Soon, the time came to the beginning of March, and Mingmei returned to the magic capital with a large family.

Rosita played around the Dragon Kingdom, and just came back in the past two days to pick them up for Mingmei.

"Bright!" Seeing Mingmei, Rosita's eyes lit up and directly knocked Mingmei into her arms, and her hairy blonde hair rubbed on Mingmei's neck: "Bright, bright, bright, I miss you so much, Mingmei, have you missed me?"

Ming Mei smiled and raised her hand to rub Rosita's head: "Of course I miss you."

Rosita raised her head, her eyes shining brightly: "You haven't kissed me for a long time!"

Ming Mei smiled helplessly and kissed Rosita's face.

Getting the bright kiss, Rosita smiled and glanced at Zhao Chen behind Mingmei, her eyes full of defiance.

Zhao Chen squinted slightly, Chi Rui snorted coldly, and the two turned their heads at the same time.

Ming Mei patted Rosita: "Okay, get up quickly, I'm going home." The

next day, the housekeeper made an appointment with someone from the Kuaiyin platform to sign the contract.

On the highway, the

person in charge of the contract in a van checks the information and contract in hand.

After a long time, the person in charge put down the contract: "There is no problem with this contract and materials, just sign the contract." Fortunately, the other party is easier to talk to.

A staff member on the side asked curiously: "Brother Wang, is that housekeeper really a rich man's housekeeper?" The

person in charge frowned: "You manage whether the person is a housekeeper or acting, people have a fan base, we just sign people, as long as people don't break the law, nothing belongs to us."

Another staff member pouted: "This kind of look is acted!" Think red and want to go crazy, give people as servants.

Another staff member snorted coldly: "Hwaseong Famous Residence Villa Area, I don't think it's acting."

The staff member said with a hard mouth: "Maybe it's a rented villa!" The

person in charge glanced at him: "The famous residence in Hwaseong is not rented out." "

The staff was a little embarrassed and stopped talking.

The person in charge frowned and said: "The first time you two participated in the signing matter, I will tell you one thing, no matter how people are, you are not qualified to evaluate people's shooting methods, understand?" As long as it doesn't break the law and doesn't violate our requirements, it's good. The

two looked at each other and said yes.

Their car was parked at the entrance of Hwaseong Residence.

A tall, muscular male security guard came over and tapped his finger on the window of their car, which the driver lowered.

"Hello, your car is not on the record, are you invited?"

The security guard asked with a smile.

The person in charge leaned forward and said, "Hello, we are invited by Villa C1 of Hwaseong Famous Residence.

The security guard bent down at them with a smile: "Please wait a little, I will check."

After that, the security guard took out his mobile phone, I don't know what to operate, and then raised his head and said to several people: "It's Mr. Wang XX, right?" The

person in charge nodded.

The security guard took two steps back and bowed to the car: "I'm sorry for the delay, a few can go in."

After that, the security guard made a gesture, the car stop bar outside the security booth was raised, and the van drove into the Hwaseong Residence.

A staff member sighed twice: "Good guy, our van is also seven or eight hundred thousand, right?" How do I see it's the lowest gear in these cars? "

The person in charge looked out with the words of the staff, and the cars parked outside were all shouting names, what Maserati Ferrari, Rolls-Royce Porsche, none of them were simple.

"Huh? So how do you have a bike? Do rich people also ride bicycles?

A staff member said novelly.

The person in charge glanced at the bike: "Lamborghini's bike." There are tens of thousands that can't be taken down. The

staff shut up in embarrassment.

"Friendly reminder, rich people also breathe shi." Another staff member said with a grin.

At this time, the driver suddenly spoke: "In other words, the security guard of this rich man's community is not as arrogant as he imagined?" I read that the security guard written in the novel looked down on the security guard, and I thought about what to do if we came in and were troubled.

The person in charge smiled: "How can fiction and reality be the same?" Even if there really is such a security guard, which owner does he dare to be proud of? No matter what they think in their hearts, these people still have to bow with a smile on their faces. The

driver thought too.

"That's it." The person in charge said.

The van stopped at the gate of Villa No. 41, and everyone got out of the car.

"I'm going, or the Garden Villa?" The staff looked left and right, then stepped forward and rang the doorbell.

After a while, a woman in a nanny's uniform came out and opened the door.

"How many of them are the staff members of Kuaiyin, right?" The nanny woman smiled at several people: "The housekeeper is already waiting for you, please follow me in." The

person in charge thought that he was really a housekeeper, so he gave a look to the few people behind him and walked in with everyone.

Entering the gate and passing through the entrance, everyone saw a man in a butler's uniform standing with a smile.

It's the one whose ID is a caring butler.

"Hello, hello," the person in charge quickly stretched out his hand: "You are the intimate big butler, right?" The

housekeeper smiled and also stretched out his hand: "Hello, it's me." Please sit. The

person in charge sat down, and the nanny brought tea.

The person in charge smiled and took out the contract: "This is our preliminary contract, take a look, is there anything that needs to be changed?" The

housekeeper took the contract, read it, and after confirming that there was no problem, he took out a pen: "There is no problem, I will sign it directly."

After signing, the housekeeper took out a device and glanced at it, then turned to the nanny standing on the side and said: "Miss wants to eat pineapple, you go and cut 300 grams and send it."

The nanny said yes, turned around and went to the kitchen.

After that, the housekeeper returned the contract to the person in charge: "It has been signed." Any more questions? The

person in charge shook his head: "There is no problem. So, are you really a butler? The

butler smiled and asked, "Isn't it like it?" The

person in charge quickly shook his head: "No like, that, I thought you were playing cosplay or something..."

The housekeeper saw the person in charge's thoughts, and said with a light smile: "Our young lady thought it was interesting, so I agreed to sign the contract."

The person in charge knew that he couldn't ask more about the following things, so he opened his mouth to leave: "The signing is completed, and then we will add a logo to you in the background, just remember to change the introduction."

After that, the person in charge stood up: "Then we will leave first." The

butler stretched out a hand as a gesture: "I'll send you." "

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