However, no matter how reluctant he was, the time still passed quickly, and the little ones were going to rest at half past two in the afternoon, and Ming Mei had to leave.

Ming Mei reluctantly kissed the two milk balls, and watched the keepers carry the two small balls back to the house, and her heart melted.

The base administrator accompanied Mingmei to complete the lifelong adoption procedures, and when he was about to leave, he heard someone say what was going on with the recording program.

Mingmei stopped: "What recording program?"

The administrator explained: "That's right, Miss Ming, in order to better promote our base and the panda, we signed an agreement with a program group "Let's Fall in Love", and today the program team will come to our base to shoot an episode, and the actors will contact the giant pandas."

Ming Mei thought that this was quite interesting, anyway, it was not urgent, it was better to stay for a day, so she said: "Can I visit?" The

administrator nodded: "Of course." "

The administrator arranged for Ming Mei to feed the red panda, so that she could touch the panda while watching the filming program.

In the distance, in the car of the program group of "Let's Fall in Love", the director in the nanny car was originally telling the actors about today's filming, and suddenly received a call, and then said to the actors: "There is a big guy today who wants to watch the process of our recording of the show, I tell you, I don't care what temper you usually have, today I will converge, this big guy in a word, our entire show may collapse, understand?" The

actors looked at each other and replied in unison.

The director's car drove in and the actors came down.

Mingmei probably learned about the program group of "Let's Fall in Love", probably to get the little fresh meat and flowers in the entertainment industry together to form a CP, to see if it will eventually become a real CP and the like, in short, it is very popular and attracts many star chasers.

Mingmei watched them shoot, today's theme is popular science giant pandas, there is nothing else.

As I clapped, I heard someone arguing on the side.

"What do you mean by that? Your base invited us to film the show, and you won't let me touch the panda? Ming

Mei looked over, it was a delicate young beauty who spoke, and there was a small fresh meat with a stinky face standing on the side, looking very good, what is it called? I don't seem to remember much.

"Miss Han, we have already explained, the pandas that can be used to record programs now are very small, their noses are very sensitive, the smell of perfume and cosmetics on your body is too strong, and there are sharp jewelry on your hands, which will hurt the panda, so the panda can't hold you!"

The female breeder who had just examined Ming Mei explained with a frown.

"What do you mean? I put on light makeup today, can't I hold it like this? We agree that you are recording the show just to hold the panda, you think clearly! The

female keeper was also not happy: "Miss Han, we made it very clear, as long as you are willing to remove your makeup and take off your jewelry, you can hold the panda, if you don't want to, we can't help."

The young man on the side spoke: "Do I have to remove my makeup when I hold a panda?" "

He just won an international film festival actor, although he is only a small actor who can't be ranked, but now that he is in the limelight, he doesn't believe that the breeder of this broken base dares to offend him!"

However, the female breeder was not afraid at all: "Sir, no matter who you are, you have to take off your jewelry and remove your makeup before holding a panda!" The

man's face turned livid - since he won the actor, no one dared to speak to him like that!

Who saw him and didn't hold him?

How dare this female breeder?

He was not happy: "Hey, I have to hold a panda today!"

While saying, he even stepped forward to grab the panda.

Ming Mei stood aside, her face was blue and black, because this man had a lot of sharp metal hangings on his clothes, which would definitely hurt the panda!

At this moment, the administrator ran over: "What's going on? What are you doing?

The director also ran over: "What happened?" Zhang Yingdi, who messed with you? Listening

to the director's words, Ming Mei, who was standing on the side to help feed the panda and drink pot milk, frowned.

The little fresh meat surnamed Zhang frowned: "Director, we want to hold the panda, this person won't let us hold it!" The

director's face was also not very good: "Mr. Administrator, didn't we say before that we would let the actor hug the panda?" This is a great opportunity to get the word out!

The female breeder muttered a bunch of words to the administrator, who frowned and looked up: "Sorry, director, I promised you that the premise of holding the panda is that all the actors are not allowed to wear makeup, wear clothes with decorations, and cannot hurt the panda!" You guys broke the rules! The

director's face was livid: "Mr. Administrator, can this panda still go online to say this matter?" What's so bad about letting our actors hug a panda?

Mingmei frowned, turned around and put down the pot milk and the red panda, stepped forward and stood in front of the female breeder: "If you don't let you hug, you don't let you leave!"

The little fresh meat immediately shouted: "I'll go, who are you who dare to talk like this?" Why not let the hug?

Ming Mei sneered and said, "Zhang Yingdi? The "Let's Fall in Love" program group, if I remember correctly, Zhang Yingdi, Ms. Han, and this program group are all Moth Entertainment's projects, right? The

director looked at her from beginning to end, did not associate Mingmei with the big guy, with his qualifications are not enough to see Mingmei's photos, naturally I don't know who Mingmei is.

"Who are you again?" The director said unpleasantly.

Ming Mei snorted coldly, took out her mobile phone, found the number of the chairman of Moth Entertainment, and dialed it directly.

"Hello? Miss Ming? What's bothering you to call me personally? The voice of an elegant middle-aged man on the opposite side said.

Ming Mei snorted coldly: "Let's Fall in Love" is your company's project, right?

The middle-aged man on the opposite side replied: "Yes, is there something wrong with Miss Ming?"

Mingmei smiled: "No problem. It's just that if you don't replace the director with Zhang xx and Han xx, then you don't want to broadcast this show. Ming

Mei rarely said a cruel word, and regardless of the other party's reply, she hung up the phone directly and said to the stupid female breeder: "What are you doing stunned, take these little things back, the smell here is so bad." Saying

that, he looked at the little fresh meat and flowers meaningfully.

The director's original disdainful expression changed immediately after hearing the voice coming from the phone, although he was not high-level, he was not stupid, and immediately reacted that the woman in front of him was the big guy, but at this time he could not take back his previous words.

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