's just a large hairy mammal, and there is no place to cure diseases and prolong life or something, why are the people of this planet so crazy about this creature? "

Even their usually calm master can't keep his composure.

The butler sighed: "Who knows? I can't understand it, but the host liked it. The host liked enough.

Ming Xing thought to himself, too.

Bright is their pointer, and they will only go in the direction pointed by Bright finger.

Here Mingmei naturally does not care what the two subordinates are thinking, not that there is no way to know that there is a private contact database of bionic people in the system, and all the bionic people exchanged by Mingmei from the system can contact through this contact database, without mobile phones and networks, which is very convenient.

Just like the interface of a chat room, what the opposite side wants to say will automatically generate conversations in the contact bank, and Mingmei, as the host, can view these conversations at any time.

But most of the conversations are messages like "trouble to take the mop to the third floor", "trouble to see if the water boils", "was so-and-so's room cleaned yesterday", "where is the coat housekeeper that the owner wanted".

Bright is just idle and boring, will turn it out and take a look, other times do not care.

Her private jet needed to be checked for ten minutes before takeoff, and in just ten minutes, she didn't bother to ask someone to open a VIP lounge for her or something, so she sat in the lounge.

While waiting for the flight, Ming Mei saw the live broadcast person again.

It's a young man.

Ming Mei was silent for a while, sat down a few places next to her, and was a relatively far away from the person who was broadcasting the broadcast.

As soon as she saw this kind of live broadcast, she had a bad premonition.

"Hello old irons," the man said, holding the live broadcast instrument, "Have you seen the magic capital airport on the island?" Blabla" Bright

Listening is a very simple daily live broadcast, so I didn't pay much attention to it and swiped my phone.

At this moment, the person who broadcast the live broadcast didn't know what to say, and suddenly walked over: "Excuse me, this beauty, can I conduct a random interview with you?"

Mingmei raised her head and scanned the departure hall, although she had just sat next to her, but the closest to this man seemed to be her...

"You ask." Ming Mei said in a somewhat helpless tone.

The man spoke: "Beauty, can you ask what you are doing now?" "

“...... Waiting for planes? I thought it was obvious?

The other side was stunned for a moment, and smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, beauty, it's that there are some problems with the way I ask." I wonder if you are employed now?

Mingmei thought for a while: "It shouldn't count, I just went to my sophomore year."

The man asked, "Can you ask about your school?" "

Modu University."

The man's eyes lit up: "Gao Xiansheng!" It's like this, beauty, there was a topic in my live broadcast room just now, probably saying which is more important, education and ability in our era?

Ming Mei wondered how this topic was so familiar: "For me, it is just as important."

Ming Mei said after considering it.

However, as soon as Mingmei's words fell, the man was obviously a little unhappy: "Beauty, this is not right, it should be that education is more important!" Bright

was silent for a long time.

She vaguely remembered that she went to dinner with Huang Xue on the day she came back, and she met a live broadcast talking about this problem, what did the anchor say? Is competence more important than education? No, it seems to say that entrepreneurial experience is more important than academic qualifications.

These two seem to be similar, right? The experience of entrepreneurship can also represent ability in some aspects.

She really wanted people to find out the anchor and let these two break their heads, ah no, debate.

Seeing that Mingmei stopped talking, the man spoke again: "The current social education is a stepping stone, and the ability and education are nothing compared to the academic qualifications!"

Mingmei frowned: "But it's not good to have an education and no ability, right?"

The man huffed and spoke: "But have you ever thought that sometimes education represents ability!"

Ming Mei was speechless: "But according to your words, doesn't it mean that ability is as important as academic qualifications?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and after going through what he said in his brain, he also reacted, but he still spoke hard: "But education is more important than ability!"

Ming Mei shook her head: "I still think it's just as important."

The man diverted the subject: "Is it convenient to ask about your future employment needs?"

Ming Mei said: "Ah, this, because I am starting a business, so there is no demand, I am the boss myself." "

The man thought, entrepreneurship, what kind of business? It won't be a night market stall, right?

"Can you ask you where you're going?"


The man smiled: "Then are you starting a business while going to school?" Can you combine your studies with your career?

Ming Mei explained: "That's not true, but our major can use entrepreneurship grades instead of credits, so if I have good entrepreneurial results, I can also get a graduation certificate." "

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