The man asked, "So how are you doing in entrepreneurship now?"

Mingmei smiled and replied, "I think it's okay to get a credit." "

Although the man is not from Modu University, he has heard more or less about the rules of the finance department of Modu University, and he thinks you can brag, but looking at the bright and beautiful face, his heart is itchy, and his face is not obvious: "It's convenient to ask, are you going to talk about business?" The

tone was tinged with teasing.

The smile on Mingmei's face converged: "No, go to Rongcheng."

The man's eyes lit up: "It's a coincidence, I'm also going to Rongcheng, which flight are you?" Maybe we can still have a companion! Ming

Mei glanced at the anchor who changed the topic at this moment.

"You and I should not be a flight."

The man was not surprised to be rejected: "Which company did you start?" Is it convenient to say the name? I have hundreds of thousands of fans, I can help your company generate revenue~

" Mingmei heard the meaning of pick-up in this man's tone, endured the desire to frown, saw a few people coming to this side in the distance, and his eyes lit up: "The company I opened is called Pass Logistics."

As soon as Mingmei's words fell, Wang Cheng, the co-captain of her private jet, and the person in charge of the airport route trotted over here.

"Miss Ming," the co-pilot bowed slightly to Mingmei: "You have been waiting for a long time, the private jet inspection has ended, you can get on the plane."

Ming Mei snorted, did not care about the anchor, turned his head and left with the co-pilot.

Left the anchor whose eyes fell and the live broadcast room that suddenly became lively.

"I'll go, act, right?"


"It's not acting, the person in charge of the route who came over with the captain can be found on the Internet, and he is the official certified administrator of Modu Airport!"

"I'll go, is that true?"

"I'll go, in my life, I can actually see the big guy on a private jet?"


No, didn't you grasp the point, didn't you hear the beauty say that the company that people started is called Pass Logistics?"

"I'm going, is it the passage logistics?"

"We, the Dragon Kingdom, will have a passage logistics!"

"That's it, the entire Dragon Country can be delivered anywhere, the cargo damage rate is the lowest in the industry, piece by piece is delivered to the door, the price is super cheap, and the boss industry is the most volatile through logistics?"

"It's the communication logistics..." "

What does the boss industry mean the most volatile?"

"Didn't you watch the hot search before? Passage logistics came out, there are paparazzi want to dig up some passage logistics high-level affair to generate income for their own newspaper, as a result, the paparazzi complained on the Internet that the boss of the passage logistics is too capable, and every morning after work at five o'clock in the morning to the office, except for eating and going to the toilet do not leave the office, and the hair has not been photographed for weeks.

"Maybe do something he

"I just said, people with dirty eyes look dirty in everything. The boss's office is a large floor-to-ceiling window, from the outside to shoot this boss can see everything clearly, people sit for hours without moving to look at the mobile phone is to answer the phone, known as the industry's most volume.

"The most outrageous thing is that this boss has been working overtime for several months in a row, and his hair seems to be getting thicker and thicker..."

This woman said her company is called Pass Logistics? Rub the heat, isn't it?

"Well, the boss of Pass Logistics is not the boss! It's the general manager, the boss has never appeared, according to industry legend, it is a young woman, I always thought it was a rumor..."

The anchor looked at the barrage, his face was a little embarrassed, and he quickly changed the topic: "The light in this morning is very good..."

Here, Mingmei got on the plane, and there were ten minutes to take off, and I brushed my phone when I was bored.

I happened to see the class group chatting.

[Class leader: It's boring without class, what are you all doing?] 【

xx: Play poker. Squad leader to come together? 【

xx: Review. Aren't you all taking the exam...]


Ming Mei looked very interesting to chat, just at this time, An An, who had finished the inspection, got on the plane with a big tail and ran to her feet, and Ming Mei took a picture of An An.

[Bright: Take your big dog and wait for the plane to take off.

The group was quiet for a while.

[Squad leader: Isn't pets not allowed on the plane? 【

Bright: Private jets are possible. The

group was quiet again.

The captain informed the plane that it had taken off, and Mingmei didn't care about the group that was immediately lively, and directly turned off the Internet and read the online novel downloaded before.

Two and a half hours later, the plane landed at Rongcheng Airport.

The giant panda breeding research base sent a pick-up personnel, cleared a channel, and Ming Mei just got off the plane and got into the car of the giant panda breeding research base.

The flight attendant took the white wolf An An to the wolf breeding research base to repel insects according to Mingmei's requirements.

Ming Mei drove all the way to the giant panda breeding research base, disinfected the door first, and then followed the two researchers wrapped at the end of the bed into the professional delivery room.

Her clear and beautiful beauty, sister is here!

Before entering the room to do a new check, an amiable female breeder stepped forward and looked at the bright from head to toe - no headwear, earrings jewelry and the like, very good, no makeup, heavy makeup and the like, very good, no perfume, very good, no sharp decorations on the clothes, very good.

The female breeder was a little satisfied in her heart, this girl must love pandas very much, otherwise she would not have made such complete preparations to see the pandas.

Bright walked into the breeding room and was immediately attracted by two furry round rolls - really super cute!

The two milk balls smelled the smell of strangers in the air, the pink little nose trembled, and the milk voice of the body stood up and snorted milky twice, and the bright eyes shone.

Ming Mei patiently let the female breeder put gloves on her and put on protective clothing, and then Ming Mei ran to the two small balls.

Obviously more daring, Meimei is more introverted, Ming Mei hugged the two small balls Meimei and kissed, very satisfied.

In order to ensure good health, the giant panda will not bathe often, and the two small dangoes are a little fishy in addition to the smell of milk, but Bright does not mind, this smell is much more valuable than any perfume.

After enough of the two small balls, Mingmei, with the permission of the breeder, took off the gloves and gently stroked the backs of the two little guys, coaxed the two little guys to eat with the small pot of milk provided by the breeder, and spread the little belly motionless.

Ming Mei looked at the round belly, gently touched the fingertips of her fingers, this soft touch, I really want to bury my head in and suck it!

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