Not long after cleaning, many employees saw Ming Su, who was famous for his seriousness and fierceness in the entire industry, with a smile on his face, as if he was waiting for someone at the door of the company.

I saw a Bentley in the distance and stopped at the door of the company, and many employees widened their eyes and saw their devil boss greeting him with a gentle smile.

The door on the left rear side opened, and An Mingyu walked down.

Many employees widened their eyes: Could it be that the devil boss was waiting for An Mingyu?

I saw An Mingyu also went around to the side, Ming Su stepped forward and personally opened the door on the other side, raised one side of the arm, and a woman took Ming Su's arm and got out of the car.

"Miss," Ming Su said with a smile, "Ming Entertainment welcomes your inspection. "

Many employees and paparazzi who took photos were stunned.

Isn't Ming Su the boss of Ming's Entertainment?

They suddenly remembered that there were indeed rumors a few days ago that An Mingyu's girlfriend was the boss of his current company, but at that time, everyone thought that the boss was Ming Su, and the matter of Ming Su's husband was clear in the industry, and even if Ming Su would cheat, it was impossible to cheat with great fanfare, so people in the industry regarded this as a joke or a hype.

Now it seems that it is not a joke?

After inspecting the company, Mingmei left An Mingyu in the practice room and went back to the villa by herself.

After another two days, it was time to make an appointment with Huang Xue.

Mingmei let people send a simple ordinary scooter, drive to pick up Huang Xue, and drive to the abandoned warehouse group.

After a few more detours, I entered the underground casino through a hidden tunnel.

"Tell me, what's so fun?"

Bright asked.

Huang Xue smiled mysteriously: "Baby, do you want to play an underground black boxing?" Bright

eyes lit up.

Underground Black Fist?

She has only seen this thing on TV, but she has never seen it in real life.

Mingmei followed Huang Xue left and right and walked into a passage.

Pushing open the door, a loud voice immediately came out.

Huang Xue handed Ming Mei two earbuds: "Bring this with you."

"What is this?" Bright asked while leading.

"Noise-cancelling earbuds, and a dedicated communication channel, and there are only a few of us in our channel."

Someone spoke inside the earbuds, and Ming Mei could hear that it was Wang Zicong's voice.

Mingmei followed Huang Xue to the viewing area, and sure enough, Wang Zicong was already waiting there with a large bucket of marshmallows and snacks.

Bright and unceremoniously sat on the side, reached out and took a bag of spicy strips, take a closer look, pulled beef by hand? Is such an ancient spicy strip still produced now?

"Where did you buy this?" Bright asked curiously.

"It's the snack cart here!" Wang Sicong pointed to the side: "I don't know who thinks about it, the snacks here in the past two days are mainly nostalgic themes, and there are many snacks I have eaten in school."

"Wow, little slippery head, monkey king dan, fig silk, and Tang monk meat!" Huang Xue's eyes lit up, and she took out all the snacks directly from Wang Zicong's arms: "They are all my childhood favorites!" It's a pity that I didn't eat much when I was a child, hehe

Wang Zicong rolled his eyes: "Can your family still make you hungry?"

Huang Xue said: "The main thing is that our family is not allowed to eat these junk foods!" Every day someone stares, I dare to buy it will report to my parents, I will be scolded when I go back. Bright

and beautiful: "It's really miserable." "

While gloating, digging up small cream cakes to eat.

The cream of the cake is very fresh, unlike the taste of margarine that Ming Mei ate when she was a child, it seems that the small snack here is also a shape, and the ingredients must have changed.

He opened another package of pulled beef, and Mingmei listened to Huang Xue's explanation one after another while chewing.

"I'll tell you, it's a ring match today!"

"What is the Ring Match?" Bright asked.

"The underground casino doesn't know where to find a man who can fight in particular, he has to guard the ring today, accept 20 challengers in a row, if he wins, the challenger can take away a bonus of 100 million, and if he loses, the money pressed by the challenger will become his bonus!"

Mingmei nodded while eating spicy strips: "It's very interesting to hear!"

Wang Zicong stuffed a lot of snacks in his mouth and said vaguely: "Don't underestimate this person, the month we were on the ship, this person successfully fought ten people in the ring once, accumulating a bonus of 100 million!"

As he spoke, the competition channel opened, and a figure walked out.

The man is one meter nine tall, with a layer of smooth muscles on his body, not the kind of muscular man in the bright imagination, the skin color is slightly darker, but the appearance is extremely high, the eyes are deep, the bridge of the nose is high, the lips are thin and beautiful, the eyes are sharp, it is beautiful phoenix eyes, there should be foreigners' blood, because the big screen shows that this person's eyes are beautiful honey-like colors.

Bright took out the face value detector.

[Name: Chi Rui

] [Appearance: 91 points]

This person is really sexy and bright.

The host came on stage and briefly introduced the two sides of the competition.

The person guarding the ring did not say the name, only the code name Black Shark, and the person who attacked the ring did not remember it.

"This person is very capable of fighting," Wang Zicong said, "A friend of mine took a fancy to the money and specially found a veteran who had been fighting black boxing for several years, but was put down by this black shark in less than three minutes." "

To be honest, a hundred million cash is not a small amount for people in their circle, and it is also pocket money for most of the year.

Ming Mei touched her chin and observed.

Chi Rui is tall and has smooth lines, and at a glance, he is the kind of real muscle that has been exercised since childhood, not the kind of protein powder muscle.

It's time to bet on the set, someone presses Chi Rui to win, and someone presses the person who attacks the ring to win.

"The people who attack the ring are also quite strong," Wang Zicong said, "It's the old black fist." "

Mingmei directly pressed Chi Ruiying and pressed 5 million.

If you lose, you will lose, and if you win, you can earn at least 20 million.

As soon as the referee gave the order, the game began.

Ming Mei could see that Chi Rui's muscles immediately tightened, his body flashed to the side rapidly, and his opponent's fist swung over.

Chi Rui flashed to the side as soon as he was short, and the opponent's raised leg was kicked empty.

When it was late, it was fast, Chi Rui turned over and kicked the opponent out, the opponent was hit, and quickly rolled and unloaded the force, so that he did not go out of the circle.

During the exercise, Chi Rui's body sweated, wet liquid streaked across his muscles, and he looked bright and hot.

The opponent squatted on the ground and took a few breaths, his eyes stared at Chi Rui, one got up and raised his legs to attack Chi Rui's waist, Chi Rui's eyes were flickering, and he quickly turned over and returned a leg.

The two fought together, Chi Rui locked the opponent with high strength and strength, and the opponent could not break Chi Rui's hand, and finally had to admit defeat with a flushed face.

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