At the end of the first game, Chi Rui won effortlessly, and the prize money was directly doubled.

Five minutes into the intermission, Ming Mei looked at the money that had been hit on her account.

"Second, who are you going to crush?" Wang Zicong asked: "The second person to attack the ring is a veteran, and his leg technique is very powerful.

Ming Mei said: "Let's press the black shark." Huang

Xue also followed suit, pressing Chi Rui with the money he had won.

Second, the whistle sounded, and the person attacking the ring first simply kicked his legs to test the direction of Chi Rui's attack, and then quickly retreated.

Chi Rui slowly moved his body, his eyes fixed on his opponent.

Both of them are very patient people, the opponent does not attack, Chi Rui will keep an eye on the opponent, and do not take the initiative to attack, the opponent tentatively shot, Chi Rui also simply blocked back.

After a few minutes of grinding like this, some people on the stage became impatient.

"Hurry up! What are you moving around? Someone


Chi Rui and his opponent were not affected and continued to stare at each other.

Finally, the opponent ran out of patience, leaned forward, and kicked Chi Rui's waist with a sharp leg.

Chi Rui keenly dodged, turned around and flew out a kick, kicked away the opponent's foot, and at the same time leaned forward, the two hands passed a few moves, and then Chi Rui leaned back sharply and pushed the opponent away.

Chi Rui's opponent is not a vegetarian, the whip leg attacked fiercely, Chi Rui's body shook and dodged, and at the same time used his right leg to attack, kicking down the opponent.

After that, it was Chi Rui's one-sidedness.

Within minutes, the opponent threw in the towel.

Ming Mei heard the dissatisfied scolding of someone in the seat, presumably it was the opponent who pressed it.

The second handful's funds arrived, and Mingmei pressed Chi Rui again without hesitation.

All the way to the last handful.

The emotions of everyone present have been mobilized.

Chi Rui has reached a nineteen-game winning streak.

At this moment, Chi Rui's body was bruised and swollen, panting, and he was squatting on the ground panting.

The scene was lively, and many people shouted Chi Rui's name.

However, after the odds came out, it became clear that there were not many people who could win Chi Rui 20 in a row on the court.

Because the odds of the opponent are significantly higher than Chi Rui.

Mingmei still pressed Chi Rui.

After all, Mingmei is different from others, Mingmei really comes to play, all by fun. Others will still care about whether their money will lose all of their money.

This one, Mingmei pressed all the money won in the previous games, nearly 500 million.

If Chi Rui loses the game, Ming Mei will lose 500 million, and if Chi Rui wins the game, Ming Mei will be credited with at least 100 million.

"Just press him?"

Huang Xue asked, "Don't hesitate either?" What about 500 million. "

Five hundred million, even if she is now, she has to save for a year or two."

Ming Mei didn't want to think about it: "Don't hesitate, it's him." "

Huang Xue and Wang Zicong originally wanted to press their opponents, but after thinking of bright and good eyes, they still pressed Chi Rui.

Forget it, if you win, you are naturally happy, and if you lose money, you should play with friends.

The whistle sounded, the game began, Chi Rui, who was originally a little breathless, immediately tensed his muscles and attacked the opponent directly, the opponent panicked, immediately raised his hand to kick and block, but was shaken by Chi Rui and punched from behind.

Ming Mei smiled, this Chi Rui wanted to fight quickly.

In the previous battles, Chi Rui was very patient, dragging the opponent to attack first, so that the opponent lost the first opportunity, and then attacked.

Although this last opponent is very strong, his brain is obviously not as good as Chi Rui, and he also treats Chi Rui as the first nineteen Chi Rui to deal with, and wants to grind time with Chi Rui, who knows that Chi Rui took the lead.

Watching Chi Rui kick his opponent to the ground with all his strength, and then fell one-sided.

Ming Mei smiled, this billion earned is really easy.

After the opponent admitted defeat, Chi Rui vomited out a mouthful of blood, knelt on the field, and was pulled down by the medical staff.

"This black shark has some skills!" Huang Xue exclaimed.

"It's very brainy." The prince calculated the amount of money credited to his card.

Ming Mei was silent and waved to summon the venue manager on the side.

"Miss Ming, I am the manager of this field, I am very happy to serve you, how can I help you?"

The manager said with a smile.

Mingmei said: "The one codenamed Black Shark just now is your resident employee?" "

According to Mingmei's understanding, the fights in this underground fighting ring are generally divided into two types of employees, one is the underground black boxers in other places, who are short of money in their hands and want to make some quick money, so they come.

There is also a permanent employee who has signed a lifetime contract with an underground casino, and to put it bluntly, he sells himself to the underground casino.

The manager smiled and said, "Miss Ming, Black Shark is our resident employee.

Ming Mei nodded and smiled: "He wants it, let you take care of this person."

The manager was stunned for a moment, and then put on a sincere smile: "Okay, Miss Ming, this will find a person in charge for you, please follow me to the reception room." After

Ming Mei and Wang Zicong separated, they followed the manager to the reception room.

The building materials of the reception room should also be special, just closing a door to block out all the noise.

The manager poured a cup of tea for Mingmei, then quietly stepped aside.

After a while, a middle-aged man dressed as a manager walked in, and a bright face was full of smiles: "Miss Ming is here, our underground casino is really shining!"

Mingmei smiled: "I don't fight with you either, I want a black shark, let's make a price." The

middle-aged man smiled, took out a folder, and handed it to Mingmei: "Miss Ming, we don't return people from us, so before deciding whether to take the black shark, you can take a look at his information." Bright

took the folder.

[Codename: Black Shark

] [Name: Chi Rui] [Age: 22

] [Bloodline: Father England, Mother Dragon Country

] [Specific Participation Information: ...

] [Physical Examination Status Over the Years: ......]

As Ming Mei opened the information, the middle-aged man also began to say: "Miss Ming, Chi Rui

is the person I brought into the casino. His reason for entering the casino is very cliché and realistic, his mother is sick and not fatal, but he has to take medicine often, he has to support his mother, so he had to drop out of school to work, and then I found out.

"He was so good-looking and incredibly fast and powerful without special training, I thought he might be a plastic guy and brought him back to the casino."

"He signed a lifetime contract, if you are really interested in it, Miss Ming, I don't play circles with you, five hundred million, you take people away."

Bright put down the information.

"I want people, you will swipe the money yourself from the card."

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